A sword is powerful, and a sword is flaming.

The four swords are finally united, and there is nothing that cannot be cut!

Nothing but!

These five swords seemed to smash the sky and the ocean, and each sword was full of Luo Lin's resolution, the resolution of wanting to be promoted to the legendary great swordsman!

The sword qi turned into an angry howl, emitted from Gan Wuzhuo, blended with each other, and finally turned into a ray of light, tearing the barrier between the air and the silent night, and flew towards Lei Li's face.

Facing the power of five swords turning into one, even Lei Li's face became extremely serious.

"Hell sword! One cut!"

Lei Li held up the big knife in his hand, and slashed a sword from top to bottom. This sword contains armed domineering and domineering domineering. !

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

If the general armed domineering is attached and entangled, then Liuying is called high-level because of the flow, all gathered on the fist, but the defense of other parts is poor, and it flows back quickly after the fight, and the average defense , or quickly gather to the part that is counterattacked by the enemy is Liuying.

In the slashing, the two kinds of domineering energy can be fused with each other, which can make it "flow" and greatly strengthen the penetrating power of the sword energy.

A sword was slashed out, Lei Li did not relax his guard, and then slashed out another sword.

"Pluto! Two cuts!"

Two slashes were flying in the air, and each slash contained extremely powerful arrogance. After all, Luo Lin's background was too shallow, especially when fighting against some old monsters, their arrogance became stronger one by one. Horror, Luo Lin's domineering level alone is indeed not enough!

Sure enough, the shock reward is a must!The plan must be accelerated!

Luo Lin secretly made a decision in his heart, and at the same time his figure flashed, and he quickly stepped back.

The same is true for Lei Li, the two of them retreated quickly around the location where the sword energy intersected.

The sword energy from the two sides exploded instantly, and the sound of the explosion was deafening. A pothole was blown out in the center of the island, and sea water gushed out continuously from the pothole, which showed its terrifying power.

"Do you want to continue?"

Rayleigh looked at the pothole in front of him and said to Luo Lin.

Luo Lin closed his eyes, and the arrogance of knowledge and knowledge suddenly spread out. After a while, Luo Lin sighed: "I really want to fight once, but this time it seems that I can't continue, really It's a pity."

"Yeah, the sound of the explosion just now was so loud that the people in the navy branch could hear it clearly. Not only that, it's very close to Marin Fanduo, if they notice our attack It exists, maybe a general will be dispatched."

"I'm the general~" Luo Lin pointed to himself, with a playful expression on his face.

Rayleigh covered his face and said, "Oh~ yes, I forgot!"

"Okay, no more chatting, let's withdraw separately."

"Okay, you can withdraw first, I have my own way, after all, you are the last person to be seen."

Luo Lin nodded. This sentence is indeed correct. If it is found that he is here, then all the work he has done before will be in vain, and he will not achieve the effect he expected. This is terrible. Not what Rollins wanted.

Received Gan Wuzhuo into the scabbard, withering also returned to Gan Wuzhuo, Luo Lin wore a black robe, concealed his own sense of existence deeply, and completely merged with the night, and then opened the Eight Gates Dunjia Formation , the figure disappeared into the night.

Lei Li looked at Luo Lin's drowning breath at that moment, and his face became very dignified.

"Could it be that the strength just now is not your limit?"

If Luo Lin had used this skill just now, he might be lying on the island now.

I thought that Luo Lin's strongest skill was kendo, but what I didn't expect was that Luo Lin's physical skills seemed to be stronger than kendo.

"He is really an incredible person. Forget it, what am I thinking about so much, I'd better go back and drink!"

Thinking of this, Rayleigh drank the spirits in the jug, and then jumped into the sea. He planned to swim back to the Chambord Islands from this unnamed island.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Not long after Rollin and Raleigh left, people from the navy arrived on the island.

Seeing the mess on the island, the lieutenant general who came to investigate the situation felt dizzy for a while. Even the lieutenant general himself felt that it was impossible to do this kind of battle.

Especially the pothole in the center of the island that was blown up is already full of sea water. Maybe you can catch a few fish now.

"Contact the headquarters immediately, I will report the situation here, there are definitely strong people fighting here!"

"Yes, Lieutenant General!"

After receiving the order from the Lieutenant General, the Colonel next to him immediately took out a phone bug from his arms. The phone bug looked like the most common kind.

After pressing a series of numbers on the phone bug, Zhan Guo's phone bug rang. At this time, Zhan Guo had just stretched out and was about to get off work. The moment he heard the phone bug ring, his tired face Disappeared in an instant, and quickly picked up the phone bug.

"Reporting to the Marshal, we found traces of battle on an island near the Chambord Islands. The traces are very new. It should be the battle that happened just now, and the scale of the battle is very large. Some places seem to have been robbed of life." It’s the same, and there is a pothole full of seawater in the center of the island.”

Hearing the lieutenant general's description, Zhan Guo felt dizzy for a while. After all, just from the description, Zhan Guo knew that this was not something ordinary people could do.

In addition, there are also a large number of pirates staying near the Chambord Islands, especially the three-way zone, which is a paradise for pirates. If this happens at night, it is very likely that the pirates did it.

However, the navy has not received any news about the appearance of such a powerful pirate near the Chambord Islands, which further shows that the pirate is not an ordinary pirate.

The brain of the Warring States Period was running rapidly, and he said to the lieutenant general with a phone bug: "Send more people to check all night, especially near the port of the Chambord Islands, to see if there are any suspicious ships appearing, and if there are any, immediately Report to me, understand?"

"Report to the Marshal, I understand!"

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