Luo Lin couldn't help rolling his eyes for a moment, this sentence can only bully Xiaobai who doesn't understand anything.

To know……

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You know, the East China Sea is known as the weakest sea, but why is it weak? It's not because Garp always comes to this sea area when he has nothing to do. When he is bored, he catches pirates, which is very comfortable.

In addition, Hongfa often wandered around here during this time, and any pirates who really bullied them were killed by Hongfa.

But the redheads are pretty good, they left a whole body, and didn't rub them into powder.

The two warships slowly docked near the small island. Since there was no port, they could only drop the anchor and sail towards the small island in a small boat.

Luo Lin held Ain in his arms, jumped lightly from the boat, and jumped onto the island.

Cap followed closely behind.

The three of them walked towards the center of the island, where the Windmill Village was located.

Not long after he left, Luo Lin saw a lot of fishermen. They seemed to be very familiar with Karp, and they all said hello to Karp.

For these friendly villagers, Garp's eyes narrowed into a line, and he was very happy.

It can be seen that he enjoys the enthusiasm of the people on the island very much.

Garp took Luo Lin to a banquet bar. The owner of the banquet bar was a girl with green hair. The girl looked very tall and slim, which caught Luo Lin's eyes.

"Luo Lin, sit here for a while, I'll go and see my grandson, I'll be back soon."

Without giving Luo Lin a chance to speak, Garp took two steps in three steps, and hurriedly left from the banquet bar.

Luo Lin naturally knew why Garp was in such a hurry, and it wasn't because there was a bandit king Kali Dadan in the mountains!

That's a person who even Karp dares to teach, but he looks big and thick, Luo Lin really has no interest in meeting him, and when the time comes, his identity and personality in front of others, there is no way to let Luo Lin Lin sat idly by, instead of causing such trouble, he might as well drink some wine here.

"Makino, a glass of sake, and a glass of milk."

"Master, I want to drink the same as you."

Ain tugged on Luo Lin's sleeve, his tone full of pleading.

But Rowling disagreed, "You are not yet of age, you cannot drink alcohol."

"Okay~" Ain had no choice but to take the milk from Makino's hand and drink it in small sips.

On the contrary, Makino kept looking at Rowling.

"Being able to come here with Lieutenant General Garp, you should also be a navy. This is the first time I have seen such a young navy."

"Yeah, I'm the navy, you can call me Luo Lin." Luo Lin said, and drank the sake in one gulp. It doesn't taste as pure as spirits, it's a little light, but it's good in the world of pirates up.

Luo Lin asked Makino to add another glass of wine, and said: "On the way here, Karp kept telling me about you, saying that there is a very beautiful girl in the village, who is the village flower of Windmill Village. , I didn’t believe it at first, but now it seems that what Karp said is indeed true.”

With a smile on his face, Luo Lin said in a glib manner.

Girls love to hear compliments from others, not to mention a handsome guy like Luo Lin, with a slashed face, ink-like long hair, and an extremely mysterious aura. that kind of person.

I saw that Makino's face was rosy, and his head was slightly lowered, not daring to look into Luo Lin's eyes.

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You must know that Makino, as the owner of the banquet bar, has his own experience in communicating with people, but now, Makino has accidentally fallen into the sweet trap formed by Rollin.

Ain puffed her cheeks, looked at Makino with resentment, and wanted to pull Makino away from Luo Lin, but she was afraid that she would leave a bad impression on Master, so she could only keep Sulking here is like being jealous.

Makino didn't notice that Ain was sulking at the side, instead, he found a topic and said, "Rolin, I think you are so young, you must have just joined the navy not long ago."

Luo Lin nodded and said, "Yeah, it hasn't been long, not even a year."

"That requires hard work. Being with Lieutenant General Karp is very promising. Lieutenant General Karp treats people very well. As long as he works hard, he will definitely be promoted to major general within ten years."

Makino and Garp are acquaintances. After all, everyone in Windmill Village is very familiar with each other, so they often hear about the navy from Garp, and they also know some things about the navy very well, unlike other Most of the villagers live on islands with no news, and they don't even recognize the ranks of the navy.

At this time, Ain swallowed the milk in his mouth, and proudly said to Makino: "Master, he is now a general, and his rank is even higher than Lieutenant General Garp."

When he said these words, Ain was very proud, showing off in front of Makino like a proud peacock.

After hearing Ain's words, Makino's eyes were slightly startled, and he covered his mouth with his hands, looking at Luo Lin in disbelief.

"General, general! You are now a general."

Luo Lin didn't intend to pretend, but Ain couldn't hold his breath. Luo Lin secretly gave Ain a thumbs up, and said in a deep voice, "It just happened to happen."

At this time, a systematic electronic voice also appeared in Luo Lin's mind: "Intangible pretense is the most deadly, evaluation: S, reward: ancient brewing recipe*1. The wine brewed with the ancient recipe is of extremely high quality, far surpassing sake. For ordinary people, one cup is poured."

Makino didn't believe Luo Lin's words at all. She never thought that this beautiful man drinking in front of her would be a general in the navy!

This level is indeed higher than Karp.

She once heard Karp say that to become a general, one must have enough influence and strength, and such a person appeared in front of her.

Suddenly, Makino felt his heart tremble!Pink appeared on the face!

Makino, who obviously hadn't been drinking, had rosier cheeks than when she was drinking.

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