Seeing Luo Lin's leaving back, the corner of Zhan Guo's mouth twitched. He knew that Luo Lin was powerful, but he was more worried about Luo Lin's character.

Luo Lin's character is too moody, and it is not something that can be guessed by the Warring States Period.

Luo Lin didn't care about the idea of ​​the Warring States period before, let alone after being promoted to the legendary swordsman!

Even Luo Lin planned to advance his own plan!

I always feel that Luo Lin is acting weird today, and Zhan Guo frowned slightly. He felt that something should have happened to Luo Lin, but he felt it carefully, but he couldn't feel anything. He really couldn't think of it. Without thinking too much, he sent a few people to take the Heavenly Gold from the Black Crow, and returned to his office.

And Luo Lin took the Black Raven and headed for Nine Snake Island.

Three hundred and forty-four chapters Qiwuhai plan is about to start

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Rowling still secretly sneaked into Nine Snakes Island, and directly executed Hancock in her own room on the spot.

Originally Hancock still wanted to resist, but the perception of his strength was too great, and he was no match for Rollin at all, especially after seeing the sword energy released by Rollin, Hancock was completely silent.

There is nothing more sad than heartbreak, and Hancock has completely given up resistance at this time.

Impossible, absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible for him to escape from Luo Lin's hands.

Thinking of this, Hancock's tears rolled down from the corners of his eyes.

She only felt that her future was full of gloom, which was even darker than the previous gloom, as if sinking in hell, and would never be able to get the sunshine of salvation.

Rollin naturally noticed Hancock's dim eyes, and stretched out his hand to gently wipe away Hancock's tears. Rollin said, "Do you hate me? Then try to behave, be obedient, and please me, maybe I will It’s okay to let you go, oh, by the way, about the Tianlongren who promised you before, it should be soon.”

Adding dates to a big stick is definitely a very useful method. Even though Hancock knew Rollin's potential meaning, his eyes shone brighter than before.

"Rowling, if you can do it, what I said before will be true!"

"Don't worry, I never broke my promise to women! But did you forget to change your name?"

With Rowling's few words, Hancock's heart was reawakened by Rowling's hope. She wants to live a better life. In fact, it is very good to change her life. In the future, she can rely on her master and rely on him to help her take revenge , and I only need to...

Although Hancock has always thought so in her heart, she knew that she could not change so quickly.

She did this just to make herself feel better.

"Let's prepare for the next few days. The Navy will soon announce the start of the Qiwuhai Project. After all, in this sea, except for those who have special channels, not many people know about it. You must participate in it at that time. Seven Wuhai meeting, do you understand?"

"Understood Master, I will definitely not be absent when the time comes."

Hancock lowered his head and said to Rollins.

Hearing Hancock's words, Rowling didn't hold back much, anyway, he would be able to see Hancock again in a short time.

After sneaking into Nine Snake Island and leaving secretly, Rowling took a boat to Alabasta to visit Weiwei and Robin. After warning Crocodile, Rowling left.

After finishing all this, Rowling returned to Marin Vandor again, waiting for the announcement of the Qiwuhai plan.

Seven days later, Warring States first announced the Qiwuhai plan to the world through newspapers and other channels, saying that pirates would actively sign up.

The powerful pirates looked down upon it, while the weak pirates worried whether it was a conspiracy of the navy, so this plan was ridiculed by countless pirates on the sea.

Another day passed, and under such pressure, Sengoku spread the influence to the whole world through the phone bug, personally explained the content of this plan, and has joined the benefits of pirates.

Many pirates in the sea thought that this plan would come to naught in the end, because they couldn't figure out what the navy was thinking, so many people were observing with a wait-and-see attitude.

However, what slapped these pirates in the face was that it didn't take long for the navy to announce the list of Qiwuhai personnel, all of whom were well-known pirates!

Three hundred and forty-five chapters Qiwuhai plan begins

Three hundredth Chapter 16 lineup

In the list of Qiwuhai announced to the world, there are many shocking existences.

Among them is the pirate queen Boa Hancock!

The underground emperor clown Joker, that is, Doflamingo!

Hawkeye Mihawk, one of the strongest swordsmen in the world!

And Tyrant Bear!

These very famous pirates, they can be said to have reached a height that many pirates cannot reach, and it is this kind of pirate who actually joined the Navy's Qiwuhai, which shocked them very much.

As for the other Seven Martial Seas, they may not be as famous as them, but they all have their own influence in some aspects, and they are also very powerful.

Zhan Guo was in the office, looking at the intelligence information collected by the people below, he just felt that everything was worth it.

"Very well, the activity level of pirates has been lower than before, which shows that everything we do is meaningful."

Luo Lin sat on the chair with his arms folded, watching the Warring States talk endlessly there, and he was not moved, because he knew that the extremely evil generation would come soon.

Not long ago, Makino called him a phone bug, telling him that it was already brewed, and asked him when he would be there. Rollin took advantage of this time to ask about the situation of Ace and Luffy.

Ace has gone to sea now, and Luffy is not far away.

Although due to his appearance, the two people's time to go to sea has changed slightly, but there is not much difference. Luo Lin still has a certain advantage in controlling the future.

When Luo Lin was thinking about when to go to Windmill Village, Warring States said to Luo Lin: "Black Crow, three days later, Qiwuhai will come to Marin Fando to participate in the first Qiwuhai meeting. At that time, you too to play."

Luo Lin pointed at himself, and then at the other generals, as if to say why he didn't choose them.

The reactions of the other generals were: Aokiji was sleeping, Kizaru was paddling, and Akainu was full of expressions of unwillingness to be with the pirates.

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