Astia clasped his hands together, pretended to be praying, and murmured, "God's holy light."

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The originally peaceful room was suddenly filled with a lot of holy light.

As Astia's voice fell, I saw a pair of white holy wings with golden light spreading out from Astia's back. The wings trembled slightly, and the white feathers fluttered down. This scene made Luo Lin feel a little nervous. Crazy.

Inadvertently whispered in the mouth: "It's so beautiful~"

These words fell into Astia's ears, causing Astia's red glow to reach her ears, like a shy angel, no, she was an angel in the first place.

"Have a good time tempering your own strength. I am very much looking forward to what you will look like after your fruits are awakened."

Astia and Astir nodded at the same time, making up their minds to train themselves well.

Soon, Ain and Kuina finished the dinner, and the girls from the maid team also went over to help bring it over.

A series of delicious-looking dishes came into Luo Lin's eyes, "Ain, Kuina, I didn't see it, you guys have such talent."

Ain was very happy to hear Luo Lin's praise, but she still said, "Master, this time it's mainly Kuina."

"Oh~ does that mean that Guina is the main cook this time?" After speaking, Luo Lin rubbed Kuina's hair as a compliment, and when Luo Lin approached Kuina, Guina Yi Na was clearly aware of the speed of blood flow in her body, and it started to speed up, a strange feeling filled her heart.

Everyone sat down and began to enjoy dinner tonight.

I have to say that Kuina's craftsmanship is still very good.

But before thinking that Kuina was cooking at home, it feels very normal.

This time, not only Luo Lin, Ain and Kuina had a big appetite, even Astia and Astir ate a lot. In normal times, they would deliberately control the food in order to maintain their figures. own appetite.

But after they ate the devil fruit, their bodies consumed a lot of energy, making them extremely hungry.

Not long after dinner, Luo Lin's phone rang.

Don't think about it, it must be the call from the Warring States Period.

Astia took out a golden phone bug from the room, and stood beside Luo Lin holding it in his hands.

After picking up the phone bug, Luo Lin said, "Master Marshal, it's so late, why don't you go to sleep?"

"I want to sleep, but the matter of Doflamingo is still here, how can I sleep."

"Ah~ Indeed~ Doflamingo is indeed a headache, especially his identity, which is really too tricky."

Luo Lin's words made Zhan Guo's heart sink: Luo Lin knew about Doflamingo's other identity.

It was getting late, the night sky was full of blackness, and the moon and stars were hidden behind the clouds.

"Luo Lin, I don't want to go around in circles with you anymore. I want to entrust you with the task this time. Can you complete it?"

"Hello? Hello? The signal here is not very good~ Marshal, can you hear my voice?"


The voice from Zhan Guo came from the phone bug, and the voice of Zhan Guo who was trying to suppress his anger came: "Luo Lin, don't make fun of me anymore, except for blocking the phone bug, the phone bug has no signal at all. It's hard to say, you Just tell me what you want, and if it's reasonable, I can promise you."

"Oh~ is that so, then I want three top-level devil fruits!"

"Three? Impossible!" Zhan Guo directly denied, and said: "At most one top-level devil fruit, or three ordinary devil fruits."

"Then a top-level devil fruit, but you have to give me this fruit regardless of whether I can complete the task perfectly."

Zhan Guo pondered for a moment before saying: "Yes."

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After hearing that Zhan Guo agreed to his request, Luo Lin smiled, smiling like Hisense.

"Then leave this matter to me."

"Leave tomorrow."

"No problem, leave tomorrow, just leave tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Ain asked Luo Lin, "Master, what does he want from you in the Warring States Period?"

"Ah~ It's just a former Tianlong man who hijacked Tianshangjin and wanted to exchange Tianshangjin for Qiwuhai's status. He's just a clown, nothing to worry about."

Time passed quickly, and the next morning came in a blink of an eye, and Luo Lin came to the Black Raven alone.

Although in Rowling's eyes, Doflamingo is nothing more than a clown, but bringing Ain and Guina with him is still a bit dangerous.

"Black Crow, let's go, first go to Orochimaru, and send him the equipment."

"Yes Master."

The voice of the Black Raven was recalled in Rollin's mind.

Luo Lin returned to his room, lay on the bed and began to sleep soundly.

When Luo Lin woke up, the Black Crow had arrived at the island where Orochimaru was located.

The island is still the same ordinary island, but there are some big changes inside.

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