"Directly point to the heart, there is a sword in my heart." Luo Lin murmured subconsciously. At this moment, he felt that he had regained control, and he seemed to have broken away from the environment outlined by the heart of the sword.

At this time, he came to a wider world, and in this world, he felt the incomparable monstrous sword intent.

And this sword intent gave Luo Lin a very familiar feeling, that extremely hot sword intent that seemed to be able to burn everything, isn't it his Sun True Fire sword intent!Suddenly, all sword intent gathered in front of Luo Lin, and a three-legged Golden Crow burning with flames appeared in front of Luo Lin~

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The sword intent on his body was rising, continuously gathering towards the front, the body of the three-legged Golden Crow was getting bigger and bigger, the unbearably high temperature, even Luo Lin was already covered in sweat.

"That's right, that's right, that's the feeling!" Luo Lin clenched his fists tightly, looking at the three-legged Golden Crow in front of him, feeling his fighting spirit rising.

Luo Lin had a strong intuition that as long as he could defeat the three-legged Golden Crow in front of him, he would definitely be promoted to the realm of legendary swordsman.

Without waiting for Luo Lin to think about it, he saw the three-legged Golden Crow spread its golden-red wings, with ferocious flames around its body, flying towards Luo Lin.

It seems that the movement is slow, but every time the wings are flapped, the distance between the three-legged Golden Crow and Luo Lin will be shortened quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it will rush in front of Luo Lin.

The monstrous flames seemed to engulf Luo Lin, but Luo Lin was not timid at all, his eyes narrowed slightly, with a dangerous light shining in his eyes, his black hair fluttered, and Gan Wuzhuo flew out of the scabbard with a soft moan.

The cold light flickered, and the icy breath wrapped around it, turning into white ice crystals and dissipating in the air.

"Dead Song, Confession Song!" Luo Lin held Gan Wuzhuo, a large number of ice crystals flashed from the blade, and a sword slashed out. The sword energy like a crescent moon cut off the golden red sky in an instant.

The golden-red sky was cut off at the middle, and a large number of ice crystals filled the middle. The ice crystals echoed with the golden-red flames, dyeing the infinitely vast sky red.

The sky is very beautiful, like a superb view, but Luo Lin did not enjoy the beautiful scenery at all, and a burn the size of a bowl appeared on his chest.

It was the flame of the three-legged Golden Crow that burned Luo Lin's chest.

"Hiss~" Luo Lin gasped, and whispered, "It really hurts!"

Although he said so, Luo Lin's chest was quickly restored to its original state by the blood of the Sword God.

Luo Lin's eyes were fixed on the three-legged Jinwu, and he was rarely serious.

"Wither, are you ready!"

Gan Wuzhuo's sword trembled lightly, and Luo Lin got a withering reply, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

I saw that the blade was covered with ice crystals, but above the ice crystals, flames were indeed rising from it.

"Flame banquet. Flame on fire!"

"Death Song Confession!"

One sword swing, two sword skills.

This kind of technique can only be achieved by Luo Lin with the cooperation of Withering. The flames and ice are intertwined and devour each other, just like a yin and a yang, reaching an unprecedented balance.

The half-gold red half-blue slash hit the three-legged Jinwu's body.

The whole body of the three-legged Golden Crow is made of golden-red flames, as if nothing happened, and the wounds disappeared in a blink of an eye under the compensation of the flames.

It looks like the blood of Luo Lin's sword god.

"If this is a trial, isn't it a bit too difficult!"

Luo Lin's hands were hanging by his sides, and Gan Wuzhuo seemed a little hard to hold in his hands, and his mood seemed very depressed.

Luo Lin seemed to be hit by the strength of the three-legged Golden Crow.

The three-legged Golden Crow raised its voice, and the crisp sound resounded in the sky, like a great roc spreading its wings, as if it was celebrating for itself or demonstrating.

But the three-legged Jinwu didn't realize the deep madness hidden in Luo Lin's eyes!

And this madness will only appear when Luo Lin is serious!

Three hundred and thirty six chapters I want to be serious

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Luo Lin's originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and the aura on his body was like an ancient beast, swinging around with himself as the center!

Mo hair rose, like a crown of anger, a long robe flew wildly in the space, and the golden-red sword energy quickly circled in Luo Lin's body.

"Legendary swordsman, it must be me! Wait for the Golden Crow, resistance is useless!"

After the words fell, Luo Lin's aura once again increased.

"Eight Gates Dunjia!"

Luo Lin's figure disappeared from Jinwu's field of vision. Jinwu was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, he observed the abnormalities around him.

"It's late! If this is a trial, then I will pass the level. If this is a threshold, then I will step over it. If this is a roadblock to become a legendary swordsman, then I will crush it!"

Luo Lin's figure descended rapidly from the sky, his body was filled with golden-red aura, Gan Wuzhuo shook rapidly in Luo Lin's hands, "Since I obtained the blood of the Sword God, my body has been producing sword aura all the time, The sword energy is stored in my body, and the quantitative change has already caused a qualitative change. Now, let you try it, this bloodline is overbearing."

"Sword God's bloodline! 100% output! Go! Yan Yan. Ultimate Slash!"

The veins on Luo Lin's forearm bulged, and the muscles drove Gan Wuzhuo, turning into an afterimage. The moment the slash came out, the air seemed to explode, and a huge sound vibrated in the air.

A huge sword energy that seemed to cross the sky, mixed with overwhelming momentum, devoured the brilliant rays of the sky, and went fiercely towards the huge three-legged Golden Crow.

This huge three-legged Golden Crow, which was fused with sword energy and sword intent, seemed to have sensed the danger of the slash, and immediately raised its voice, waving its wings continuously, and golden-red flames slashed across the air, but But to no avail.

All of them were easily torn and swallowed by Luo Lin's slash.

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