Ain leaned his pretty face tightly on Luo Lin's chest, listening to Luo Lin's heartbeat, Ain felt that his impetuous heart these days had calmed down.

Breathing in the unique smell of Luo Lin, Ain showed an expression of enjoyment.

Dragging Ain's small body, Luo Lin walked towards the living room.

The maids were also very happy to see Luo Lin come back, especially Astia, who looked at Luo Lin with piercing eyes, as if hiding a starry sky, very beautiful. ~

"Welcome Master home. Master is tired from the journey. Would you like to take a bath?"

Astia stood in front of Luo Lin and said prettyly.

"Okay, you can go to the water first, then help me rub my back, I'm really tired recently."

Fighting the golden lion exhausted Luo Lin's mental strength, which made Luo Lin feel quite tired. Now he just wants to have a good sleep, as if aware of Luo Lin's fatigue.

Ain didn't get tired of being in Luo Lin's arms anymore, he got down from Luo Lin's arms, pulled Luo Lin's sleeves, and followed Luo Lin's side.

The villa was cleaned very clean by the maids, and they didn't relax because of Luo Lin's absence. It looked comfortable.

After Astia wiped it carefully, Luo Lin quickly walked out of the bathroom and put on a bathrobe casually.

"Ain, let's go out tomorrow, to the world."

"Sihai? Master, what are we going to do in Sihai?"

Luo Lin looked at Ain, showed a smirk, put his finger in front of his lips and said, "Let's keep it secret for now."

"Woo~" Ain was very curious about Luo Lin's words, but she couldn't break the casserole and ask the end. She didn't want her image to deteriorate in Luo Lin's heart.

For this trip, Luo Lin didn't bring the maids with him. The main reason was that it was inconvenient. Going out with Garp, but he brought the maids with him. It didn't look right.

As their master, Luo Lin's possessiveness is very strong, and it is absolutely impossible for them to cook for Karp.

After speaking these thoughts to the maids, all the maids expressed their understanding, and at the same time, they were very happy that their status was actually higher than they imagined.

"Master, you're going to sea tomorrow. We took advantage of the time you were taking a bath to tidy up all the clothes you might need, and bumped them into the box."

Astil's small body, carrying a box taller than her, seemed rather out of place.

However, this can also prove that Astil's strength has made great progress.

17 Chapter [-] pack up

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With Astil's packed luggage, Rollin brought Ain to the port of Marin Fando the next day.

As soon as he arrived at the port, Luo Lin saw Garp walking slowly from a distance with his dog's head hat on. He looked like a hulking back, and one could imagine how powerful this body was. .

"Master Garp, good morning!"

Luo Lin greeted Karp with a smile, while Ain stood aside and made a standard military salute.

Unlike other people, Garp never cared about etiquette, so under Luo Lin's signal, Ain also withdrew his curious gaze.

Rollin and Ain boarded the Black Raven that belonged to them, and Garp and his deputy boarded a dog-headed warship. Rollin didn't know why Garp liked the dog-head so much.

After thinking about it, Luo Lin didn't think about it if he couldn't get a result.

Two warships set off from the port of Marin Fando.

"The Black Crow, just follow the ship in front of you."

Rollin gave the order, and the voice of the Black Raven recalled in Rollin's mind.

Garp's dog-headed warship looks very funny, but its speed is not slow at all. The technological content on the warship is definitely the most advanced technology of the navy at present, and its speed is about the same as that of the Black Raven.

Soon, under the full voyage of the two warships, in about half a month, Rollin and Garp finally arrived in the four seas.

The goal of the two is very simple, that is to go straight to the Windmill Village.

"It's been so long since I've been in this world, and I'm finally going to see the protagonist. I don't know if the current protagonist has eaten the rubber fruit?"

It is definitely very rare to know that this fruit can appear on the red-haired pirates without a single capable person.

And according to Luo Lin's own understanding, the value of the rubber fruit and the value of the operation fruit were almost the same on the black market twelve years ago, both of which were five billion Baileys!

The fruit of the surgery has the powerful ability of ageless surgery at the end of its development, but there are not many records of the fruit of the rubber, but it can reach the terrifying five billion Baileys, and I think it has its own reasons.

From a certain point of view, Luffy can achieve very high achievements in the days to come, in addition to the almost instinctive fighting talent, it is probably because of the high development potential of the rubber fruit.

If it wasn't like this, Luo Lin couldn't figure it out, how did such a silly boy become the future Five Emperors?

Although the five emperors have a lot of moisture, it also shows that Luffy has this ability.

"Ain, we are almost at our destination, let's go~"

Rowling and Ain directly used the moon steps on the Black Raven to arrive at Garp's ship, and both of them ate at Garp's place for meals in the past few days.

Although the chefs here at Karp are not as good as Luo Lin's own maid team, but the craftsmanship is also very good, barely able to satisfy Luo Lin's tricky taste buds, so that Luo Lin will not even be able to swallow.

"Lieutenant General Garp, your hometown, Fengche Village, is right in front of you. It really is a peaceful and peaceful town. If the world is peaceful in the future, I really want to live in this environment."

Rowling said seriously to Garp.

Garp looked at the small island not far away, and said with a smile: "Yes, this island is indeed very peaceful, and there is absolutely no lawless person who dares to come to this island to do evil."

Cap proudly puffed out his chest, looking very proud.

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