Luo Lin rubbed his nose, and thought to himself: What's going on today, why are everyone protecting themselves like this?

Although Luo Lin didn't quite understand it, he was still very happy.

Gently patted Taotu's white shoulder, Luo Lin walked out from behind Taotu, and said to Hawkeye: "Is there anything else? Or do you need a cup of tea? If you need tea, you can talk to the side Tell the soldiers, and he will make tea for you."

Hawkeye didn't speak, but already looked at Luo Lin with his sharp eyes, which seemed to contain sword energy, extremely piercing!

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This is not Luo Lin's nonsense, but a fact. This is the first time Luo Lin has seen someone with such piercing eyes.

Should it be called Hawkeye?

This is the first time Luo Lin and Hawkeye have met, but the two have already begun to compete.

At this time, Doflamingo also looked at Rollins and Hawkeye with great interest, his eyes filled with jokes, as if he was saying to fight quickly.

"Meet you for the first time, Black Crow!"

"Oh~ why didn't you say that just now?"

Luo Lin's tone sounded very frivolous, but Hawkeye didn't show any mood swings, and still said lightly: "If there is a chance, let's compete with each other. I heard from Hongfa that your sword skills are very good. superb."

"Okay, no problem. I never refuse a challenge, right? Dover~"

Doflamingo, who was watching a good show, saw that Rolin brought the topic to himself, and felt an indescribable discomfort all over his body, but he couldn't beat Rowling, not to mention that it was still under Marlin Vanduo. In the middle, if you do it, it is estimated that the game will really be over.

In desperation, Doflamingo could only change the subject, "Black Crow, the rest of the people, are they a bit too big, and they haven't come yet."

"You said them, it should be soon."

Rowling watched Hawkeye and Hancock sit down, and said to Doflamingo.

The appearance of Hawkeye just now was just a small episode for Taotu. Her attention was once again put on Luo Lin, like a little girl, pestering Luo Lin to chat with her, and to pass the time. This boring time.

Hancock didn't know why he just felt very uncomfortable for this couple's behavior of sprinkling dog food here.

After about twenty minutes, all the Qibuhai finally arrived.

Luo Lin and Taotu sat behind Zhan Guo, talking in low voices, not paying attention to the other people sitting at all.

Of course, the Warring States were not included, and the Warring States didn't care much about such meetings, so Luo Lin and Taotu were allowed to mess around.

Anyway, no one of the people sitting here can beat Luo Lin, even the most powerful tyrant bear among them can hardly resist Luo Lin's slash.

Sengoku looked at the pirates in front of him and coughed: "The first session of the Seven Martial Seas has officially begun."

"Warring States, is it possible that you will say this sentence every time you have a meeting?"

Doflamingo can't be arrogant towards Luo Lin because he is not strong enough, but he can taunt Sengoku crazily, because Doflamingo knows that there is no support from the Celestial Dragons behind Sengoku, so he dare not touch himself at all!

Zhan Guo frowned slightly, "Doflamingo, this is Marlin Vandor, the headquarters of the Navy, don't be rampant!"

"Rampant? Fufufufufufu, okay, then I'll listen to you."

Luo Lin glared at Doflamingo fiercely from behind Zhan Guo, and Doflamingo felt as if he was being targeted by a poisonous snake, and goosebumps rose up on his body instantly.

"Hey, it's really worrying. Can't the Marshal finish his speech earlier and hurry up to end the meeting?"

Luo Lin put his head in his hands, looking at the meeting in front of him, he was very helpless. At first he thought that he could get some shocking rewards from this meeting, but until now Luo Lin has not found a better opportunity to come. Do things.

Rather than being so idle, it's better to end it quickly.

While thinking this way in his heart, Luo Lin also secretly thought: It seems that he must make a big news these days!

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The first Shichibukai Conference ended after arranging some things and explaining to them their rights.

And this is also the first time they have gathered together, and it is also the only meeting where they have gathered together. Later, in all Qiwuhai meetings, these people will never be gathered together again.

In this regard, Luo Lin can be regarded as witnessing this historic moment.

Rowling secretly made a gesture to Hancock, and Hancock alone could understand this gesture.

Others didn't see Luo Lin's small movements, but Tao Tutu sat in Luo Lin's arms very much, looking up at Luo Lin in Luo Lin's arms, "Luo Lin, what are you doing?" Have you taken a fancy to that Pirate Empress?"

"Ahem, what are you thinking about with your little brain? Really, instead of thinking about this, why not think about it, where are we going to play in a few days?"

"Where are you going to play? Didn't you just finish your break?"

Taotu was stunned for a moment, wondering why Luo Lin said that suddenly.

Luo Lin scratched Taotu's nose helplessly, "Yes, it is true that I just finished my rest, but don't forget, the general still has half a year's leave, this is the first time I take this leave, I must take it well I have made some plans, although for me, as long as I want, no matter which day is a holiday."

Taotu couldn't be happy when she heard Luo Lin's words.

Seeing Taotu's expression, Luo Lin asked curiously, "Taotao, what's wrong with you? Why did you show such an expression?"

Momotu pouted her cherry lips, and said unhappily: "Luo Lin, I just accepted a mission... I'm going to sea tomorrow~"

As a reserve general, Taotu is not as leisurely as Luo Lin and others who have become generals. As a reserve general, she must complete a certain number of tasks every month and accumulate military achievements. These achievements will be promoted when they are promoted to generals , has a very important basis.

This is very important to Taotu, because she especially wants to be in the same position as Luo Lin. This does not mean that Taotu is a very strong and competitive person. She actually prefers to be the little girl in Luo Lin's arms. woman.

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