Above Germa 66, Vinsmoke Gage listens to a soldier's report.

"My lord, there is a battleship ahead, which is suspected to be the Black Crow of Admiral Black Crow."

"Admiral? They are not in the great waterway, what are they doing in the four seas?"

Hearing the soldier's report, a question flashed in Vinsmoke Gage's mind, but he didn't think too much about it, and directly ordered: "Don't worry about it, keep driving, Germa 66 will never fail because of a general. Change your course."

This is the dominance of Germa 66, and why they are called the army of evil.

They have been active all over the world as mercenaries all year round, able to cross the Red Earth Continent, and have powerful and efficient combat capabilities.The Kingdom of Germa is the name of the only maritime country in the world that has no fixed land. Its leading family, Vinsmoke, once ruled the entire North Sea by force. This is the origin of Vinsmoke Gage's arrogance.

In his opinion, just a general can be ignored, as long as they drive straight, they will naturally take a detour, but this time they met Luo Lin!

A guy who doesn't play by the rules and likes to do whatever he wants

The moment Germa 66 climbed down from the Red Earth Continent, that is, the Upside Down Mountain, Rowling noticed their existence.

Seeing that they were not humble at all, and rushed straight to him, the corner of Luo Lin's mouth showed an evil smile as usual.

"Guina, Ain, you two eat slowly here, don't worry, I'll go out alone to get some fresh air."

Ain and Kuina nodded, and then continued to immerse themselves in the world called hot pot.

Luo Lin put his fingers on the hilt of Gan Wuzhuo's sword and tapped lightly, a melodious song rippling in the air.

"It's been a long time since I've earned shocking rewards. It just so happens that I feel a little depressed recently, so I'll use you guys for the surgery, Germa66!"

Luo Lin murmured, but the momentum on his body did not show at all, and the withering turned into white mist and wrapped around the knife.

"Death Song Confession"

Accompanied by Luo Lin's low murmur, Gan Wuzhuo pulled out of the sheath in an instant, drew a perfect arc in the air, and re-sheathed in a flash of the saber's light.

In one go, everything in the blink of an eye.

The sword energy cut out, like a crescent moon, cut off the sky in an instant, the sword energy was attached to the bone-piercing cold, and the dense white air made the clouds in the sky instantly form ice crystals, which floated down from top to bottom.

In the blink of an eye, the position to the left of Germa 66 in front of the Black Raven was cut in half by Rowling.

The ship-to-ship link was broken, revealing just enough to allow the Black Rook to pass through.

"Ding, Vinsmoke Gage was shocked by the behavior of the host. Rating: SSS, and obtained: Orochimaru Unlimited Summoning Card. It can be used to summon Orochimaru in this world."

"Ding, Vinsmoke Reijo was shocked by the host's behavior. Evaluation: SSS, obtained: Gene Complementary Potion. It can make up for genetic deficiencies, allowing genes to reach the limit of perfection within the body's carrying range."

The system rarely reported only two voices, but Rowling soon felt relieved, because except for Vinsmoke Gage and Vinsmoke Reiju, the rest of the people obeyed Vince's orders without emotion. Mokgage's killing machine.

And even Reiju, although she has feelings, is bound by Vinsmoke Gage.

Chapter 66 Cut!Germa [-]

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Vinsmoke Gage was sitting on the throne, looking at the picture on the electronic display screen, his jaw almost dislocated in shock, and after the shock, endless anger surged into his heart!

"This guy actually dared to do this. As an admiral of the navy, he dared to take action against the franchise countries, and he was the great Germa 66. He really didn't know how to live or die!"

"Father, let's take action and teach him a lesson!"

The speaker was Vinsmoke Gage's eldest son, Iji with fiery red hair.

Yiji didn't have human emotions, they didn't know what to be afraid of, even if they felt the power contained in the sword aura just now, they didn't react in the slightest.

Vinsmoke Gage shook his head and said, "No need for now." After speaking, Vinsmoke Gage stood up from the throne and walked towards the outside of the castle, "Let me hear how you explain Yes, Crow!"

Rollins didn't know Vinsmoke Gage's thoughts, and even if he knew, he didn't care.

At this moment, he is frantically complaining to the system.

"System, you said that you gave me an infinite summoning card of Estes before, and now you have given me an infinite summoning card of Orochimaru. Yes, I admit that Orochimaru is a kind of card from a certain point of view A great scientist, especially in the field of blood, I said before that I want a scientist, but you can't give it to anyone, but you give me Orochimaru! You must know that Orochimaru is a cold-blooded animal!"

"Ding, the host's strong resentment has been detected, and it is ready to be recycled."

Upon hearing the system's words, Luo Lin quickly said, "System, get the hell out of here, I don't want to talk to you!"

Luo Lin, who was speechless about the system, took out a card from the system's storage warehouse, and the card printed on it was Orochimaru.

Looking at the long black hair, the long golden pupils, the purple eye shadow extending to the nose, the pale skin, and Orochimaru with the blue jade-shaped earrings, no matter how you look at it, it will give people a sinister feeling. It's like being targeted by a poisonous snake.

After weighing it in his mind, Luo Lin still felt that the advantages outweighed the disadvantages, so let's summon him.

"A card that hides the power of another world, show me your true power! Now, in the name of your master, Luo Lin, I order you—the seal is lifted."

As Luo Lin's voice fell, thick black mist swept across the entire Black Crow in an instant, and Ain and Kuina, who were enjoying the delicious hot pot, also sensed something was wrong and hurried out of the room.

The thick black fog was continuously condensed, and Orochimaru appeared in front of Luo Lin.

"Master, this is it!" Gu Yina only felt that the person in front of her had an indescribable sense of gloom, and this was the first time she had experienced this feeling.

Ain on the side had already drawn out his Holy Heaven Sword. The gentle light of the Holy Heaven Sword competed with the shadowy feeling of Orochimaru itself.

Orochimaru slowly opened his eyes, and the golden vertical pupils appeared in front of everyone.

"Who are you? Why am I here? Where is this place?"

Orochimaru came up and asked three major questions in life.

Luo Lin waved at Ain and Kuina, and said, "Put your guard down, this is my own."

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