As the sun goes down, the clear outline disappears, the silence rises and spreads like mist, and the wind stops and the trees are still.

This day is almost over.

Luo Lin yawned. He didn't expect there to be so much gold in the sky. There were a hundred boxes, all of which were Baileys.

It took more than an hour to move from the place where Doflamingo hid the gold in the sky to the Black Raven, and this made Rollin's patience almost worn out.

Not only did he think that he had taken advantage this time, but Luo Lin was also embarrassed to let them hurry up.

This time, although he did not fulfill the requirements of the Warring States Period, he took advantage of it. Just using his tongue, Doflamingo gave him two opportunities for nothing. Don't underestimate these two requirements. , although Rowling looked down on Doflamingo, the emperor of the underground world, but in a way, Doflamingo is like a tool man, and it is still very useful.

However, in order for Doflamingo to fulfill his request, it is still necessary to wait until Doflamingo rules Dressrosa.

Luo Lin felt that he still had some patience.

As for the navy side, Rowling is not worried, and it will be fine to directly sacrifice Vandenis Saint at that time, and that Vandenis Saint doesn't mind anyway.

He doesn't want to trust himself.

"Fandenisheng, for the sake of being so stupid, I will give you a good time."

Thinking of this, Rollin took out the phone bug from the system storage space. This phone bug was different from other phone bugs, but it was red, and it was the phone bug that Rollin used to practice Van Denis.

In about three seconds, Fandenisheng answered the phone bug.

Rowling was not polite, and directly told Fandeni Sheng about the matter here, but added at the end, "Now Doflamingo has surrendered, so I want Doflamingo to join The Qiwuhai plan will allow him to play a greater role in the future."

"No problem Rowling, your idea is very good, I agree."

Fandenisheng is confident that Rollin's every move is under his control, and Rollin will never betray him.

This is Vandenis Saint's blind self-confidence all the time, and the belief he has always insisted on: he is a Tianlong man standing at the top of the world!

But I don't know that it is precisely because of such stupid ideas of the Tianlong people that they will eventually perish!

After finishing these things, Luo Lin used a golden phone bug to call Zhan Guo and told Zhan Guo what happened here, but he directly threw the blame on Vandeny Saint, since Zhan Guo couldn't find it himself anyway. Fandenisheng verified that it doesn't matter what he says.

In the office on the top floor of Marin Fando, Sengoku stood up from his seat with a bang, and said to the phone bug: "Saint Fandeni wants Doflamingo to join Qiwuhai!  Didn't you tell me Did he reveal Doflamingo's true identity?"

Luo Lin tilted his feet, looked up at the gradually rising moon, and said, "I said it, Mr. Marshal, but you can't blame me for it. You should know that Tianlong's character is just like this."

It's not good if some words are too clear. Zhan Guo naturally understood what Luo Lin wanted to express, so he didn't say anything more immediately. What can he do now that the matter has come to this? !

This is the helplessness of being a marshal, and it is for this reason that Karp is willing to stay in the position of lieutenant general and is unwilling to go further to become a general!

Chapter Three Hundred and Thirty-Two If this is the case, so what

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Rolin, since Doflamingo is going to become Qibukai, can you suppress him?"

"Marshal, what do you think?"

Rollin glanced at Doflamingo in the distance, and after seeing him make an OK gesture to himself, Rollin walked towards the Black Raven, and said at the same time: "Don't worry, Lord Marshal, no matter what No matter what little moves Doflamingo makes, I won't be able to escape my eyes."

"Yeah, I hope so too."

Luo Lin hung up the phone bug with a smile on his face, narrowed his eyes slightly, and raised a finger at Doflamingo.

Doflamingo felt the alarm ringing in his heart, "Spider web wall!"

I saw that Doflamingo swung his arm to the side first, and then radiated a huge spider web composed of hundreds of thousands of transparent silk threads to the side, with a diameter of about [-] meters, wrapped with armed domineering.

Luo Lin didn't pay any attention to this, and the sword energy above his index finger roared towards Doflamingo.

The huge sword was as imposing as a broken bamboo, rubbing against the air and making a piercing sound.

"Chila!" With a sound, the cobweb wall made by Doflamingo was cut off by Luo Lin's sword energy, and turned into silk hanging on the ground, fluttering slightly with the breeze~

Doflamingo felt this overwhelming sword energy, and felt as if he was already dead. For the first time, he realized that the gap between him and Luo Lin was so large, and his strongest defensive move actually resisted it. Unable to stop Rowling's random blow, this made Doflamingo feel very frightened!

"Just this one time, don't use such little tricks in the future, it's useless." Luo Lin snapped his fingers lightly, and the sword energy that broke through the cobweb wall dissipated instantly. Shredded and returned to his cabin.

"Let's go, Black Raven."

The hull of the Black Crow swayed slightly, turning the bow and sailing towards the distance.

After a while, Doflamingo finally recovered from the shock, "Fuff, Fuff, Black Raven! Black Raven! Just wait for me, I will definitely catch up Yours! Then return the shame you gave me today a hundredfold!"

"Young master, as long as you want, you can, after all, you are the chosen one!" Torrebol said beside him.

And the so-called chosen person is the person who has awakened the domineering look and arrogance.

Torrepol and other core members of the family met Doflamingo when he was very young. After realizing that Doflamingo was the chosen one, Torrepol handed it over to Doflamingo. Mingo is a fruit, and this fruit is the thread fruit. It can be said that the core members of the Doflamingo family have blind confidence in Doflamingo's talent.

Rowling didn't care about Doflamingo installing a phone-tapping bug on his boat. If he didn't install it, Rowling would think it was a ghost!

You must know that from the moment they moved the Heavenly Gold to the Black Crow, they were under the surveillance of the Black Crow, and their every move could not escape the observation of the elves of the Black Crow ship.

That's why Rowling knew that Doflamingo had ordered his men to install phone-tapping bugs on the ship as soon as he boarded the ship.

"Black Raven, drive slowly, we are not in a hurry to return to Marlin Fandor."

"Yes, Master."

The Ship Spirit in the Black Crow rang in Luo Lin's mind.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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