Reiju, who was in the battle, heard Luo Lin's inquiry, and retreated abruptly, distanced herself from the soldiers who were frantically dying. Her breath was not at all chaotic, and she said to Luo Lin: "Lord Luo Lin, I can already I can control a hundred butterflies at the same time, as for the other butterflies, I can only let them play their role."

"It's not enough just like this, keep working hard, Reiju, you must know that your ability is as far as I know, only the warden of the large undersea prison who ate the poisonous fruit can match you, and from the In terms of secondary effects, you have to be stronger.

You must know that Magellan is also the strength of a general. In addition to the domineering ability, he relies on the ability of the poisonous fruit. I believe that if you can work harder to develop your ability, your strength will definitely have a qualitative leap. "

Reiju nodded. From this moment on, Reiju felt Luo Lin's expectations for her. In order to respond to Luo Lin's expectations, Reiju made up her mind.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

While Reiju and Luo Lin were talking, a man in full armor appeared at the gate of the palace. He was like a silver warrior with a long knife in his hand. Luo Lin could keenly detect Seeing this full body armor and long knife is not bad.

Because he had felt this feeling in Gan Wuzhuo's body before, that is to say, the equipment of the man in front of him used Hengyuan!

Luo Lin narrowed his eyes slightly, and it seemed that the target had already appeared.

"Damn pirates, you dare to step into my country. You really don't know how to live or die. If you kneel in front of me now and promise to work for me, maybe I can spare you!"

Without taking care of this person's noise, Luo Lin said directly to Reiju: "Don't talk nonsense with him, what he is wearing is our goal this time."

Reiju's body is entwined with purple-black poisonous gas, which looks like an evil goddess descending to earth. It has a completely different style from Pirate World, but it is more of a strange beauty.

Under the control of Reijiu, the poisonous mist turned into sharp arrows, which were shot off the string in an instant, and the strong impact fell on the king's Hengyuan armor.


The poison is constantly eroding Hengyuan's armor, but the light makes sound, but it doesn't have any effect.

When the king saw this scene, his self-confidence instantly exploded, "Yala Yala Yala, do you know what this is made of? It is made of the most stable metal source in the world! Only by this level It's impossible for the poison to break through my defense."

Reiju grew up in Germa 66, so she naturally knows things like Hengyuan better.

The composition of Hengyuan is very unique, which is why it is rated as the most stable metal. If you want to process Hengyuan, you must have a special process. secret.

Luo Lin naturally saw Reijiu's attack just now, and he was very satisfied with the effect of Hengyuan. When the time comes, send it to Orochimaru, let him study it first, see if Hengyuan can be processed, and keep some for himself .

If not, he can only go to Wano country.

"Perona, use Negative Specter."


Perona held Rollin with one hand, and slowly opened the other hand, and a very small ghost appeared in Perona's palm.

The slender fingers flicked out, and the ghost flew directly towards the king, easily penetrated Hengyuan, and reached the soul!

The next second, the king knelt on the ground with a plop, and the surviving soldiers beside him were all stunned when they saw this scene.

Why did the king suddenly kneel down?

What the hell is going on here?


Countless questions lingered in their hearts, but now they saw the king kneeling on the ground with a negative look, and threw down their weapons one after another, turning into birds and beasts.

But just when the group of soldiers had just walked a few steps, they heard the king's murmur.

"I'm really a person who does all kinds of evil."

"All the family members of the soldiers were sold by me."

"Anyone who defies me is fed to the sharks."

"What is a person like me doing in this world?"


The heinous things came out of the king's mouth one by one, and the soldiers around stopped. When they turned to look at the king, their eyes looked like revenge demons from the abyss!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The soldiers all suspected that their ears had heard wrong. Their king sold their family?Didn't it mean living together in the palace?That is, the king has been lying to them all this time?

The eyes of the soldiers were gradually stained with red, and the hostility on their bodies continued to increase.

But the king was unmoved at all, and kept saying some very dark words from his mouth. Even Luo Lin felt very uncomfortable hearing these words. Sure enough, this king is very problematic, just like the rumors said , Abnormal tyranny!

The soldiers were dazzled by anger at this moment, they formed a circle around the king, looked at him kneeling on the ground, and immediately greeted him with a punch.

"Deng~", the voice sounded very long.

The crisp sound of metal reverberated in the air, the soldier's fist landed on Hengyuan, only heard the sound of fracture, and the whole finger was slightly deformed.

But he didn't stop, his fists continued to greet the king, but they were easily blocked by Hengyuan's armor.

Pairs of blood were stained on the hands, and the sound of "slapping" sounded continuously, giving people a very strange feeling in the deserted street.

The chests of the soldiers heaved violently, the loss of a lot of physical strength and the aggravation of their injuries forced them to stop their movements.

But when they looked at the unscathed king, they felt even more aggrieved in their hearts, and an indescribable hatred was born in their hearts.

Luo Lin had seen enough excitement, floated out of Perona's arms, and said to the soldiers condescendingly in the sky: "This full-body armor is made of Hengyuan, and the money your family sells should be invested. On top of this suit of armor."

Luo Lin didn't consider their self-esteem at all, and said mercilessly: "You can't do any harm to him at all, instead of wasting time here, you might as well move the treasury directly in front of me, maybe I will I will give you some mercifully, and when the time comes, you can use this money to live in another country, wouldn’t it be better?”

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