Orochimaru nodded, and went up directly with the instant body technique, while Luo Lin used shaving.

The second came first, and Luo Lin came to the top faster than Orochimaru.

This gave Orochimaru a deeper understanding of Luo Lin's strength.

"Oshemaru, let me introduce myself, I'm Navy Admiral Black Crow Luo Lin is..."

Luo Lin didn't ask what's wrong with Orochimaru, but started talking about this world directly.

He talked more or less about the situation in this world, the distribution of forces, characteristic products, abilities and skills.

Orochimaru's eyes gradually changed, especially when Luo Lin said the devil fruit, he was even more shocked.

"Ding, Orochimaru was shocked by the host's words, evaluation: S, obtained: soul-body combination potion. This potion can combine the soul with the body. After the body dies, the soul cannot be separated, and it cannot go to the road to the underworld. Die with the body."

In Luo Lin's opinion, this potion is definitely the best method against Orochimaru. After all, in terms of soul, Orochimaru's research is more thorough than that of the aunt who has the soul fruit. Power, gradually mastering one's own soul, showing its terrifying ability.

Because of this, Luo Lin was so speechless when he first saw that the character card popped up by the system was Orochimaru. After all, Orochimaru was too dangerous.

And with this potion, it is equivalent to giving Luo Lin a means to kill the donkey and cross the river to demolish the bridge.

When the explanation was almost finished, Luo Lin changed his voice and said to Dashewan, "Oshewan, I need your help. I believe you are also very interested in everything in this world!"

The corners of Orochimaru's mouth curled up, evoking a wicked smile. He looked at Luo Lin, and said slowly to Luo Lin: "If I don't cooperate with you, what will you do? Kill me?"

Luo Lin "understands the reason with emotion", and said to Orochimaru: "No, I will only let you go, whether you will be my enemy, partner or stranger in the future, at least for now, We are all people from another world."

"People from another world!"

Hearing Luo Lin's words, Orochimaru's face suddenly changed, "Aren't you from this world?!"

"I never said that I am a person of this world, Orochimaru, tell me your answer, whether we will part ways from now on, or we will work together for the truth of the world!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It has to be said that Luo Lin's words greatly touched Orochimaru's heart. Orochimaru is very fascinated by the truth of the world. He wants to live continuously in order to have a longer time, go to Touching this world, although he now came to the world of pirates because of Luo Lin, everything in the world of pirates is undoubtedly very attractive to Orochimaru.

What's more, according to Luo Lin, he is now an admiral of the navy, and he has power that others do not have in his hands. He is considered to be at the top of this world. Better go on.

Orochimaru analyzed the pros and cons in his mind, and after a long time, Orochimaru nodded slowly, and said to Luo Lin: "Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Luo Lin and Orochimaru touched each other's fists, and they reached an agreement.

Luo Lin controlled the Black Raven, and brought Orochimaru to a relatively remote island. island.

And even if there are pirates coming, it is no problem to kill them by virtue of Orochimaru's ability.

Even if it is a pirate with very strange and powerful abilities, Orochimaru can escape with his life. After all, this is Oroshemaru's housekeeping skill!

After leaving some food behind, Luo Lin took the girls and walked towards Marin Fando.

He needs to look for materials and all kinds of precision instruments according to the watch that Orochimaru gave him. It's okay to buy precision instruments directly from Huang Yuan.

If you want to know what Huang Yuan is doing in private, Luo Lin knows very well, otherwise, why every time the science team releases a new product, Luo Lin is always the first to equip it?

It's not just because the relationship with Huang Yuan is better.

As a neutral salted fish faction, Huang Yuan is really good at mixing, whether he is in the hawk faction or the dove faction, he can eat well. After all, he is still a middle-aged uncle and old fritters, but he is different from the other two generals.

But the problem of materials is a bit troublesome. I think I can only hand over this task to Prometheus and Perona. As pirates, as long as they get the news, they can directly "borrow" them without spending money. Isn't it flattering.

Thinking of this, Luo Lin directly sensed the current position of Prometheus, and then asked Reiju to come to see him alone.

It has been about two days since Reiju came to the Black Raven, except for the very beginning when Luo Lin and Reiju had a few words, the rest of the time, Reiju didn't even see Luo Lin's face at all. not on.

However, Reiju took advantage of this time to make the two young apprentices Ain and Kuina less hostile to her.

After all, the maiden demeanor constantly emanating from her is so outstanding, it didn't take long for her to let those two little apprentices call her sister Reiju.

Luo Lin called Reiju to his room, and he sat cross-legged on the bed, looking at Reiju who walked in a little awkwardly, with a weird expression on his face.

"My lord, I'm here, what instructions do you have?"

Looking at the unnatural red smudge on Reiju's face, Luo Lin naturally knew that Reiju's thinking was wrong, could it be that he was so unstable?

Obviously Luo Lin felt that his concentration was comparable to that of Liu Xiahui.

Hancock: Are you sure?

Chapter two hundred and ninety one happy cooperation

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Looking at Reiju's appearance, Luo Lin was a little speechless, and he waved his hand to make Reiju sit by the bed.

But he didn't move, instead he said: "Reiju, is there anything you are not used to on the boat?"

Reiju shook her head, and said to Luo Lin: "My lord, no, Reiju is very used to it, and Ain and Kuina are also very cute. I haven't felt so happy for a long time."

Hearing Reiju's words, Luo Lin only felt a little dizzy, "If this is the case, it will be a little troublesome?"

"My lord, what's the matter? If you want Reiju to do something, I can do whatever it is."

Reiju didn't know what she was thinking, but Luo Lin saw that something was wrong with this movement, and quickly stopped her: "Stop, stop what you are doing now, in fact, I just want to send you to find someone, and then go with them Gather some materials."

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