Ain nodded, and then leaned his whole body into Luo Lin's arms, trying to smell the scent on Luo Lin's body, with a sense of satisfaction on his face, "Don't worry, Master, I will definitely let Kuina Yes, after all, Kuina is still too weak, and I dare not use my full strength."

When Kuina heard Ain's words, she was not polite at all, and said directly to Ain: "I hope you will always maintain this kind of thinking, because only in this way, when I surpass you, can I see you shocked The look of astonishment, I think that expression must be very funny when I come."

Hearing what the two girls said, Luo Lin smiled, and didn't care, but hugged them even tighter.

"Okay, now it's time to relax, just wait a while and enjoy the delicious food."

It's just that when Luo Lin said this sentence again, a shadow flashed in his eyes. He didn't forget Sanji's unreasonable treatment of them just now.

It would be fine if Sanji didn't know the identities of himself and the others, but Luo Lin clearly heard what Zhepu said to Sanji on the boat. Sanji knew his identity and wanted to offend him. This is purely self-defeating.

The delicacies were quickly brought up by Zhepu. The exquisite delicacies were completely different from other people's level. The color was bright and attractive, and the smell was fragrant. It was definitely the top level that ordinary people could achieve.


"Master, this should be very common meat, right?"

Ain pursed her lips in distaste. What she usually ate was sea king meat or other top-level meat with particularly high nutritional value and rich taste. Like this most common meat, Ain has been eating for a long time. Time has not eaten.

Kuina looked at Ain suspiciously, stretched out her chopsticks at random, took a bite, her eyes lit up immediately, "Master, it tastes delicious."

"That's right, eat more if it tastes good, I guess you won't be able to eat it in the future."

Luo Lin's taste buds are also extremely picky now. Although the food in front of him is extremely exquisite, it doesn't give Luo Lin the urge to eat chopsticks. The food cooked by his own maid team is not at the same level.

You must know that the maid team has studied Luo Lin's taste buds for a long time, knowing what kind of food Luo Lin likes to eat, and will make targeted food, so every time, Luo Lin will feast on it, instead of being tight like now. It just looks the same, so I don't want to move my chopsticks.

Coupled with Sanji's disrespect to himself and others this time, Luo Lin wants to teach them a good lesson and let them know the cruelty of this world!

Chapter two hundred and eighty seems to have no appetite

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"Jeff, is your name Zapp?"

Luo Lin said to Zhepu who was standing in front of him, feeling anxious.

Zhepu nodded quickly, and said, "Yes, my lord, my name is Zhepu. It's a great honor for you to know my name, my lord."

Luo Lin waved his hand, with a disappointed expression on his face, and said to Zhepu: "Needless to say, there is nothing here. Now, I am very disappointed with this place. I heard that the most famous restaurant on the East China Sea is the sea restaurant Bara. Dee, but seeing it now, it’s really just an ordinary restaurant, well~ that’s all.”

Sanji was not far away, listening to Luo Lin's words, his brows could not help but slowly frowned. These words fell into Sanji's heart, as if being pricked by a needle, making him My heart is very uncomfortable.

He has lived in the sea restaurant Bharati for a long time. Compared with the previous home without emotion, this place gave Sanji a sense of home, so that Sanji could not listen to others saying that the sea restaurant Bharati was not good. Alright, so, Sanji, who couldn't stand it anymore, stood up and said to Luo Lin, "What kind of food do you know, people like you should have never eaten real food!"

The corners of Luo Lin's mouth curled up slightly undetectably, he naturally sensed that Sanji was nearby, and those words just now were all said to Sanji.

It can be said that Sanji was Rollin's goal from the very beginning!

Seeing Sanji jumping out, Zhepu felt that today's mood was like a roller coaster, so it shouldn't be too exciting.

"Sanji, didn't I tell you to stay in the back kitchen! How could you come out by yourself!"

Zhepu looked at Luo Lin and hurriedly bowed and apologized to Luo Lin, but was stopped by Sanji.

"Zep, why are you bowing to this guy, this guy is just a guy who doesn't know what's going on!"

Sanji's words don't say whether Luo Lin is angry or not, anyway, Ain and Kuina's mood has become very bad. Even Kuina, who thought the food was good at first, now finds it very boring to eat .

"What do you mean?" Ain remembered Sanji's powerlessness towards him just now, and he hated him so much that he even put his hand on the hilt of his sword, as if he might draw his sword and strike at any time!

Luo Lin interrupted Ain, hugged Ain in his arms, raised his eyebrows at Sanji, and said: "Since what you keep saying is that we don't understand food, can you give it to us yourself? How about we make a delicacy that you think is a delicacy? If the taste is not bad, I will forgive your unreasonableness!"

"Okay, you wait here for me, and I'll show you what real food is."

Seeing Sanji leave, Zhepu hurriedly followed, and there were only three Luo Lin left in the restaurant.

At this time, Kuina said to Luo Lin: "Master, are you going to teach that guy named Sanji a lesson?"

"Yeah, who made him dare to attack you, you two are my favorite apprentices!"

Speaking of this, both Ain and Kuina felt that their cheeks were flushed, and they were very shy.

Seeing Sanji disappear from his vision, Luo Lin closed his eyes and began to fall asleep.

Sanji, let me teach you a good lesson. When you don't have the strength, don't bark everywhere, because you never know what trouble it will cause yourself or your friends and companions!

Luffy, you have to thank me well in the future!

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Zhepu followed Sanji to the back kitchen. As soon as he arrived in the back kitchen, Zhepu stopped Sanji.

"Sanji, why did you come out of the back kitchen! Didn't I tell you not to come out?"

Zhepu questioned Sanji, and Zhepu only felt very angry at Sanji's disobedience.

Sanji glanced at it, his hands kept moving, he was picking ingredients, "Zep, trust me, I will let that guy know what real food is!"

"Gourmet food? Do you really think that Black Crow has never eaten food? That's a general!"

"What about the general? I will definitely let him learn a lot."

Sanji has inexplicable confidence in his cooking skills. He has been regarded as a failure by his family since he was a child. He doesn't pay much attention to fighting, but he is obsessed with cooking.

Sanji has been studying cooking since he was a child, and he has never given up. This is the source of his confidence. He believes that as long as he pours all his enthusiasm into food, food will have a soul and make food delicious. Take it up a level!

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