At this time, Koshiro's eyes had lost any expression, and he kept muttering in his mouth: "Impossible, this is impossible, why are there no words on the tombstone? Why are they gone?"

"So what happened?"

The black-robed man silently appeared beside Koshiro, and Koshiro didn't realize the existence of the black-robed man until then.

Koshiro smiled wryly, "Dragon, maybe all of this is retribution."

After finishing speaking, Koshiro only felt a pain in his chest, blood flowed out from his chest again, a strong sense of dizziness filled his mind, and then passed out.

Long looked at Koshiro faintly, sighed after a long time, and said to Koshiro, "Why are you doing this? What use are you to the revolutionary army?"

That is to say, Koshiro has passed out now, otherwise he would have died of anger when he heard such ruthless words from the dragon.

Long sent Koshiro back to the dojo, and then returned to his own boat, "Did you find out? What happened to Koshiro here, which caused him to be so severely traumatized."

A man also wearing a robe said next to the dragon: "The leader, according to the villagers' description, it should be the admiral of the navy. The black crow Luo Lin came here."

"Black Raven Rollin! Has the navy noticed our existence?"

"This is not very clear, but according to the information, it should be impossible. Otherwise, Koshiro would not be seriously injured, but died directly. You must know that the black crow is cruel and cruel, and in the rumors, he can be equal to the red dog."

"No matter what, we still need to be careful in various places during this time."

"Yes, I see."

At this time, Luo Lin, who was discussed by them, brought Ain and Kuina to the sea restaurant Balati.

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The sea restaurant Bharati is the most famous restaurant in the East China Sea with the name of "Battle".

Its chef, Zhepu, used to be a pirate. He lost his right leg so he could not continue to be a pirate. Together with Sanji, he and Sanji set up a sea restaurant restaurant Barati in the East China Sea, which specializes in providing food for people who have nothing to eat at sea.

It is such a legendary restaurant that has attracted Luo Lin's interest, and he is looking forward to Bharati, hoping that the food in Bharati can bring a new experience to his taste buds.

With this in mind, Luo Lin took the two apprentices and drove towards the sea restaurant Bharati.

On the way, Kuina learned of Luo Lin's identity through the newspaper bird, knowing that Luo Lin was actually the man who beheaded the legendary pirate golden lion, and he was also an admiral of the navy, which made Kuina dare not confidence.

"I didn't expect that I would become the general's apprentice, moreover!" Kuina stretched out her hand and held it slowly, feeling the flow of blood in her body, she was very moved.

Of course, knowing this matter, the relationship between Kuina and Ain did not improve. These two little guys still drew their swords every time, although Kuina was defeated by Ain every time.

However, with the continuous improvement of combat experience, Kuina entered the realm rapidly, and in just a few days, she stepped into the realm of the first-time great swordsman.

This is all of Kuina's previous background. After improving her physique, the kendo she had previously comprehended will show a blowout explosion, which is why Kuina can reach the big The realm of swordsmen.

Kuina's rapid promotion made Ain feel nervous, so there was a scene of two people training non-stop on the Black Raven, which made Luo Lin very gratified.

After about half a day's voyage, Luo Lin and others finally arrived at the sea restaurant Bharati.

In front of the Black Raven, Baratti, the restaurant on the sea, looked incomparably petite like a small witch.

If Rowling is willing, he can directly let the Black Raven run over it, and let the sea restaurant Bharati disappear from the world directly.

The colossal Black Raven naturally attracted the attention of the employees of Balati restaurant. Most of them were pirates, and they were well-informed about the news on the sea, so they naturally knew what the Black Raven meant.

Zhepu took Sanji and a group of chefs, and respectfully waited for Luo Lin's arrival at the door.

"Hey, Zhepu, there are so many people waiting for food in the restaurant, why waste time waiting here?" Sanji looked at the Black Raven not far away, and curled his lips, "They are all guests, They should be treated equally, Zapp, I despise you for being so special."

After all, Sanji is still young and energetic, and he is very conflicted about this kind of thing.

As for calling Zep by his first name, it was just the way the two of them got along.

"Sanji, shut up and don't be rude, do you know who is on this ship?"

"I don't care who he is, I only have food in my eyes, only those who are hungry."

"You kid really need to clean up, do you think you are awesome, you just want..." Before Zhepu finished speaking, he saw Luo Lin and others from the corner of his eye, and quickly shut up , and at the same time gave Sanji a hard look, telling Sanji to pay attention to himself.

Sanji snorted, and stood behind Zhepu, not talking, but his eyes kept looking at Luo Lin who was getting closer.

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Luo Lin led two beautiful apprentices to the sea restaurant Bharati.

It was the first time for Kuina to leave Seymo Zhiji Village, and she was very curious about everything outside, and immediately began to look at everything around her. On the other hand, Ain was a little better, after all, she had been with Luo Lin for a long time Yes, I have been to all the more prosperous places.

Two women with completely different styles stood next to Luo Lin, one on the left and one on the right, and immediately caught Sanji's attention.

Ain and Kuina seemed to have an inexplicable temperament, which made Sanji's eyes turn into red hearts in an instant, and he came to Ain with a big stride, and at some point, a rose appeared in his hand , directly half-kneeling in front of Ain, "Beautiful lady, please accept my love for you..."


Ain, who originally had a good impression of this restaurant, suddenly lost interest because of Sanji's appearance, and his eyes were filled with endless disgust for Sanji, as if he had seen the most disgusting thing in the world.

But Sanji didn't seem to see Ain's eyes. He even boldly stretched out his hand, wanting to grab Ain and give him a personal gift.

Kuina, who was at odds with Ain, frowned when she saw this, and the sword intent of death rippling from her body in an instant, everyone present except Luo Lin felt extremely cold, as if being caught by the sea. Devoured the general.

This made Zepu, who wanted to stop Sanji, froze, and did not stop Sanji's rude behavior for a while.

Just when Sanji was about to touch Ain, a sword with a black body appeared in the way that hand must pass. If Sanji's hand moved forward by even one millimeter, the black sword Qiushui would Sharp will definitely teach Sanji how to behave.

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