But he also yearns for the sea even more.

At this time, Luffy was devouring the large stick of meat made by Makino. His mouth was full of gravy and oily water, and he was devouring it. It didn't look "clean" at all.

Luo Lin and Ain tasted a few sips, and handed it over to Luffy.

"What's the matter, is it not to your appetite?"

Makino was very concerned about Luo Lin's thoughts. Seeing that Luo Lin had only eaten such a small amount, he hurriedly stepped forward to ask, but the distance was a little closer, and the breath he exhaled could directly slap on Luo Lin's body. up.

Luo Lin and Ain looked at each other, and then said to Makino, "No, it's just that I'm not used to it."

Makino's cooking skills are nothing to say, but this meat is not suitable. In order to absorb more energy, Luo Lin and the girls eat high-quality meat every day.

Only high-quality meat is the first choice of Luo Lin and Ain. If not, then the two of them would rather eat less. It can be said that their taste buds have been raised.

Just when Makino wanted to ask further, and was not used to it, the door of the banquet tavern was pushed open again.

Few people came to the Banquet Tavern during the day, and the only one who could come here at this time was Karp.

As soon as Garp came in, he saw his grandson, his mouth was full of oil, so happy!

"Luffy! If you don't do physical training, what are you doing here!"

Garp's voice sounded behind Luffy. Luffy, who was feasting, stopped subconsciously. His whole body was not well, like a rusty machine, and slowly turned back. past.

"Grandpa, why are you here?"

Luffy smiled foolishly at Garp, and when he finished saying this, under the gaze of everyone, Luffy ran away!

It's just that with Luffy's current ability, how could he escape Garp's palm, and Garp grabbed him by the collar and slipped up directly.

"Luffy, is the meat delicious?"

"It's delicious, big stick meat is the best." Luffy, a tough guy, even at this time, did not hesitate to show his white teeth, but he saw Garp's kind smile When it was over, he immediately changed his mouth and said: "It's not delicious, it's not delicious at all!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Rollin didn't continue to pay attention to the farce that happened behind him. This is Garp's tutoring time, and it's not good to intervene by himself. Besides, listening to Luffy's painful cries, Rollin also found it quite interesting.

This has to be said to be a bad taste of Rollins.

Makino was quite familiar with this kind of scene, as if it was air, he didn't even look at them, with a pair of water-cut eyes, waiting for Luo Lin without moving.

Love comes too fast, just like the tide is surging.

Makino blushed and seemed a bit embarrassed.

At this moment, Ain didn't pay attention to Makino's small movements. He watched Luffy secretly gesture to Luffy: Do you still remember the way Master taught you to enhance your skills?Do you want to try it.

Luffy's eyes lit up when he saw the strokes that Ain had made for him. He nodded abruptly, and said to Garp, "Grandpa, do you dare to let me down? I want to formally challenge you!"

Hearing Luffy's words, Garp found it very interesting, and said with relief: "Finally don't want to be passively beaten, okay, I'll give you a chance!"

Garp put Luffy on the ground, and touched Luffy up and down with great interest. He was very curious about this change in Luffy.

Seeing Garp put himself down, Luffy thought to himself: This girl's method really works, and the next step is.

run away!

That's right, to escape!

Luffy completely misunderstood what Ain meant, he thought Ain was asking her to use this method.

This move by Lu Fei made Ain feel that her three views had been refreshed. It was the first time she had seen such a superb person. She helplessly covered her white forehead, and looked at her master Luo Lin in a speechless manner. Even Luo Lin didn't expect that Luffy would do such a thing.

"Ding, the protagonist always has a way of thinking that is different from ordinary people. Luffy's actions shocked the host a little. Evaluation: A, Reward: A random task card. Open the random task card, you can randomly get any quality task card, SSS 0.07% for SS, 1% for S, 5% for S, 15% for A..."

After Luo Lin heard the electronic sound of the system, he was taken aback for a moment. It has been a long time since mission cards have been released. I still remember that when they were released for the first time, they happened to be used on Ain, and the effect was good. Yes, this made Rollin more curious about the content of the task card this time.

"System, open the random task card."

"Ding, it's opening, congratulations to the host for obtaining: SS mission card, mission content: take down Makino within one day, reward: Jiuxian sword intent."

"Ding, lucky crit, reward upgrade, congratulations to the host for obtaining: SSS mission card, mission content: compete with the red hair, let the red hair recognize your strength, reward: LV.4 armed color domineering!"

Listening to the electronic sound of the system, Luo Lin felt that the whole person was not good, "System, I don't want this lucky crit, okay, I just want the SS mission, and compete with the red hair, who knows When will the red hair come!"

"Ding, it cannot be changed."

Just as Luo Lin was thinking about where to find the red hair, he suddenly noticed a breath coming from a distance.

At the same time, Luo Lin's portable golden phone rang.

"Blu, blu, blu" Rollin answered the phone bug, and at the same time walked towards the outside of the bar.

"Luo Lin, I'm Taotu. According to the latest news, the red hair may also have gone to the East China Sea. Be careful."

"Well, I'll pay attention!"

While talking, Luo Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the pirate ship approaching on the distant sea!

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Luffy ran on the street with his own calf, and Garp chased after him.

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