Zhepu looked at Sanji who was engrossed, and sighed. He only hoped that he could pass today safely.

Soon a dish of shrimp and egg fried rice was ready. The steaming shrimp and egg fried rice was supplemented with shrimps of the same size. The shrimps were plump and the meat was almost transparent. The rice is delicious, the rice grains are full, and the grains are even, which is also the best rice.

The egg flower is golden yellow, sprinkled on top of the rice, and green onion is mixed in the middle, achieving a complete color, fragrance and taste.

"Zhepu, just watch how I conquered him with delicious food!"

Saying that, Sanji picked up the plate and walked towards Luo Lin's table.

Before reaching the table, the aroma had already spread in the restaurant, and everyone closed their eyes, intoxicated by it.

On the contrary, it was Ain who curled her lips in disdain when she saw this scene, and she missed the delicious food made by the maid team even more.

"Please taste, the most delicious shrimp and egg fried rice in the world." Sanji put the shrimp and egg fried rice in front of Luo Lin, and he couldn't wait to see Luo Lin's expression of enjoyment.

Luo Lin narrowed his eyes and smiled at the corner of his mouth, looking at Sanji, giving Sanji a chilling feeling.

Ain on the side picked up the spoon and scooped it up lightly, and handed it to Luo Lin's mouth.

This immediately made Sanji envious, not only Sanji, but also other people in the restaurant thought so.

I envy Luo Lin for having two apprentices with such outstanding looks!

Opening his mouth, Luo Lin ate the fried rice with eggs, savoring every flavor inside.

Everyone looked at Luo Lin, wanting to know Luo Lin's peace.

The expression of enjoyment that Sanji imagined did not appear, on the contrary, Luo Lin frowned slightly.

Slowly opening his squinted eyes, Luo Lin looked at Sanji, "Is this the delicacy you said? When you brought out the egg fried rice, I knew that this is not delicious, oh, no, only hunger Only those who know it will find it delicious.”

"Now let's do the math, all your sins from just now to now!"

As he said that, Luo Lin's aura continued to rise, and Gan Wuzhuo's sword spirit behind him also burst into extreme cold, which shows that withering is also an abnormal anger.


A loud noise sounded, and Sanji turned into an arc and hit the sea heavily!

"I'm the only one who can touch me, Sanji, your fate has been doomed from the very beginning!"

Luo Lin's voice echoed in the sea restaurant Baratti, watching Luo Lin's figure gradually go away, leaving only a group of surprised diners and chefs.

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

For Sanji's punishment, it can be said that Luo Lin has long wanted to do this.

After all, there will be many people he likes on Luffy's boat in the future. Leaving aside the others, none of them are interested in women. Only this Sanji must be punished, otherwise, Luo Lin will feel very uncomfortable.

Oh, by the way, there is another person on Luo Lin's must-kill list, and that is Momonosuke. The so-called Momonosuke must die, it can be said that it has been determined since Luo Lin came to this world.

"Let's go, Ain, Kuina, let's go back to Marlin Fandor."

"But we haven't eaten yet." Kuina said to Luo Lin, clutching her stomach.

Seeing Guina's pitiful look, Luo Lin couldn't help laughing, "Hahahahahaha, let's go, let's eat hot pot on the boat."

"Hot pot!" Ain's eyes lit up instantly when he heard the word "hot pot". Ever since he sang about the taste of hot pot, Ain only thinks that hot pot is the best food in the world, especially when paired with the King of the Sea. After thin slices, the taste is absolutely delicious.

Kuina had never heard of hot pot, but she noticed Ain's appearance, thinking that this thing called hot pot should be delicious.

With a curious mind, Kuina followed Luo Lin to the Black Raven, watching her master take out pots and pans out of thin air like a magic trick, various materials and meat, which have not yet started to be made, and the aroma It filled the cabin.

Until this time, Kuina didn't know why Ain would sneer at the food made by Sanji. It was purely because he ate too much delicacies from mountains and seas.

Watching my master put the ingredients into the pot one by one, the clear water became thicker after a while, and the fragrance became stronger, especially a layer of red red oil floating on it, it is simply appetizing Increase!

Both Ain and Kuina were sitting next to each other, their eyes fixed on the ingredients in the pot, and the two swallowed at the same time like twins.

Seeing how they couldn't resist the temptation, Luo Lin gave each of them a bowl and chopsticks, and said, "Okay, hurry up and eat, you can put whatever you want into it by yourself."


Kuina and Ain nodded repeatedly. At this time, they didn't care about the noisy competition. They just wanted to eat and enjoy the delicious hot pot to their heart's content.

I have to say that hot pot is really too sinful, it is really addictive!

Because Kuina's body is derived from Luo Lin's heart and blood. Although the blood concentration is not as strong as that of Luo Lin, it still inherits a little bit of Luo Lin's abilities, such as quick recovery of physical strength, extremely sharp five senses, etc., so this As a result, Kuina's appetite increased greatly.

Most of the meat slices on the table entered Guina's belly.

Just looking at that flat stomach, it's really hard to imagine that Kuina actually ate so much.

As if aware of the weird gazes of Luo Lin and Ain, Kuina lowered her head in a rare way, showing the posture of a little girl, and explained shyly: "I don't know what's going on, I just feel like I can't fill my stomach. Same."

"Pfft~" Hearing Kuina's explanation, Luo Lin suddenly laughed out loud, and said to Kuina: "Okay, being able to eat is a blessing, which means that your body needs these nutrients, and it doesn't matter if you eat more." of."

As he spoke, Luo Lin took out a pile of meat slices from the system storage space.

While Luo Lin and the others were eating happily, dozens of ships appeared in front of the Black Crow...

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Chapter 66 Cut!Germa [-]

Appearing in front of the Black Raven is the legendary army of evil, Germa 66 of the Kingdom of Science!

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