Luo Lin stood on the deck, looked at the island with his white eyes, and found that there were countless snakes of different colors wrapped around the trees in the island.

These snakes uttered snake letters, as if they had sensed Luo Lin's existence, and their vertical snake eyes were staring at Luo Lin.

"I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, Orochimaru produced so many snakes. It really is a snake game, it is amazing!"

Just after Luo Lin finished speaking, he saw the group of snakes on Snake Island twisting their bodies and gathering towards one place, and the figure of Orochimaru appeared in front of Luo Lin.

Luo Lin was not surprised at the sudden appearance of Orochimaru, and said bluntly: "The instrument is in the boat, come and get it."

Orochimaru used the clone technique, but this clone technique is based on the snake, which is similar to the shadow clone technique from a certain point of view.

Ten clones that looked exactly like Orochimaru came to the Black Crow and moved the instruments to Snake Island.

Orochimaru said to Luo Lin: "Rolin, where are the materials? Where are the materials you mentioned?"

"Oh, you said that, it's coming soon." Rollin replied to Orochimaru after sensing the current position of Prometheus.

"Oshewan bloodline factor, I will leave it to you. Of course, you can also study other research topics. If you need anything, just tell me."

"I will."

Orochimaru showed a sneer, and then the figure disappeared from Luo Lin's face, looking quite strange.

The corners of Luo Lin's mouth rose slightly, and he thought to himself: "Do it well, Orochimaru, I am optimistic about you!"

As for the meaning of the phrase "I'm optimistic about you, what does Luo Lin mean?" I guess only Luo Lin knows.

Leaving from Snake Island, Rollin took the Black Raven and quickly sailed towards the island where Doflamingo was located.

The strong wind blew Luo Lin's black hair, and he tapped Gan Wuzhuo's sword hilt with his fingers, playing a melodious song, "Brother Doflaming, I finally meet you, Emperor of the Underworld? title."

After saying this, Luo Lin turned around, the cloak of justice fluttering in the air, and walked towards his cabin.

"Just let me see what your cards are. Will you say that you are the emperor of the underground world?"

Chapter Three Hundred and Twenty Eight

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Isle del Loca, Greece.

Doflamingo took his "family" to camp on the island, and they were waiting for the arrival of the navy.

"Young master, can they really come?"

Of course they are referring to the navy.

"Fufufufufu~ No matter whether they come or not, we are the ones who will benefit. If they come, they can use this as a threat to change the position of Shichibukai. If they don't come, it's better! You know, this is Bailey given to Tianlong people, even if I accept it, it should be."

"The young master is right."

Standing near Doflamingo, Torrepole said, but the sticky snot on his body was really disgusting, even Doflamingo frowned slightly.

"Torrebol, go and survey the surroundings to see if there is any movement. If you find any suspicious places, contact me immediately with a phone bug. Believe me, the group of navy will never give up the position of Qibuhai easily. give me."

"You still know your own situation quite well."

Rollin's voice echoed in the sky.

Doflamingo raised his head, his muscles tensed.

A small black dot in the air continued to magnify in everyone's eyes. Luo Lin, wearing a robe of justice, landed on the island in the strong wind.

"General Black Crow! I didn't expect you to come this time. The navy really gave me a face."

Rowling and Doflamingo have known about each other's existence for a long time, but it is the first time they have met each other.

Looking at Doflamingo in a pink robe, Rowling sat casually on a stone, his aura was completely hidden in his body, if he didn't see Rowling sitting in front of him, Dover Brother Lang Ming really had a hard time imagining that there was someone in front of him.

Compared with when he was in the auction house, Luo Lin's aura is completely different, giving people an anti-basic feeling.

And it was this feeling that made Doflamingo extremely vigilant, because it showed that Luo Lin's strength was even stronger.

"Brother Doflaming, I heard that you want to join the Qiwuhai?" Luo Lin's tone was a little hesitant, but the smile on his face remained, "Obviously other pirates are so resistant, except for some Involuntarily, you are still the first."

"Fufufufufufufu, isn't it~ That's really my honor." After Doflamingo showed his signature smile, he said again: "Then what did the navy say?"

Luo Lin took Gan Wuzhuo from behind, this action startled Doflamingo, he thought Luo Lin was planning to do something.

"Don't be afraid, but don't let me look down on you, Doflamingo, the clown, the emperor of the underground world, hahahahaha!" The more he said, the more Luo Lin couldn't control his laughter, the arrogant laughter This little-known island reverberates.

Torrebol could sense disdain from Rowling's tone, let alone Doflamingo himself!

Just as Torrebol wanted to speak for Doflamingo, he was stopped by Doflamingo.


"Retire, you too, get out of here, I have something to talk to Luo Lin."


"This is an order!"

"Yes, my lord."

Torrebol looked at Rollins unwillingly, but he couldn't resist Doflamingo, so he could only take the rest of the family and walk towards the other side.

"Black Crow, there are only two of us left now."

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