Gan Wuzhuo lay under Wensmoke Gage's neck, and Rowling yawned. I don't know if it was because of sleepiness, Rowling's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Vinsmok Gage, your sons are already dead souls under the knife. I don't want to say anything superfluous. Hand over all the research information on the blood factor, and I can spare you. You know, your so-called peak technology The gap between you and the Four Emperors is one world at a time, just like the gap between you and Vegapunk."

Vinsmoke Gage, who was trembling in his heart, immediately became angry after hearing Luo Lin's words, and swung the big knife in his hand again and again, but was cut into pieces by Luo Lin's Gan Wuzhuo.

Reiju was flying in the air, looking at everything in front of her, she didn't stop it, because there was no order from Vinsmoke Gage, maybe if Vinsmoke Gage was directly killed by Rowling, Reiju might still Will be happy, after all, under the impersonal teaching of Vinsmoke Gage, as long as he is a person with feelings, he will hate Vinsmoke Gage.

Rollin's patience was gradually exhausted by Vinsmoke Gage's irritability, and he kicked out, hitting Wensmoke Gage's abdomen. With a sound of "Boom!", Vinsmoke Gage directly smashed On the wall of Germa 66 Castle, the abdominal cavity collapsed directly, and a large amount of blood gushed out of Vinsmoke Gage's mouth.

Putting Gan Wuzhuo back into the scabbard, Luo Lin stepped on Vinsmoke Gage's body and said, "I'll give you three seconds to think, three, one!"

After finishing speaking, Luo Lin clasped his thumb and middle finger together, and there was a golden-red sword energy wrapped around it. The strong sword energy left drops of cold sweat on Vinsmoke Gage's forehead. Under Luo Lin's coercion, Now, Vinsmoke Gage finally lowered his lofty head, and his arrogance was shattered into ashes in front of Rollin's strength.

If I had known earlier, even if Vinsmoke Gadget had a hundred guts, he wouldn't dare to pass in front of Rowling.

"The information on the bloodline factor is in the castle, I'll ask Reiju to take you in."

When Vinsmoke Gage uttered these words, his whole body seemed to be drained of strength, and he sat on the ground powerlessly.

"By the way, you can give Reiju to me too." Seeing Vinsmoke Gage collapsed, Rollin couldn't help laughing.

Rollin's smile echoed in his ears, and Vinsmoke Gage felt extremely humiliated, "Reiju, you will belong to Crow from now on!"

"Yes, my father."

For Vinsmoke Gage, Reiju couldn't resist, she could only agree, but she also had great expectations in her heart, maybe it was better to stay by the side of the black crow than to stay by Vinsmoke Gage's side.

Everyone has the right to yearn for beauty!

"Master Black Crow, please follow me."

Reiju walked in front of Rollin and led Rollin into Germa 66's castle.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the corridors of Germa 66’s castle, treasures from all over the world are displayed. Of course, most of these countries have been destroyed, and it is no accident that Germa 66 should be the one that destroyed them.

This is why Germa 66 is called the Army of Evil.

"Reiju, being handed over to me by your father, how does it feel now?"

In the huge corridor, Luo Lin's voice echoed in it.

Reiju didn't hide her current thoughts, and said: "I don't know the specific feeling, but there is joy and anxiety in it."

"Oh~ uneasy?"

Reiju didn't look back at Luo Lin's expression, and said to herself: "Yes, I'm uneasy, because my lord, you would rather choose to shoot directly than to go around, which makes me feel very domineering."

Reiju paused for a while, and said again: "But it made me feel very at ease, because I heard that you are very protective, sir, and I am really happy to be able to work under your hands."

Luo Lin didn't say anything, but the smile on the corner of his mouth already revealed Luo Lin's mood.

"Reiju, before going to get the data of the blood factor, destroy your genetic data set first, I don't want to wait until after I take you away from Germa 66, Vinsmoke Gage clones another one."

Reiju nodded, although the cloned one would have some flaws, but Reiju knew that Vinsmoke Gage would definitely do this.

Thinking of this, Reiju also felt very uncomfortable all over.

Reiju led Luo Lin towards the genetic database, and destroyed all of her genetic data.

As for the three of Niji and the others, Luo Lin didn't even look down on them. They were all rubbish anyway, even if they put mechs on a junk ship, they were also rubbish.

Following behind Reiju, Rollin unceremoniously took the core technology of the blood factor, and then led Reiju out of Germa 66's castle. In the face of death, even Vinsmoke Gage, It can only be used in exchange for life. This is the world of the jungle.

Vinsmoke Gage sat paralyzed on the ground, only feeling that his breathing gradually became smoother. It was the body's recovery mechanism that was constantly working, which made Vinsmoke Gage feel better.

Seeing Reiju leading Rollin out of the castle, Vinsmoke Gage's gaze wished to tear Rollin into pieces!

But he didn't have that ability, so he could only watch Luo Lin bring Reiju back to the Black Raven.

The moment Rollin left, Vinsmoke Gage noticed Rollins' smile, and at the same time Rollin's voice echoed in Vinsmoke Gage's ears: "Don't think about telling me about this. Warring States, once you tell him, then you just wait for Germa 66 to be buried by you!"

Rowling's voice kept echoing in Vinsmoke Gage's ears like a demon, making him give up the idea of ​​telling the news to Sengoku, but Vinsmoke Gage was very unwilling , watching Rowling and Reiju leave, Vinsmoke Gage gritted his teeth and said: "Black Crow! One day, I will let you die!"

But what he didn't know was that the reason Luo Lin let him go was because he had other functions for Luo Lin.

Otherwise, with Rowling's character, how could he let the tiger go back to the mountain, hey, that's not right, Vinsmoke Gage is not a tiger, at most he is just a tabby cat.

Chapter two hundred and eighty nine

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The sun shines on the sea through the thin clouds, sparkling, as if the water and the sky are the same color.

Ain and Kuina looked at Reiju with a little vigilance, for fear that Reiju would attack suddenly. Regarding their vigilance, Rowling didn't say anything but sent them into the room, letting them enjoy it with Reiju. The deliciousness of hot pot.

Because Luo Lin has a more important thing to do now, which is to chat with Uncle Snake.

"Oshemaru, first time meeting, I think you should have a lot of questions now, you want to ask me."

Orochimaru nodded. He didn't care too much about why Luo Lin knew his name. After all, he summoned him to come here. Knowing his name is really normal.

"Yeah, I have some questions I want to ask you."

"Let's go, let's talk up there." Luo Lin pointed to the topmost position of the Black Crow and said to Orochimaru.

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