"Then, that, Luo Lin, do you have someone you like now?"

Luo Lin didn't expect Makino to be so bold, but he still sought truth from facts, and said to Makino: "I have someone I like, and I like a lot of people."

Upon hearing these words, both Ain's and Makino's eyes dimmed.

But then Luo Lin changed the subject, and said again: "For example, I like my apprentice Ain very much. He is smart, cute, and cute. I also like the maids in my house, even if I am away from home and perform tasks. When the time comes, I can safely hand over the residence to them, because I believe they will be able to take care of it..."

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Meets the Criteria for Choosing a Spouse

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As Luo Lin kept talking about the person he liked, the frost on the faces of Ain and Makino disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It turned out that they misunderstood Luo Lin's meaning, and Makino noticed Luo Lin's keen observation ability through Luo Lin's words, and thought in his heart: How can such a careful man get him!

Yes, Makino is very bold about love, because if she is not bold, Makino will really doubt whether she can get married. You must know that in the windmill village, girls who are as old as herself, even They are all married, and no one is still single like her.

Just when Makino was about to launch his own fierce offensive, Rowling used the skill of changing the subject, "Makino, I have a recipe here, which was passed down from my family a long time ago. It is a wine-making recipe, and it is the first time I'll give you a gift from the meeting."

As he spoke, Luo Lin stretched his hand forward, and under Makino's gaze, a simple yellow parchment scroll appeared in front of her eyes.

Like a magic trick, Makino felt incredible.

After receiving the formula from Luo Lin, Makino slowly unfolded the formula, which indicated each step in the local language of Pirate World.

Makino's eyes lit up immediately after reading it. She had never seen this method before, and she was very curious about what kind of wine could be brewed.

But now, it's not suitable to consider this matter, and his life's event is more important.

One must know that Luo Lin in front of him is handsome, powerful, and also a general in the navy, this is definitely a golden turtle son-in-law!

Makino, who was single in Windmill Village, felt that she could no longer control her prehistoric power.

Immediately, Makino poured himself a glass of blood-red wine. This glass of wine had a high alcohol content. When he sipped it into his throat, Makino felt a burning pain. Taking advantage of the strength of the wine, Makino came out from behind the bar. Sitting next to Rollin.

He took off his white turban, and his green hair spread out like a waterfall, looking very silky and smooth.

Makino's move immediately made Ain so jealous that she couldn't find Bei. She wanted to stop it, but she didn't know what capacity to stop it. For a while, she fell into a dilemma.

"Rowling, do you think I..."

Just when Makino wanted to get closer to Luo Lin, the wooden door of the banquet bar was pushed open, and a black shadow rushed over from outside.

"Makino! I want meat! Meat! Meat!"

The blush on Makino's face was gone, her hands were tightly clenched, her body was trembling, her eyes were filled with anger, she slowly turned her head to look at the person who spoke, and said, "Lu! ! You are not at Aunt Kali Dadan's house, what are you doing here! And the most important thing is that Lieutenant General Garp has come over, don't you miss him?"

Luffy looked at Makino who was very close to Luo Lin with his innocent eyes. Even the corners of Luo Lin's eyes twitched slightly. He didn't expect that he and Lu Fei met for the first time. , would actually happen in this situation!

"Grandpa is back, I didn't see it, I went out to play just now, and I was hungry, so I came over to eat." Luffy tilted his head, as if thinking of something, he suddenly stretched out his hands, facing Makino Said: "Makino, don't worry, when I find ONEPIECE, I will give you the money."

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Makino, who is almost never angry, is rarely angry!

This little devil actually dared to interrupt his chat with Luo Lin and interfere with his life-long affairs. He was about to become an old leftover woman, and instead of assisting, this little devil was doing him a disservice.

No, I must not be angry in front of Luo Lin, otherwise, giving Luo Lin a bad impression is not what Makino wants.

On the contrary, Ain felt very happy when he saw Luffy's appearance, and the reason for his happiness can be imagined.

"Where is Ace, are you the only one coming this time?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Luffy didn't notice Makino's anger at all, he came to the seat at the counter, sat down, kept patting the table, and said to Makino : "Makino! Makino! Meat! Meat! I want meat!"

Seeing Makino's expression about to go berserk, Luo Lin stretched out his hand and lightly pressed on Makino's head, giving him a pat to kill.

Makino was like a cat, the moment Luo Lin's hand fell, Makino's mood became better.

"Luffy, your name is Luffy, right? I heard Garp mention you, but you are his most beloved grandson."

When Luo Lin was talking, Lu Fei looked at Luo Lin, as if he had just seen Luo Lin.

Luffy looked at Luo Lin's cheek and said, "Who are you?"

"I'm Luo Lin, codenamed Black Crow, and I'm serving as an admiral in the navy. You must remember it well, Luffy."

A characteristic smile appeared on Luo Lin's face, and Makino and Ain felt their hearts beating fast, which was a feeling called heartbeat.

On the other hand, Lu Fei looked at Luo Lin and frowned slightly, "I don't like you, I think you are too hypocritical."

"Luffy, you can't talk like that, it's very rude, you know?"

Saying that, Makino shuddered on Luffy's head, making Luffy clutch his head in pain.

Seeing Luffy's pain, Luo Lin knew that Luffy didn't eat the rubber fruit at all.

In this case, there is nothing left to study.

The interest in Luo Lin's heart seemed to be poured with cold water, and the enthusiasm was gone.

But he was still quite shocked by Luffy's intuition. Could it be that the more innocent he is, the stronger his intuition is?

Rollin waved his hand at Makino, and said, "It's okay, Luffy is just a kid who doesn't understand anything."

"Magino, who said I don't understand anything, I'm very good at fighting!"

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