Saying that, Luffy stretched out his fist and showed off in front of Makino and Luo Lin.

Like a child attracting the attention of an adult, he punched the air a few times in a decent manner.

"Cut~" A cold snort came from the corner, and it was from Ain.

Ain looked at this little brat and felt that he deserved a beating, especially when he spoke ill of Luo Lin, which made Ain wish he could use the fruit ability directly to make Luffy disappear from this world.

"Oh~ Luffy, you mean you are good at fighting~"

"Yes, I fight very hard, because I am the man who is going to be the One Piece!"

Hearing Luffy's words, Makino's expression suddenly became serious, "Luffy, stop making such jokes, this kind of joke is not funny, do you know who is sitting in front of you? He is from the navy." General, if you become a pirate, you will be captured directly."

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"Makino, it's okay, I believe Luffy is just talking for fun, he doesn't really want to be a pirate."

When Makino heard Luo Lin's words, she felt that Luo Lin was too gentle. If she could marry such a gentle person, she would be happy for a lifetime.

Luo Lin didn't wait for Luffy to reply, but said to Luffy: "Luffy, I know you are good at fighting, so do you have some moves that you think are better?"

"Of course I have. My strongest move is the continuous machine gun!" As he spoke, Luffy swung his arms and hit the air.

Seeing Luffy like this, Luo Lin's eyes lit up, and he smirked at Lufei: "Yes, that's right, it's this kind of momentum. Only the strength of your body can be maximized, understand!"

Lu Fei's eyes lit up when he heard Luo Lin's words, and he raised his head and shouted loudly: "Lian! Continue! Machine! Shut down! Gun!"

"Pfft~" Ain looked at Lu Fei's naive look in the corner, couldn't help sniggering, and said in his heart: Master is really too bad.

On the other side, the location returned to Marin Fando, a lieutenant-level warship slowly docked at the port of Marin Fando, and Momotu got off the warship.

The moment he stepped out of the warship, Momotu saw Lieutenant General He standing there alone.

Without thinking too much, Taotu walked towards Lieutenant General He.

"Long time no see, Peach Rabbit."

He came here to take care of Taotu. She has always regarded Taotu as her younger sister. He missed her sister who hadn't seen her for a long time.

But Tao Tutu is purely the kind with her elbows turned outward. After saying "Long time no see" to He, she immediately looked around, but she didn't find Luo Lin's figure.

Of course, Crane knew who Taotu was looking for, and immediately said: "Taotu, there is no need to look for it, Luo Lin is not in Marin Fando now."

"Not here? Is it because after beheading the golden lion, he became famous and hid?"

Even when Taotu was performing tasks, she was very concerned about Luo Lin's movements. Apart from chatting with Luo Lin on the phone from time to time, she learned about what Luo Lin was doing recently through the contents of the newspaper.

Just when Momotu finished her mission and headed back to Marlin Fandor, she saw the information about Luo Lin in the newspaper.

Especially when she saw from the newspaper that Luo Lin actually beheaded the Golden Lion Shiji, she was so shocked, she could already predict what a big wave Luo Lin's move would cause in the sea!

Momotu and Crane walked towards the restaurant.

On the way, Crane also learned about the troublesomeness of this mission from Taotu.

Momotu’s mission this time is to destroy the pirate alliances in the first half of the five great waterways. These pirate alliances have not yet formed a climate, but they have already had a considerable impact on the surrounding countries and residents. After the feedback from the country, the Warring States Period Send peach rabbit to suppress.

This kind of suppression is very troublesome. These pirates are hiding in Tibet. It took Momotu a lot of time just to find their traces. But fortunately, there are some relatively powerful pirates in this alliance. Rabbit has gained a wave of experience, from just stepping into the Supreme Swordsman, advanced to the first-level Supreme Swordsman, and has a deeper understanding of the way of swordsmanship.

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"Momotu, you don't know that Luo Lin did a lot of things behind your back during your absence."

He planned to speak ill of Luo Lin while Luo Lin was away, but what she didn't expect was that Luo Lin had already told Taotu, and instead emphasized repeatedly that if anyone wanted to speak ill of him behind his back If so, there must be some ulterior purpose.

Taotu's eyes were dark, and she looked at He very secretly. Although she knew that Luo Lin would mean something, what she didn't expect was that He would actually do that.

At that moment, Taotu said: "I know, didn't I just buy a few maids and take in an apprentice? It's not that I found a girlfriend, so why make such a fuss."

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but she found that Taotu's words completely blocked her words!

If these words are forced to be spoken out, it is estimated that the friendship between her and Tao Tu will never return to the past.

"Oh." He sighed, and said again: "Since you know everything, then I won't say anything, but Taotu, you have to know that even if Luo Lin is not interested in them, Baotu Don't let them not be interested in Luo Lin, it's hard to guard against a house thief!"

Taotu didn't care much when he heard He's words, and said, "If there is no woman chasing the man I like, I will doubt my own vision."

"By the way, do you know where Rollin went?"

"Why are you going to find him?" He looked at Taotu's eager cheeks, without her needing to say more, He also knew what she was thinking.

Crane shook his head, "Taotu, don't even think about looking for him, now he and Garp are going to Donghai together."

Taotu, who was still a little eager to try, trembled when he heard the word Donghai, and was very nervous.

"What's wrong? Peach Rabbit? The East China Sea is just the weakest sea, so there is nothing to worry about. Luo Lin killed Shiji, the golden lion!"

Crane was a little puzzled why Taotu had such an expression, but He, who was quite familiar with Taotu, knew that once Taotu showed this expression, it meant that something big was about to happen.

Tao Tutu didn't chat with He Duo, and directly used the moon step to fly towards the Marin Vanduo Center, the office of the Warring States Period.

Taotu's move immediately attracted the attention of many people.

"Has Master Peach Rabbit come back?"

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