"It's very simple. I want to buy ten sets of precision instruments from you. By the way, I want to customize several sets of other facilities and equipment. These facilities and equipment have very high precision requirements, so I can only come to you. You know, I have But there are no scientists who can't research such delicate things naturally."

"So that's why you invited me? You have to know that these precision instruments are unconventional, especially the custom-made ones, which require a series of research and development processes, which are time-consuming, labor-intensive, and expensive. It's really troublesome..."

Seeing the eloquent Huang Yuan, Luo Lin interrupted directly: "Of course I know that these precision instruments are very expensive, and it is very troublesome to make, so Huang Yuan, don't go around in circles, how much will I pay you?" Are you willing to help me?"

Luo Lin also had a smile on his face, but the aura on his body was gradually surging. This was Luo Lin's signal to Huang Yuan not to go too far.

As a general, Huang Yuan naturally knew what Luo Lin meant, and he slowly stretched out a finger.

Seeing this finger, Luo Lin frowned slightly, "[-] million?"

Kizuna shook his head.

"Could it be one billion?"

Huang Yuan still shook his head.

"Ten billion?!!"

When Luo Lin said this, Huang Yuan nodded and said, "Yes, a set of [-] billion precision instruments, black crow, do you want it?"

The corners of Luo Lin's mouth were pulled back slightly, taking advantage of the knife-cut face, making Luo Lin look very evil and handsome.

"Are you kidding me, yellow ape?"

Luo Lin wasn't angry, he just felt that Huang Yuan's face had become unbearable.

"Amusing you? No~ General Black Crow, I think you should be clear that the science troops have new research goals and directions every moment. For us, not wasting a second is equivalent to wasting money." , plus a series of manufacturing costs, manpower, and time for research and development... By the way, Black Crow, you probably don’t want the Warring States to know, there are more relationships to manage, so [-] billion Baileys A set of precision instruments is really not expensive at all.”

Seeing Huang Yuan boasting in front of him, Luo Lin's eyes narrowed slightly. Anyone who is familiar with Luo Lin knows that this is Luo Lin's angry expression.

That pair of extremely deep eyes fell on Huang Yuan's body, and another melodious song came from behind Luo Lin. This was a withering chant, and it also represented Luo Lin's will.

The chill came from Gan Wuzhuo, passed through Luo Lin's body, and slowly covered the table and chairs with a layer of frost.

Luo Lin's actions made Huang Yuan's heart ache. He had heard about Luo Lin's strength a long time ago. According to the rumors, Luo Lin was said to be stronger than their three generals. Huang Yuan didn't care at first, because this He seemed to be just exaggerating, especially since he was still sitting in front of Luo Lin, and felt even more deeply about Luo Lin's aura.

Even though Luo Lin is only a little imposing now, Huang Yuan still doesn't feel any threat.

But this idea changed at that moment just now, and the yellow monkey felt a kind of bone-chilling cold, which was even colder than Qingzhi's.

Huang Yuan couldn't help but tensed up slightly, and his knowledge and knowledge spread quietly, so as to guard against Luo Lin's sudden attack.

Three hundred and ten chapters, ten billion sets!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Just when the momentum in the izakaya reached its peak, the boss came to Luo Lin with dozens of skewers of roasted birds, respectfully put the roasted birds in front of the two of them, and said at the same time: "DAOZAO, please slow down!" use."

The appearance of Burning Bird broke the tension of the atmosphere, Luo Lin suddenly laughed out loud, the chill on his body was gone, as if it was a hallucination just now.

"Hahahahaha, Yellow Ape, come here, how about you try this roasted bird? Is it delicious? I think it's good."

With that said, Luo Lin picked up the burnt bird from the plate and handed it to the yellow ape.

Huang Yuan also smiled and said: "Okay, let me taste how delicious this roasted bird is." Huang Yuan took the roasted bird from Luo Lin's hand, and then directly put the roasted bird into his mouth.

The unique fragrance of the roasted bird exploded in the mouth of the yellow ape in an instant, which made the yellow ape 'beautiful', and then directly ate the roasted bird in threes and fives.

Feeling the aroma of the roasted bird, the yellow monkey picked up the sake on the side and drank it all in one gulp. The mellow aroma of the sake combined with the meaty aroma of the roasted bird, the two aromas stirred in the yellow monkey's mouth, and the yellow monkey couldn't help but shut up Close your eyes and enjoy this delicacy.

The two of them stopped talking at this time, and they turned all their attention to the burnt bird. The speed of the two of them was getting faster and faster, and the speed of serving the food was also getting faster and faster. Relatives, friends, and even the clerks in nearby stores called over to help, and a large number of people came over, and the boss's serving speed became faster and faster.

After nearly five hours of eating in this izakaya, Luo Lin and Huang Yuan finally finished all the ingredients.

It wasn't until this time that Luo Lin said: "The so-called transaction means that you make money, and I make money too. A set of [-] million Baileys can't be higher."

"One billion, it can't be lower."

"make a deal."

"Pay with one hand and deliver with one hand."

"no problem."

In this way, Luo Lin and Huang Yuan completed their two orders.

It's not the first time that Huang Yuan has dealt with this kind of order, so he is familiar with the completion, and quickly arranged the matter, and Luo Lin also left after paying [-] Baileys in the izakaya. .

"Huang Yuan, it's really a pleasure to trade with you."

"Me too, Crow!"

The two old foxes, speaking in a code word known only to them, ended their conversation and went home.

At this moment, Luo Lin's phone rang.

"Blue, blue, blue~" Reiju's appearance was displayed on the phone bug.

"Reiju, are you here?"

"Yes, my lord, I have now reached the target island, but I haven't seen anyone responding."

"Oh, wait a moment, I'll send someone over to find you right away."

After saying this, Rowling divided half of his mental power and possessed Prometheus.

On an island tens of thousands of miles away from the Chambord Islands, Prometheus' eyes suddenly had a charm.

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