"My lord, it has been confirmed that the pirate flag on that ship is exactly Prometheus the Sun!"

After the news was confirmed, the king of the Kingdom of Laurennaku sat slumped on the throne, and the ministers below hurriedly asked: "My lord, are you alright?"

"It's okay? How could it be okay! You know, that's Prometheus! Prometheus who can defeat Big Mom!"

"My lord, why don't we send someone to ask Alabasta to send troops. I heard that the king of Alabasta has a good relationship with the general Black Crow in the navy."

"Yes, yes, yes, that's right." As the king on the great waterway, he naturally knew what it meant to be able to defeat Big Mom's Prometheus, and it was definitely not something a small kingdom like his own could handle.

King Laurenaku quickly issued an order to the ministers, he forced himself to calm down, and said: "Hurry up and send someone to the king of Alabasta, no matter what conditions he proposes, first agree, as long as Prometheus can be Get rid of it, and we can do whatever we want afterwards. In addition, you immediately contact the navy with a phone bug and ask the nearby navy branch to send troops to help us resist the Prometheus attack. Finally..."

Speaking of this, King Laurenaku glanced back and forth, landed on the foreign minister, pointed at him, and said, "You, go to the port right now and ask what Prometheus is here for. , If it’s supplementary supplies, just give them away for free, if it’s something else, you can discuss it if you can, and if you really can’t make up your mind, just contact me on the phone.”

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the pirate ship, the pirate flag that belongs to Prometheus flutters in the wind. Perona helped to hang it up. There are also a bunch of such things stored in Rollin's system storage space.

Standing on the bow of the boat, Reiju has already equipped her body with the high-level battle suit that Luo Lin gave her. The moment Reiju puts on this battle suit, she can feel a kind of power called technology. This kind of power is absolutely Much stronger than his own canned combat suit.

Thinking that Luo Lin surpassed Germa 66 in this aspect, Reiju felt a burst of pride in her heart.

Perona hugged Prometheus in her arms and said, "I didn't expect my notoriety to have spread so loudly."

Reiju said from the side: "Master Luo Lin, you may not know that during this period of time, your enthusiasm has not diminished, and you can be with Master Luo Lin..." Having said this, Reiju felt that this sentence was a bit strange, and immediately Changed his words: "The popularity of another identity with you, my lord, has dominated the headlines for a long time."

"Hahahahahaha, does that old bird have nothing to write? But it's better to write more, to save some unknown juniors from bothering me. That would waste a lot of my time." Luo Lin added silently in his heart. He said: "And the things that exploded are more trash than each other. It's better to be out of sight than to eat ashes in the system storage space."

"Yes, my lord."

Hearing Luo Lin's words, Reiju nodded, her slender legs were slightly bent, and the high-tech shoes shone brightly, carrying Reiju directly into the air, and quickly rushed towards the Kingdom of Laurennaku.

Just as the purple-black poisonous gas was spreading from Reiju's body, a luxuriously dressed man ran out from among the soldiers, his face was covered with sweat, and he kept yelling, "Wait a minute, wait a moment, my lord, please Show mercy!"

Reiju, who was about to release a large amount of poisonous gas, suddenly stopped, and the purple-black mist was almost out of Reiju's control and ran away.

At this time, Luo Lin's pirate ship also slowly approached the port.

Luo Lin didn't know why they didn't use cannonballs to weaken the physical strength of themselves and others, or they were very self-aware of their accuracy.

Think about the number of people who were killed by shells in the world of pirates. Of course, the bombs Garp threw with his hands were excluded from this data.

There is also a reason why Garp is called Iron Fist.

Reiju turned to look at Luo Lin in the air, she was waiting for Luo Lin's signal.

Rollin, transformed into the form of Prometheus, yawned in Perona's arms, and said, "Don't worry about him, just exercise your abilities well. By the way, civilians and soldiers who surrendered cannot be hurt. Other than that, you can do whatever you want."

"Yes, Lord Rollin."

After receiving Luo Lin's reply, Reiju's first target was the prominent minister.

A gray shadow flashed in the minister's eyes, and he said hastily again: "You can discuss whatever you want, as long as we can get it, we can..."

Chapter Three Hundred and Fourteen

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Before the minister finished speaking, Luo Lin interrupted directly: "Then are you willing to hand over Hengyuan?"

Hearing Luo Lin's words, the minister subconsciously said, "How is that possible? It's a national treasure."

And just when the minister finished his sentence, a purple-black butterfly flew from the air. The moment it approached the minister, it exploded instantly. The butterfly was gone, and the poisonous mist scattered everywhere.

The poisonous mist seemed to have its own consciousness, and it rushed towards the minister, and it was hidden in the minister's body in a blink of an eye.

The minister's expression changed suddenly, he opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but only black blood flowed from his mouth, he staggered a few steps, and fell to the ground.

This is not over, I saw that the purple-black color on the minister's body was getting heavier and heavier, and finally gathered on the head, gathering all the toxins together, the black blood kept beating, forming a purple-black cocoon, and finally broke the cocoon Become a butterfly, and another butterfly is born.

Under the control of Reiju, the butterfly continued to search for the next target.

Seeing the butterfly fluttering in the air, the soldiers felt timid, and subconsciously took a step back to avoid this terrifying purple-black butterfly.

Seeing the timidity of the soldiers, the general immediately flew into a rage, "Give it to me, why don't you take a step back? If anyone dares to take a step back, believe it or not, I will kill you with a sword! Not only you! I won't kill your family either!" Let go!"

Under such pressure, the soldiers looked at Reiju with hatred in their eyes, but the general's words were their lifeblood, so they had to abide by them.

"Sure enough, as Lord Luo Lin said, this country is really corrupt and full of tyranny. Just threatening people to force soldiers to fight is really not the style of a good general."

Reiju thought in her heart, but the movements of her hands were not slow. Since they dared to resist, they had to be mentally prepared.

The purple-black poisonous mist rose from his body, turning into black butterflies, dancing in the wind.

Seen from a distance, these butterflies are particularly cute and lively, but as they keep approaching, the black butterflies seem to have turned into deadly Hades, constantly harvesting their lives.

The bodies of the soldiers fell down one by one, and the fallen soldiers would give birth to new butterflies, and continue to search for the next target. The butterflies not only didn't consume much, but produced a lot more.

The soldiers who were originally full of the port fell to the ground in just ten breaths, and there was no way to get up again.

Prometheus got off the boat, flames rose from his body, and a mouthful of flames spewed out: "The fire of karma burns my heart!"

In an instant, the corpses of all the soldiers on the ground disappeared, and their souls were swallowed by the karmic fire, which once again strengthened the power of the karmic fire.

"Perona, let's go, let us liberate the people of this country in the name of Prometheus!"

What Luo Lin said was exactly what the revolutionary army dragon said.

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