"Awakening from death, you are a blessing in disguise. You have understood the meaning of death, use it well, and now try to tame Qiushui with the meaning of death!"

As Kuina is his second apprentice, Rowling will naturally teach Kuina how to tame this famous sword.

Hearing Luo Lin's words, Kuina closed her eyes and began to try to control the death sword.

I have to say that Kuina's talent is really too strong. Her body restricted her growth before. Now, she has the blood of Luo Lin, although it is not the real blood of the sword god, but compared to other His bloodline is indeed stronger.

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So the talent that had been suppressed a long time ago was revealed at this time. Kuina actually comprehended the death sword intent in just a short moment, and was able to use it freely.

Feeling the dissatisfaction of Heidao Qiushui, Kuina directly oppressed with the sword intent of death, forcing Qiushui to be tamed.

Since then, the underworld Qiushui is like a sheep in Kuina's hands, very docile.

Ain's eyes sank slightly, and he thought to himself: Sure enough, it's just like what Master said, the talent is simply a monster!But just based on her now, even if she comprehends her own sword intent, so what, she will definitely not be my opponent.

Luo Lin looked at Ain, who was full of fighting spirit, and wanted to laugh. Sure enough, only comparison can make people improve quickly. Before Ain was alone, so there was no pressure. After practicing the goal all day, he Worrying about herself, now that she thinks about it, she should be much more serious.

"Guina, congratulations on taming Qiushui. Let me introduce myself. I am the chief disciple of Master, and I am your senior sister Ain."

"Hello, Ain."

"Call Senior Sister."


When the two girls in similar grades saw each other for the first time, they felt very at odds. Their eyes seemed to rub against flames.

"Just so, Kuina, you haven't fought for a long time, how about fighting with Ain, how about getting familiar with your current body?"

Kuina, who seemed a bit domineering at first, became a lot more obedient after hearing Luo Lin's words, and her eyes were full of fighting intent when she looked at Ain.

Ain originally thought that Kuina would know how to call him a senior sister, but he didn't expect that Kuina would be so impolite and call him by his name directly, which made Ain feel his mentality exploded.

"Since that's the case, let's fight over there, everything speaks with strength!"

Ain made up his mind to teach Kuina a lesson, and let Luo Lin know who is his best disciple.

With this in mind, the battle between Ain and Kuina is imminent!

Kuina held the sword in both hands, her center of gravity was slightly lowered, the swordsmanship she used was trained since she was a child, and it was called Yixin Swordsmanship.

And Ain was taught by Luo Lin himself, and he has stepped into the peak of the great swordsman in a short period of time!

It is definitely not what Kuina can catch up with now.

You must know that Ain's talent in the way of swordsmanship is not weak at all!

Ain stood upright, with his hands on the Holy Heaven Sword, and in an instant, the sound of the sword's chirping rose into the sky, like a kingfisher singing softly.

Ku Yina's face, which was originally very arrogant, suddenly froze, "The peak of the great swordsman! The peak of the great swordsman who is not much older than me!"

This was something that Kuina couldn't imagine before. Girls like to fantasize, but she never imagined that a little girl would be the pinnacle of a great swordsman!

"Everything is bestowed by the master, Kuina accepts it!"

"Be careful." Just as Ain made an attack, Luo Lin's words echoed lightly in Ain's ears.

Ain, who originally planned to use his power, immediately withdrew half of his power.

As soon as the sword was cut out, the pure sword energy flew towards Kuina.

Gu Yina, who has just comprehended the sword intent of death, even if she has comprehended it just now, she is just a newcomer to the great swordsman.

"On the way of the sword, you can only move forward, not backward!"

Faced with such a harsh blow, Kuina had no fear at all, and the black knife Qiushui drew a circle in Kuina's hand, and then stabbed out violently.

Two hundred and sixty nine chapters two women's competition

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The sword intent of death is wrapped in the black knife Qiushui and stabs out fiercely. The power of Ain's sword is equivalent to the power of an ordinary great swordsman. Even an ordinary great swordsman is a level higher than Kuina. class.

But even so, this blow was still resisted by Kuina.

Seeing this, Luo Lin said to Ain: "Little Ain, recently, your understanding of the way of swords can be short-lived, even if you work hard now, there is no way to advance to the realm of the supreme swordsman , your body is not yet fully developed, and a forced breakthrough will only cause the foundation to become unstable. Now you can hone your skills and physical fitness, and by the way, practice more fruit abilities, especially fruit abilities. You must be able to do whatever you want Manipulating the backward age, can it be done?"

"Of course it can be done. As long as it is what the master says, I will definitely be able to do it."

Ain agreed to Luo Lin's words, but at the same time, his eyes were still fixed on Kuina, not giving Kuina even a chance.

"Guina, your single-minded swordsmanship, in the final analysis, is a bit inferior. It's just a fixed move without too many changes. It's relatively rigid in fighting. For Ain's blow just now, you can completely stab it out with a single sword. Don't use this extra time to draw circles or something, all you need to do is to completely forget this sword technique, and I will give you better sword skills."

"Yes, Master."

I don't know why whenever Luo Lin talks to her, her body always feels strange. Could it be because of the close relationship between the two of them?

After receiving Luo Lin's comment, Ain and Kuina fought a few tricks, and finally Ain won the final victory.

But Kuina was not discouraged, because the existence of Ain told Kuina that even a girl could reach the peak of a great swordsman, and according to Luo Lin's words, Ain's potential was far more than that.

And now that he has inherited Luo Lin's blood, he should be able to achieve Ain's achievement.

Kuina just felt that today was too dreamy. To be resurrected by Rowling using her own blood to cast her own body, this was simply too absurd in Kuina's view.

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