"Shut up! You bastards!"

Hearing what they said, Fandenisheng immediately flew into a rage, turned around and kicked everyone on the head.

The strength of this kick was almost the full strength of Fandenisheng, and it directly kicked the two people to the ground. It is not known whether this was acting or Fandenisheng's kick was really strong.

"That person hasn't come out recently, and I don't know if he died because of his practice. Are you planning to disobey my order?"

"Master, the servant dare not."

"Since you don't dare, then listen to my orders carefully, and when you find a chance, give Stucey to Rollin. I believe Rollin will be grateful to him! Hahahahahaha!" Fandeni Sheng laughed He made a sound, but the two servants kneeling behind him lowered their heads and dared not speak.

Luo Lin, who was in Taotu's room, sneezed.

"Lin~ What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Luo Lin shook his head, "It's okay, maybe someone is scolding me."

"Who dares to scold you, see if I don't beat him to death!" Taotu said and drew a sword from the wall beside him, sweeping the room with his aura.

Seeing Taotu caring so much about him, Luo Lin hugged Taotu into his arms, but there was a gloomy look in his eyes.

This gloominess was not aimed at Taotu, but at Vendeni Saint.

There is no one else who can make him feel disgusted in Marin Fando, except Fandeni Saint.

"Stupid Draconian, what a disgusting creature!"

Rollin cursed secretly in his heart, but if Rollin knew that Fandeni Saint was going to send Stucey to him, he didn't know what he would think.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the past few days, Luo Lin has been shuttling back and forth between his villa and Taotu's room. Except for a very few people who knew the sublimation of the relationship between Luo Lin and Taotu, even Ain, who is closest to Luo Lin, did not notice it. to any exceptions.

Today, Luo Linyu came to the Chambord Islands.

In Rowling's opinion, Chambord Islands is the largest commercial street in One Piece World, with a wide variety of goods and countless snack street izakayas.

This time, Luo Lin invited Huang Yuan to an izakaya that was also open during the day.

"Hey, it's really an honor to be invited by General Black Crow."

"Shouldn't I say this sentence?"

Luo Lin walked in the front and brought Huang Yuan to the izakaya. At the same time, he introduced: "Kiu Yuan, I don't know if you have been to this izakaya. The taste is good, but I don't know if it suits your taste."

"Black Crow, as long as you invite me, no matter how unpalatable it is, I'm willing to eat it."

Kizaru said in his greasy voice.

"That's what you said, since that's the case, boss, fifty skewers of roasted birds, spicy, sweet, salty, all kinds of strange flavors will be added to me!"

The boss, who was still shocked at first, only felt his legs tremble and was very nervous after seeing the black crow and yellow ape coming to the store.

"Great, adults, are you sure you want to do this?"

The boss's voice was a little trembling, not because he was afraid, but because he was too excited.

This was the first time he saw Luo Lin and Huang Yuan appearing in front of him with his own eyes. If he talked about this matter, he would immediately explode if he wanted to come to his izakaya!

Thinking of this, the boss seemed less nervous, but he was still a little cautious in front of the two of them.

"Don't, don't, don't, don't do this." Huang Yuan hurriedly stopped the boss when he heard Luo Lin's words, and said at the same time: "Normal taste is fine."

"No, no problem!" Although the boss was nervous, he still gave the two people a thumbs up, looking quite confident.

"Is it your treat this time?"

Huang Yuan said to Luo Lin unceremoniously, and Luo Lin nodded, indicating yes.

After all, there are a lot of precision instruments this time, and they all have to be taken from the scientific troops in the hands of Huang Yuan, so this meal must be invited.

Anyway, Luo Lin is not short of this little money. This is just a small head, and it is absolutely impossible for a real big head to appear in this place.

After hearing Luo Lin's reply, Huang Yuan said to the boss again: "This time, there is a treat, so, boss, add another [-] skewers of roasted birds, no, bring up as many roasted birds as you have here, besides, Another five hundred octopus balls, ten glasses of sake and spirits, no problem, boss?"

Huang Yuan put a smile on his face and looked at the boss with a smile, as if he thought the boss's expression was very interesting.

The boss looked at Huang Yuan and looked again. From Huang Yuan's words, the boss naturally knew that Luo Lin was paying this time, so the final decision still rested with Luo Lin.

Luo Lin didn't refuse, and said: "Just do as he said, and you won't be short of money and hard work."

After finishing all this, Luo Lin and Huang Yuan sat on the chairs facing each other.

In the izakaya, the quaint gramophone is playing soothing music, listening to the melodious music, paired with sake, in Huang Yuan's view, it is simply a kind of enjoyment.

Although Huang Yuan is salty, he still understands some things.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

He knew that the person sitting in front of him was Luo Lin, and unlike other people, when facing Luo Lin, he didn't have to pretend to be stupid, he really regarded himself as a salty fish, because Huang Yuan knew that Luo Lin You should be the same person as yourself.

So he didn't procrastinate, and said directly to Luo Lin: "Tell me, Black Crow, you asked me out for dinner, what do you want to say."

Facing Huang Yuan's straightforwardness, Luo Lin wasn't surprised. It's better to talk about this kind of thing earlier.

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