As if seeing the imbalance in Luo Lin's heart, Zhan Guo said to Luo Lin: "Black Crow, I will trouble you this time, after all, you are one of the representatives of our navy!"

Luo Lin shook his head helplessly, but Luo Lin was not very repulsed by this kind of thing, and Luo Lin was still thinking about what method to use to earn shocking rewards from these pirates.

You must know that these people are all big pirates, and the quality of the things that explode from them is definitely much better than those that explode from those unknown people!

In Luo Lin's opinion, it is best to burst out the three-color domineering, after all, Luo Lin's level in this aspect is a bit low compared to other skills.

As long as the three-color arrogance is completely raised, Luo Lin will be worthy of anyone. Otherwise, Luo Lin will really feel very uncomfortable when he meets someone like red hair who is about to reach the peak of domineering aura. Luo Lin didn't want to experience the feeling of oppression.

"Master Marshal, since you have said so, then I would be more respectful than obedient, but if those pirates bully me, Sir Marshal, you must make the decision for me."

Generals: Who can bully you, it's good if you don't bully others!

This idea is not only thought by the generals, but also by the Warring States Period.

Three Hundred Chapter 16

The 17th Chapter [-] Boa Hancock Arrives

The sky was bright, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

The thin mist floated in Marlin Vandor, making Rollin feel very uncomfortable.

Flicking his fingers on the hilt of Gan Wuzhuo's sword, a melodious song echoed in the air. Luo Lin stood at the port and waited for the arrival of Qiwuhai.

It's not that the navy is afraid of provoking these pirates, it's simply that Luo Lin is bored, so he came here to wait for them.

After all, he really wanted to see what some people's expressions looked like.

It didn't take long for Rowling to see the first Shichibukai who came to Marlin Vandor, Tyrant Bear!

It has to be said that, as the former king of the Solbey Kingdom, the tyrant bear really lived up to the title of tyrant.

The tyrant bear has a burly figure, similar in appearance to a bear, with a height of 689 centimeters, which is much taller than the normal Luo Lin.

Ordinary people should give up resistance just by seeing the figure of the tyrant bear.

After all, to be able to grow so tall, the physique will definitely not be weak.

Even if you use your weight to crush people, you can crush many people to death, not to mention that the Tyrant Bear is one of the best meatball fruits in the superman series of devil fruits, and its strength is even more terrifying.

However, although Tyrant Bear is powerful, Luo Lin didn't want to challenge him at all, mainly because it was too troublesome.

"Welcome to Marlin Vandor, Bear!"

Luo Lin's expression was exaggerated, and he opened his arms, as if he wanted to hug the tyrant bear.

But Xiong ignored Luo Lin at all, and just asked Luo Lin, "Black Crow, where is the conference room?"

Looking at such a serious tyrant bear, Luo Lin glanced at his mouth, secretly thought bored, pointed to a navy soldier not far away, and said, "You, take him to the meeting room."

"Yes, Master Black Crow!"

Luo Lin yawned, looking at the figure of Tyrant Bear leaving, a trace of search flashed in his eyes, if he remembered correctly, it won't be long before Tyrant Bear will be transformed into a humanoid weapon.

What made Luo Lin curious was, what was the reason that made him make such a choice? Was it really because of the Revolutionary Army?

Rowling doesn't think this is the ultimate reason.

He didn't continue to focus on the Tyrant Bear, because another pirate came, and this time he was an acquaintance of Rowling.

Doflamingo stood on the deck. After seeing Rollin's figure, the smile on the corner of his mouth slowly disappeared. The appearance of Rollin made Doflamingo think of some bad memories.

Although Doflamingo thought so, Rowling didn't think so. He smiled and said to Doflamingo, "Long time no see, Dove~"

Hearing Luo Lin's voice, Doflamingo felt goose bumps all over his body.

"Black Crow, we haven't gotten to this point yet."

"Is that so, I thought we were already familiar to this point."

Luo Lin's eyes were crescent moons, which looked very cute, but coupled with the handsome cheeks that looked like a knife, it gave off a dangerous feeling.

Doflamingo didn't want to tell Luo Lindo, he could vaguely feel that Luo Lin's aura gave him a very weird feeling, and he didn't want to stay longer, so he immediately went to Marin Fando's conference room.

Rowling still casually pointed to a soldier and asked him to take Doflamingo there.

Not long after Doflamingo left, a pirate ship powered by sea snakes slowly approached the port of Marlin Vanduo.

Three Hundred Chapter 17 Boya Hancock Arrives

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On the port of Marin Fando, the eyes of countless people are more or less watching the ship slowly approaching.

The reputation of the Pirate Empress is too great. The name of the king of the daughter country of Nine Snake Island alone is enough to make people jaw-dropping. The most important thing is that the Pirate Empress is not weak at all, especially recently. It is said that the strength has made great strides again!

He has robbed several pirates with a bounty of more than one billion in succession, and all of them have been crushed, which is enough to show that the Pirate Empress is definitely not a vase.

When the Pirate Empress got off the ship and came to the port.

The people around instantly became obsessed.

"My God, it's really beautiful~"

"Ah, I can't do it~"

"I never thought there would be such a beauty in the sea."

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