Sanji's forehead was covered with sweat, and his curly eyebrows were even more joyful.

"Master! Master Black Crow! Sanji was just joking, I hope you don't mind, don't mind."

Zhepu hurried forward to protect Sanji behind him. Seeing Zhepu's action, the other chefs felt tense, for fear that Luo Lin would get angry and punish Sanji. You must know that there are many people who are famous, and they pushed Luo Lin hard in the navy. At that time, there were also people in Hei Luolin who said that he was moody and a truly cruel person.

Most people would rather believe it, and be careful when facing Rowling, Zhepu and others think so.

There was a smile on the corner of Luo Lin's mouth, and his eyes narrowed slightly. Anyone who knew Luo Lin well knew that this was a sign of Luo Lin's anger.

Only I can understand my apprentice, let alone Ain who has a special meaning to Luo Lin. Sanji's action just now touched Luo Lin's bottom line.

However, there is no rush now.

"It doesn't matter, we are here to taste the food this time, as long as you serve the most delicious food."

Luo Lin's voice rang in Zhepu's ear, which made Zhepu feel relieved.

"Quickly apologize to the general!"

Sanji hadn't recovered from Kuina's piercing sword intent just now, and he didn't respond for a long time.

Seeing this scene, Zhepu's heart rose again, but when he looked at Luo Lin, he found that Luo Lin had already walked into Bharati.

Luo Lin's two beautiful apprentices were already very conspicuous, and Luo Lin's extraordinary temperament immediately attracted everyone's attention.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Those who can dine in the sea restaurant Bharati are basically considered to be relatively wealthy people in the East China Sea, but even so, they were amazed when they saw Luo Lin.

"Wow, who is this, so handsome?"

"This person's temperament is really unique, and it feels as unfathomable as the sea."

"Why do I feel a little familiar?"

"Familiar? You're not a celebrity, so how could you be familiar?"

"Do you think he resembles the general?"


When the diners at Balati saw Luo Lin, they all looked at Luo Lin with curious eyes, but they didn't react, as if in their minds, the general would not appear in such a place.

It was under this gaze that Luo Lin and the others sat down safely.

At this time, Zhepu also held the menu and came to Luo Lin's side in person. This action immediately made the people around him exclaim.

You must know that Zhepu is the chef, and he has an extremely weird temper. To be able to let Zhepu come out to serve, I think this person's identity is definitely not ordinary.

A person next to him reflected, and took out a newspaper from the bag he was carrying, and saw that the headline on the front page of the newspaper was Luo Lin, and it recorded some things Luo Lin had done.

The man glanced at the newspaper, then at Luo Lin, his eyes were wide open, and the newspaper in his hand fell to the ground without holding it firmly.

"Really, really is the general!"

"No way, is it really General Black Crow? That one is called the strongest general!"

"General Black Crow actually came to Bharati and sat right in front of me. I'm so excited, oh, I'm going to faint."

"I feel like my mood is surging, General Black Crow is really handsome!" It was a girl who spoke, and she was weak and blushing.

Enough to see the lethality of Luo Lin's handsome and handsome face, it is too great.

Ain looked at the many women around him staring at Luo Lin, and he was very interested. He directly hugged Luo Lin's arm, as if declaring his sovereignty.

Seeing Ain's appearance, Kuina also started to learn, and directly hugged Luo Lin's right arm. Regarding the jealousy between Ain and Kuina, Luo Lin did not stop it.

Looking at Zhepu who was standing at a loss, Luo Lin said: "Just make the best food you think. Don't worry about money."

"Master General, you are joking, how could we collect your money?"

"Then you mean to accept your bribe?"

Rowling's words made Zhepu's face change drastically. If this hat was put on for him, it is estimated that this sea restaurant Bharati would not have to open. He disappeared in front of him and came to the back kitchen.

In the back kitchen, Sanji sat in the corner feeling a little lost, and stood up from the small bench after seeing Zhepu returned to the back kitchen, "Zhepu, that person didn't..."

"Sanji, put away your disrespectful heart, it doesn't matter if you hurt me, but if you hurt other people because you provoked the general, I will never let you go!"

"One person does things and one person is responsible. If that person really wants to pursue it, I am willing to bear it alone."

"What are you responsible for? You are just a young boy, stay in the back kitchen for me, and help me, understand?"

"Yes~" Sanji answered with a long voice, put the chef's apron on his body, put on the hat, and then came to Zhepu's side, and started making the most delicious food with Zhepu.

Chapter two hundred and seventy-nine put away disrespect

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

While waiting for the food, Luo Lin began to teach his own experience to the two beautiful apprentices beside him.

"Ain, this is your thirty-fourth class, and Kuina is your first class, remember, in this world, only strength is king, the weak prey on the strong, and the winner is king.

This is also the case in swordsmanship. Your swordsmanship must be stronger and more domineering than others in order to defeat the opponent. But don’t have the idea that practicing swordsmanship is just for self-cultivation. The so-called self-cultivation is just to cover up yourself It's just a lie that can only be told if you are not capable enough.

fighting!Only fighting can make the progress of swordsmanship faster, so I didn't stop you when you competed with each other, but you should also pay attention to proportion during the competition, the two of you are my most beloved apprentices, I don't I hope you get hurt because of your family's competition. "

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