But to be able to live in this world again and reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship, Kuina felt that it was totally worth it.

Kuina took the cloak from Luo Lin and completely covered her face, because Luo Lin's next destination was to challenge Yixin Gymnasium!

Let Ain challenge Koshiro to indirectly break Kuina's demons. The purpose of doing this is to make Kuina progress faster.

When Kuina heard Koshiro's name from Luo Lin's mouth, there was no throbbing in her heart, only infinite coldness.

Only when Kuina thought of Luo Lin, her heart, which was already used to being cold, would become even hotter.

Because the current Kuina and Luo Lin are related by blood, oh, no, to be precise, they should be related by blood.

Ain retracted the Holy Heaven Sword into his scabbard, and then hugged Luo Lin, hanging on Luo Lin's body like a koala.

It's really hard for Kuina to imagine that Ain, who was very quick to attack just now, would have such a side, could it be possible!Gu Yina is a big kid, and she knows a lot, so she naturally thought of some things that she should not think about at her age.

Chapter two hundred and seventy thinking too much

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The Yixin Dojo opened by Koshiro is located in the center of Shiki Village in Seymour. Before he gets close to the Yixin Dojo, the sound of training reverberates in the air.

It was the sound of children practicing kendo. Most of the children in Seymo Zhiji Village would practice kendo in this gym.

This is a very strange thing on other islands, but Rollin doesn't find it strange here.

This kind of thing is actually very easy to guess, because Luo Lin knows that Koshiro, the owner of the Yixin Gym, has a lot of connections with the Revolutionary Army.

Presumably these children will join the Revolutionary Army one day in the future to add new blood to the Revolutionary Army.

But for now, this is not within Rollin's jurisdiction.

Luo Lin led Ain, followed by the heavily armed Kuina, and walked slowly towards the dojo.

Kuina was wearing a cloak and covered her face, so she couldn't see what she looked like from the outside. She looked at the surrounding environment and combined with the Yixin Dojo in her impression. Not even a little bit sad.

Maybe that's fine, if you don't feel sad, then when you stand in front of Koshiro, you shouldn't lose control of your emotions.

The confusion in Kuina's eyes dissipated a lot, and her eyes became clearer.

"I heard that Koshiro, the master of the Yixin Dojo, is unparalleled in swordsmanship. He has his own insights in the way of the sword, so come to visit and ask for advice."

Before arriving at the Yixin Dojo, Luo Lin's voice came first.

The sound of training in the dojo gradually stopped, and Koshiro, who was kneeling on the straw mat, narrowed his eyes into a line, watching Luo Lin gradually approaching from a distance.

His brows gradually wrinkled.

"Excuse me, are you..."

Koshiro's eyes jumped on Luo Lin, Ain, and Kuina.

He couldn't feel Luo Lin's strength, he just felt that the perception he cast seemed to have entered the sea, and he couldn't find the edge at all. On the contrary, Ain on the side had an imposing manner, which made him see at a glance that Ain Because of her strong strength, as for Kuina, she is relatively weak, but for some reason, Koshiro's eyes linger more on Kuina.

Kuina's heart tightened, was she seen?

Just when Kuina was going to let Koshiro see her, Koshiro said: "I feel a strong sense of death from you. You must have killed many people, right? I don't welcome people like you here."

The corners of Luo Lin's mouth turned up slightly, he wished to give Koshiro a thumbs up, what he did was really great, he completely pushed Kuina towards him.

Although Kuina couldn't feel the excitement or sadness of the reunion because of her blood relationship, she still planned to see Koshiro with her true face for the last time, but Koshiro's words made Kuina give up this unrealistic plan. idea.

"Master, can a woman really climb to the top of the world?"

"of course."

"Then master, can you prove it to me?"

Rowling knew what Kuina meant, and he was very satisfied with Kuina's current performance.

Putting his hand gently on Ain's head, Luo Lin said softly: "Ain, let Koshiro know that even a little girl is much stronger than this man in the way of swordsmanship! Teach him a lesson! "Luo Lin said again in a deep voice: "The difference between men and women cannot be reflected in the way of the sword. The only thing that can be reflected in the way of the sword is determination. When a woman's determination exceeds anyone else, she can take it for granted. Stand on top of the world!"

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Ain pulled out the Holy Heaven Sword from her waist, and looked at Koshiro with cold brows. She knew about the relationship between Koshiro and Kuina, but she didn't intend to show mercy, because what the master said just now was to teach him a lesson. !

"If you don't accept the challenge, then die!" Ain's hostility erupted, and the murderous aura that followed Luo Lin was stronger than that of ordinary navy soldiers, and directly pressed on Koshiro.

Koshiro stood up slowly from the ground, "You all step back and go home."

"But, Master Koshiro, we..."

"go home!"

Koshiro, who has always been smiling, yelled at the students next to him very rarely. He can feel the strength of Ain, and there is an unfathomable Luo Lin rushing beside him, which makes his expression unprecedented. dignified.

The students obeyed Koshiro's order, and when they left, they glared at Luo Lin and his party angrily.

Luo Lin smiled at the corner of his mouth, flicked his fingers, and a slash of sword energy shot out, directly cutting off the arm of one of them.

"Put away your boring expressions. When you don't have strong strength, showing this expression will only advance your death date. Now this arm is your tuition fee."

There was a little smile in Luo Lin's icy voice, which echoed in the ears of all the students, like a demon, scaring them away.

Koshiro's pupils shrank slightly, he couldn't understand at all how Luo Lin sent out the sword qi just now, the sword qi didn't move at all, as if it was born from the body.

"I didn't expect that you villains would also be attracted to the little Seymour Zhiji Village!"

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