"Come on, let's have an after-dinner exercise."

"Hey, Raleigh, don't say something so strange!"

There was a smile on the corner of Luo Lin's mouth, and the moonlight shone on Luo Lin's face, making Luo Lin's smile indescribably penetrating.

But Lei Li didn't care, the big knife seemed to have no weight in Lei Li's hands.

The island at night is only accompanied by the moonlight, the breeze singing, the leaves salsa, and Luo Lin and Lei Li.

The aura of the two people climbed crazily, and the waves seemed not to be very calm. The night made the waves even more mysterious, as if there was some great horror inside.

Gan Wuzhuo uttered a sword chant, which was extremely clear, like the beating of waves, and withered and turned into white air wrapped around the sword, making Gan Wuzhuo's cold light even worse.

"Rayleigh, I know your strength is extraordinary, so I don't need to test it."

"Hahahaha, you don't need to try, as long as you don't break my old bones."

"Rayleigh's joke is not funny. You must know that you are the emperor's deputy. I am afraid that you are more capable than me in some aspects."

"It can't be done, it can't be done, it's old, this old bone, sometimes it's really powerless."

Luo Lin shook his head. He didn't believe Lei Li's mouth. You must know that this guy is old-hearted, and the older he is, the more he talks. Luo Lin wouldn't believe Lei Li's mouth even if he believed in ghosts.

The battle is imminent!

Luo Lin's whole body turned into an afterimage, and his shots flickered like lightning, like a tiger and leopard slaughtered, and Gan Wuzhuo played a melodious and passionate song with the air in his hand.

The air seemed to be torn apart, which made Leili serious in an instant.

The big knife in Ye Leili's hand was like a silver flower. Whenever Gan Wuzhuo fell, that silver flower would bloom in the air, resisting Gan Wuzhuo's fierce attack.

Gan Wuzhuo's sharpness can be imagined, Lei Li's nameless broadsword would never be able to withstand such ferocious continuous attacks, and within a short while, the broadsword was covered with fine lines.

Lei Li frowned, and the aura on his body suddenly exploded. The dark and thick military-colored arrogance wrapped the big knife so that the big knife would not shatter.

The armed color is as black as ink, even thicker than the night, if it weren't for the silent moonlight spreading, you might not even be able to see it.

This kind of domineering armed color is probably higher than his own LV.6 armed domineering color. He is indeed the Hades Rayleigh, this ruthless man named after an ancient weapon, even though he looks very old, his strength But it didn't decrease much, on the contrary, it became more proficient because of keeping a low profile.

Rollins thought in his heart.

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The sound of hand-to-hand handover resounded in the air, and it was crisp and pleasant to the ears, adding a touch of heartiness to the dark night.

It's just that the strength of the two people's shots is getting more and more ruthless!


The mighty golden-red sword energy circulates in the body, really like a wide river, roaring.

Luo Lin's power soared in an instant, "Roar!—" A loud roar resounded all around, and a terrifying force enveloped thousands of feet in radius. Fire sword intent, flame and ice-cold blend, the two extreme powers are manifested in Gan Wuzhuo, presumably only a magic weapon like Gan Wuzhuo can bear this kind of power.

Lei Li's eyes changed. Facing Luo Lin's sudden change, Lei Li's reaction was not slow at all. He retreated and narrowly escaped Luo Lin's blow.

The moment the sword qi slashed out, in the blink of an eye, the place touched by the slash turned into a dead place, and all vitality was withered and deprived.

"It's a terrible ability. Could it be that you used the navy's special method to make your sword take devil fruit?"

Raleigh didn't know what the sword spirit said, but he knew the technology of the navy. It wasn't surprising that Rowling could ask this question.

Since Lei Li thinks so, Rowling does not intend to deny it. After all, the less people know about this kind of thing, the better. Rowling will never do things that do more harm than good.

"Rayleigh, didn't you say you want to help me break into the realm of the legendary great swordsman? Then don't hide here and there, you understand?"

"Hahahahaha, you really don't respect the elderly."

Rayleigh's laughter echoed across the island.

Luo Lin pointed Gan Wuzhuo at Lei Li bluntly and said, "You? An old man? I'm afraid you are stronger than a young man!"

Although Luo Lin was telling the truth, Lei Li still said: "It seems that my old bones will be finished today."

Ignoring Lei Li's words, Luo Lin immersed his mind on the sword body. He wanted to achieve the unity of human and sword. A slash pierced the night sky, and Luo Lin's figure replaced the sword energy in that position in the next second.

"The Art of Flying Thunder God!"

Luo Lin's figure came behind Lei Li, and he swung five swords in an instant!

The first sword - light song serenade!

The second sword - waltz!

The third sword - Polar Rhapsody!

The fourth sword - Flame Banquet. Flame on Flame!

The fifth sword - Flame Banquet. Ultimate Slash!

The so-called:

A sword is smooth and silent, and a sword is as thin as rain.

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