Koshiro's eyes narrowed into a line, the sword was separated from the scabbard, and an extremely ordinary sword appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Evil person, hahahaha, just treat me as a wicked person, but it's better than your dream of destroying your daughter with your own hands!"

"What did you say!" This sentence seemed to detonate Koshiro's heart knot that had been dusty for many years. The anger burned in his body, and his aura burst out suddenly. From the feeling, he was actually stronger than the peak of the great swordsman, but But he is not in the realm of the great swordsman for the first time.

Is it an opportunity?Or is there some hidden secret?Luo Lin thought secretly in his heart.

Just when Luo Lin was thinking about Koshiro's question, Koshiro's figure flashed, and the knife in his hand was slashing towards Luo Lin with a cold light.

Kuina's reaction was not slow either, the black sword Qiushui appeared in her hand, and the strong death sword intent wrapped the sword body, barely blocking Koshiro's attack.

Ain also used "shave" to appear beside Koshiro, and the holy sky sword drew an arc and slashed towards Koshiro.

"Your opponent is me!"

Accompanied by Ain's low voice, the knife light flashed, and Koshiro's left abdomen was injured, and blood flowed down.

This is because Koshiro reacted to Ain's slash, otherwise, it is estimated that he would not have been injured in the left abdomen, but would have been cut off directly in the middle.

Koshiro quickly opened the distance, Luo Lin hadn't shot since he started attacking, and he was looking at him with a smile all the time, which made Koshiro feel shuddering.

But so what, it is impossible for Koshiro to pose a threat to himself.

Moreover, the most important thing is that what Luo Lin likes to see the most is the expression of Koshiro wanting to hack himself, but unable to hack himself.

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"Guina, don't meddle in the next battle. Let's see how your senior sister behaves. In addition, you should also carefully observe the battle between them. With Ai as the goal, work hard. "

Kuina nodded slightly, but she was quite unconvinced in her heart.

Sooner or later, I will become the strongest disciple under Master!At this time, Kuina secretly swore in her heart.

Ain didn't know what was going on in Kuina's mind. At this moment, she focused all her attention on Koshiro. She could feel that Koshiro was slightly stronger than herself, so she had to be careful in battle.

The Holy Sky Sword groaned softly, and Ain wrapped his armed domineering spirit around it.

Koshiro's heart sank a bit. He didn't know how he provoked Luo Lin and the others, or whether his identity was exposed. He didn't know Luo Lin. Even though Luo Lin's news was overwhelming now, it didn't matter. The important thing is that he has no way to escape!

Koshiro can feel that Luo Lin's opportunity has long been locked on him. With Luo Lin's unfathomable strength, it is difficult for him to escape. There is only one way now, and that is to comprehend in the battle and break his own in the battle. Heart knot, re-entering the realm of the Supreme Great Swordsman, as long as the strength returns to the peak, the realm of the Supreme Great Swordsman's mid-level, the battle situation will change if you think about it.

"Little Ain, don't waste time, Kuina and I are a little hungry."

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing Luo Lin's words, Ain's eyes flickered with a dangerous light, and he swung the Holy Heaven Sword again and again, sweeping towards Koshiro with overwhelming sword energy.

Since the master told her to hurry up, she couldn't procrastinate. From the very beginning, she had to aspire to become the strongest sword in Luo Lin's hands!

And now is the time to test your strength!

According to Luo Lin's light song serenade, the skill "Qing Miao Chan" poured out in large quantities, blocking all Koshiro's evasion directions from the beginning, so that Koshiro could only take Ain's move hard.

Koshiro's strength is declining now, but his experience has not weakened. On the contrary, it is the precipitation during this period of time in Seymo Zhiji Village that has allowed Koshiro to figure out a lot of swordsmanship skills.

Koshiro's armed domineering quality is also higher than Ain's, which ensures that the sword in his hand will not be destroyed.

Although when you advance to the Great Swordsman, you can use the Wudao Style without a sword, but the power it can cause is always limited, and it cannot be compared with a swordsman holding a sword.

A swordsman, with a sword in his hand, is a swordsman!


I saw the sword in Koshiro's hand turned into an afterimage in the air, and his hands quickly pierced in the air.

But just when Koshiro wanted to attack with a backhand, he found that Ain's figure had appeared behind him.

The origin of this movement all comes from Luo Lin. Luo Lin pays great attention to physical strength and skills, especially body skills. Under Luo Lin's teaching, Ain's "shaving" and "moon Step" has long been superb, and its use is no worse than that of some lieutenant generals, and it can even be on par with Taotu in terms of speed!

It can be seen that Ain's speed is fast.

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Koshiro was also shocked by Ain's speed, but he didn't have much time left, because his intuition told him that something extremely dangerous was condensing in front of him.

I saw that there was a strong wind in Seymo Zhiji Village. The strong wind rolled up the leaves, filled the sky with dust, and blew Ain's hair.

Seeing this, Luo Lin stretched out his hand and pressed it on the hat of Kuina's cloak very intimately, so that Kuina would not reveal her true face. This action immediately made Kuina's heart flutter, and she didn't know if it was related by blood. Under the influence of the influence, she felt the beating speed of her heart, which was unprecedentedly fast. It was the first time that Guina felt this kind of feeling of being cared for.

Ain condensed the sword energy, and the holy sky sword also brought a certain degree of increase to Ain.

Holding the Holy Heaven Sword high, the Holy Heaven Sword immediately burst into divine light, and a large amount of wind condensed on the sword body, gradually forming the appearance of a whale, "Fenghui Whale Swallow!"

The sword energy is like a whirlwind, wrapped in a hurricane, turning into countless blades, faintly looking like a giant whale from a distance.

I saw this whale-shaped sword energy, as if it opened its huge mouth, and swallowed Koshiro in one gulp.

Koshiro put the sword in front of his chest, trying to resist Ain's attack, but what he never expected was that the power of Ain's blow had reached the level of a first-time swordsman. Aggregation of all the power of Ain!

This blow immediately killed Koshiro's idea of ​​seeking a breakthrough in the battle.

The raging sword energy enveloped Koshiro, no matter how he resisted, it had no effect. He could only watch helplessly as more and more wounds appeared on his body, his physical strength continued to pass away, and finally passed out.

"Okay, Ain, stop, we are going to leave."

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