Garp is deliberately exercising Luffy's physical strength, so like a cat, he occasionally touches Luffy for a while, which frightens Luffy and makes him run faster.

After a while, the two came to the coast on the other side of the island.

Garp stopped his steps slowly, looked at the pirate ship that had reached the offshore area, and frowned slightly.

Luffy noticed that Garp had stopped, so he stopped running and followed Garp's eyes to look at the pirate ship not far away, his eyes lit up immediately, and he waved to the pirate ship and shouted: "Shanks! Hey, Shanks!"

Luffy's voice reached the ears of the crew, and Beckman even teased: "Captain, it seems that little guy Luffy welcomes you very much."

"Hahahahaha, that is, after all, my charm is invincible."

The redhead laughed out loud, making the crew dare not praise themselves as the captain.

My own captain is good, but sometimes he is a bit thick-skinned.

But this should be regarded as an advantage, otherwise, how could it be said that the red hair is a person with the fruit of face in the future?

"But there seems to be a person on the shore who has a headache."

Among the people present, only Jesus Bu saw Garp's figure. Hearing what Jesus said, everyone looked at the shore, and saw Garp come to Luffy's side with a big stride, and lifted Luffy up at once. Get up, the iron fist of love greeted directly.

"I didn't expect Garp, the hero of the navy, to be here, let's go, let's go and say hello."


The crew agreed, and at the same time docked the ship in the shallow sea, and all the crew members came to the island from the ship, which shows that every crew member is not an idler.

"Yo, long time no see, Garp~"

At this time, the red-haired hands were still healthy, one hand was attached to the hilt of the sword, and the other greeted Karp.

"If possible, I don't want to see you." Garp snorted coldly, walked towards the bar with Luffy in his hand, and when he turned around, he said specifically: "Leave quickly, this island Not only do I not welcome you, there are other people who hate pirates, if you are not afraid of fighting."

Luffy was held in Kaputi's hands. He wanted to ask the red-haired sea about interesting things, but he couldn't. He could only wave his arms and watch the distance between the two people gradually drift away.

Standing on a high place, Luo Lin naturally saw the scene in front of him, with a trace of coldness on the corner of his mouth, he returned to the banquet bar and said to Makino, "Makino, have two glasses of the strongest wine!"

"Two glasses?" Makino looked at Luo Lin and Ain. At this time, there were only Ain and Luo Lin in the tavern, so Makino thought that Luo Lin was going to drink with Ain.

Seeing Makino's gaze, Rowling knew what she was thinking, and said, "Don't think too much, this glass of spirits is for another person."

"Oh~" Makino nodded, and went to the back with two glasses, where her strongest wine was stored.

On the coast, the red hair watched Karp's figure drift away, and Beckman on the side said to the red hair: "Captain, do we still need to replenish here?"

"Of course, since you're here, you can't come here for nothing. What's more, there is no wine on board. Without wine, the banquet cannot be held. Isn't this a great joy in life lost?"

For Red Hair and his crew, there may be no other things, but there must be wine. Wine is in their hearts, but it is greater than most things!

Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Eight

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Garp took Luffy back to the banquet bar, directly took the position that Luffy had done before, unceremoniously picked up the big stick of meat that Luffy had eaten before, and bit it down, the delicious and juicy meat burst out in his mouth , making Garp feel better.

"Master Garp, it seems that they still don't listen to persuasion."

"Yeah, but compared to other pirates, their behavior is much better."

"Who knows??"

Luo Lin shrugged, drank all the spirits in the glass in one go, picked up another glass of spirits on the table, and pushed it towards the door of the bar.

The door opened, and the red hair took Luo Lin's glass of spirits steadily. The wine was not spilled at all, and the red hair directly poured it with his head up. In just a few seconds, the spirits in the glass were empty.

"Ha~ Good wine! Makino, your wine making skills are better."

Makino didn't pay attention to the red hair, after all, her heart is now on Luo Lin, and it would be bad if Luo Lin thinks that she has something to do with the red hair.

"Rowling, let me add some more for you."

Luo Lin nodded, and looked at the red hair at the same time, "It's our first meeting, the four emperors red hair!"

"Ah~ Black Crow, this is indeed our first meeting." The red-haired man looked at Luo Lin with a smile, his face full of kindness.

It's just that the muscles of the red hair have been slightly tensed, and they are always in a fighting state, because the red hair is not sure whether Luo Lin will suddenly violently attack!

The surrounding crew members even lost all smiles on their faces, and looked at Luo Lin with guarded eyes.

Beckman even said, "Karp, that's what you meant just now."

The atmosphere in the tavern was a bit tense. As the proprietress of the bar, Makino encountered this situation for the first time. She didn't know how to deal with it for a while. In the final analysis, Makino was too weak and had no right to speak.

Ain leaned on the Holy Heaven Sword, and came behind Luo Lin, looking at the red hair and the others vigilantly. Only Luffy looked at everything in front of him with his blank eyes.

"Right now, it's the beginning of the Four Emperors, Kaido is frantically expanding his territory, Big Mom is constantly consolidating her strength, and White Beard is collecting sons everywhere on the great channel, only you, but you have chosen to return to the world , can you tell me the reason?"

Hearing Luo Lin's words, the redhead scratched his hair and thought for a long time before saying, "Maybe it's because I don't want to fight with others."

"Hehe, red hair, has anyone told you that you are very good at lying."

Luo Lin knew very well about Red Hair. As a traveler, he knew better than anyone else how ambitious Red Hair was, even far surpassing the other three Four Emperors.

"And as the price for deceiving me, that is..." As he spoke, Luo Lin slowly pulled out Gan Wuzhuo from behind him, pointing his sword at the red hair!

With a cigarette in his mouth, Beckman pulled out a huge pistol from his waist and pointed it at Rollin, while the rest of the crew also took out their weapons or assumed fighting postures.

And Luo Lin's side is not inferior, Garp stood up expressionlessly, threw Luffy aside, eating meat in his mouth, but his eyes fell on the red-haired body, and the smell of gunpowder completely permeated the tavern. It seems that it may be detonated at any time.

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