-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Back in his cabin, Luo Lin took Gan Wuzhuo off his back, put him on his lap, and made a knife Zen pose.

"System, take out the ten peak sword hearts of the supreme swordsman, I want to hit the realm of the legendary swordsman."

With a flash of brilliance, ten miniature swords appeared in front of Luo Lin. The miniature swords all exuded the aura of immortality, and each one contained the will and experience of the supreme swordsman at the peak.

Luo Lin had given it to Taotu before, so he naturally knew what was going to happen next, but Luo Lin didn't panic at all, Jianhao's will was like this, not to mention his mental strength was far beyond what ordinary people could compare.

To put it simply, Luo Lin has confidence in himself, and he will never completely lead himself into the illusion outlined by Jian Xin.

Luo Lin pinched a sword heart and put it in his mouth.

In an instant, Jian Xin turned into pure energy and slid down Luo Lin's throat without any smell.

After taking Jianxin, Luo Lin held Gan Wuzhuo in his hand, and began to comprehend sword Zen, feeling the changes in himself.

Luo Lin only felt that he had come to a very dilapidated ancient town, and everyone in this ancient town was like a swordsman. It was in this environment that Luo Lin found himself turned into another person, but he did not Unable to control himself, he can only observe his life with his vision.

He learned swordsmanship at the age of ten and was very talented. In just a few years, he entered the realm of a great swordsman. He was a well-known figure in the ancient town. Until one day, a man wearing a black mask came to challenge the fourteen-year-old He defeated the boy with just a few sword strikes.

When Luo Lin saw this, his eyes froze. He could clearly perceive the realm of the challenger, which was lower than the level of the boy in this dream. He had just entered the realm of the great swordsman, but his basic skills should be what Luo Lin saw. The most powerful ones have reached the state of returning to nature that can only be mastered by the supreme swordsman.

It can be said that this young man was not wronged, and Luo Lin paid more attention to basic skills.

"Sure enough, if you want to build a skyscraper, the foundation is the foundation. If the foundation is not stable, the building will collapse in an instant."

As the boy continued to enter the realm, Luo Lin experienced more and more. It was not until the boy died that Luo Lin withdrew from the dream outlined by Jian Xin.

"Huh~" He took a deep breath, and Luo Lin rubbed his brows, "It's really tiring to experience other people's lives, and to be a peak swordsman!"

As soon as Luo Lin finished sighing this sentence, he felt a chill in his head.

Withering left from Gan Wuzhuo, condensing her figure in the air, her figure became more and more solid, like white jade, very beautiful and moving.

Withered stretched out her slender fingers, and lightly touched Luo Lin's temples to relax the cold air on her body, making Luo Lin feel very refreshed.

The corners of Luo Lin's mouth raised slightly, he stroked his withered body as a reward, and then picked up a sword heart to subdue.

This time Luo Lin came to a battlefield. He was a general who controlled an army of ten thousand people and commanded the soldiers to fight on the battlefield.

There is nothing hidden about his sword energy and sword intention. No matter from any angle, he is domineering and extremely powerful!

The third one is an ascetic monk, he uses a demon sword, and his whole person is both good and evil. All his kendo comprehension is based on the demon sword, all his skills are extremely strange, and the angle is tricky.


A series of nine sword hearts were absorbed into Luo Lin's body, and a lot of insights in the way of the sword made Luo Lin have a deeper understanding of the realm of the peak of the supreme swordsman!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Black Raven is sailing on the sea, and the sea is still calm, which is quite a rare thing on the great waterway.

Luo Lin sat cross-legged on the ground in the cabin, with Gan Wuzhuo lying on his lap. At this moment, he only felt a splitting headache. In a short period of time, he had received a lot of experience and experience, even if Luo Lin's mental strength was unrivaled, But I can't stand the sequelae.

Although the blood of the sword god has almost restored his mental power, his condition is still a bit bad.

"The last sword heart, I hope I can advance!"

With the experience of ten supreme swordsmen at their peak, Luo Lin felt as if he could break through at any time, but the difference in the way of swordsmanship was thousands of miles away. The opportunity was wasted by oneself.

"I hope this last sword heart can be a little stronger and give me some inspiration, so that I can step into the realm of the legendary swordsman. Let me see how this realm is different from the peak of the supreme swordsman!"

This is a realm that Hawkeye has not been able to break through so far!Why not make Luo Lin feel jealous!

Thinking of this, Luo Lin didn't hesitate much, he wanted to go all out and hit the Legendary Realm!

After convincing Jian Xin, Luo Lin only felt that the environment around him had changed drastically.

The extremely pitch-black space prevented Luo Lin from feeling any other existence.

In the Jianxin space, Luo Lin can't use his own ability, he can only see with his own eyes, but now he can't see anything!

"Damn it, is it possible that this Jian Xin was wasted?"

Luo Lin was very speechless in his heart. He thought he could sprint towards the realm of the legendary swordsman in one go, but before he could charge, Luo Lin fell down.

There was an extra memory in Luo Lin's mind. This memory was the memory of the master of Jianxin. From this memory, Luo Lin knew that this person was invisible.

This can also explain that the world seen by Tong Luolin is black.

"Hey, the invisible peak of the supreme swordsman, I can imagine that life is absolutely legendary, but I have no way to see it. It's really a pity!"

Luo Lin's heart was full of unwillingness, and when the words fell, Luo Lin suddenly felt that there was something moving in the pitch-black space.

Looking closely, it turns out that hearts are constantly moving.

The heart has different colors, red, black, white, green... It's like a hodgepodge.

Straight to the heart!

Is it possible that this person can directly see a person's heart?

Could the color represented by their hearts be their character and quality?

Luo Lin felt as if he had discovered something shocking. The most important thing was that he seemed to vaguely feel the loosening of that level of realm.

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