Long used this reason to continue to engage in wars, occupy countries one by one, and leave directly after obtaining their material resources. The so-called liberation is just a name.

And in such a name, Long has gathered a lot of powerful people who have dreams.

And it was this kind of dream that became the dragon's means to contain them.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Regarding the matter of dragons, Luo Lin does not intend to consume too much of his brain cells. Anyway, the World Conference will be held soon. At that time, all the franchise countries will come to Marin Vanduo to chat and drink with the Warring States Tea."

Presumably, by that time, these countries will all raise matters about the Revolutionary Army. After all, these days are really not peaceful. Not only are there constant disturbances in their own Prometheus form, but also the Revolutionary Army is wantonly launching wars and constantly occupying nation.

This caused the Warring States to feel a headache, which is why they pushed Rollin out. They wanted Rollin to suppress the news and attention in this regard, so that more people believed that the navy could regain the supremacy of the sea. of.

But are things really as simple as the navy thinks?

After seeing that Prometheus had finished disposing of the soldiers' corpses, Perona opened her arms and held Rollin in her arms again.

The two of them just followed behind Reiju and walked towards the palace.

There are countless soldiers resisting along the way, and there are many people who have eaten devil fruits among them, but the abilities of these people are not very powerful, basically they are some rubbish abilities.

Oh, no, it should be that they are too trashy. After all, there are no trashy fruits, only trashy people, because they themselves are too weak, and they have lowered the lower limit of the fruit's ability.

In the palace of the Kingdom of Laurennaku, the king sat restlessly on his throne, his face flushed, and he kept yelling, "Where's the navy? When will the navy arrive?"

"Report to His Majesty the King, we have already notified the Navy Branch. According to the news, they have already set off, and it is estimated that they will be able to arrive here in half an hour."

"Half an hour?"

King Laurenaku only felt that he was about to collapse. Outside, Prometheus was constantly advancing here, but his reinforcements had not arrived for a long time. As for the minister, the king didn't even have to think about it, it must be It's cool.

"What about Alabasta? Would you like to send troops to help, or let the captain of the guard come?"

"Report to the King, Alabasta is unwilling to send troops."

King Laurenaku's face was gray, he gritted his teeth, and his eyes were full of madness, "I originally thought about hiding my strength and driving Prometheus away with foreign aid, but I didn't expect these people to be so ignorant. If that's the case, then don't blame me for being cruel."

King Laurenaku said bitterly that he didn't want to expose his hole cards, but the appearance of Prometheus made him have to do so.

"Let those soldiers stand up for me, and give me at least ten minutes for him, understand?"

"Yes, my lord the king."

Seeing the king's departure, these ministers also wanted to flee directly, but their families were all in the hands of the king. This was the way the king restrained them, but they had to obey orders.

They can only hope that Prometheus can kill King Laurenaku, so that they can really be liberated.

It's just that this sentence must not be said now, otherwise not only myself, but also my family will suffer.

The king came to his treasury, where his secret weapon was.

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The king walked into his treasury room. There was no light in it, but it was still very bright, because there were night pearls on the surrounding walls, and the night pearls emitted green light, filling the whole room with green.

Taking advantage of the green, the king came to a person's tall thing wrapped in gold silk cloth.

He frowned, and touched the things inside the gold silk cloth, his face was quite ruddy, and his hands trembled a little because he was too nervous.

The king took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down a bit, lifted the gold silk cloth and threw it on the ground, revealing the silver armor inside.

The armor also exudes light under the reflection of the light. There is a faint blackness in this light, and at the same time, there are bursts of coldness exposed. You can feel it, this is definitely a sharp weapon!

This armor was specially made for himself, and it could cover the whole body without revealing a single bit of it.

Three times, five times and two times, the king finally put on this armor with his own efforts. The weight of this armor is not very heavy, but with the king's strength, he can make it move.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of heavy footsteps sounded in the royal palace of Laurennaku, which attracted the attention of the ministers.

"Could this be the king?"

"What's the matter with this armor?"

"Why have I never heard of such a thing in our kingdom?"


The ministers were very curious about what kind of armor the king was wearing. They vaguely guessed something in their hearts, but they couldn't confirm it.

"Could it be that this is an armor made from the national treasure Hengyuan?"

"If the armor made by Hengyuan is really used, it is possible to delay Prometheus until the arrival of naval support."

The king didn't pay attention to the words of the ministers. At this moment, his heart was full of hatred for Prometheus.

Cursing and swearing constantly in his mouth: "Prometheus, I didn't look for you, but you came to my door instead! It's just right, let you try the power of this full-body armor and see if I don't kill you, I will let you You know, what is the real strongest defense!"

Luo Lin, who was in the form of Prometheus, sensed the aura in the palace, smiled and yawned, but didn't care.

Continue to lie in Perona's arms, close your eyes, enjoying the humility of the sun.

"Reiju, how does it feel to control the ability now?"

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