And in order to achieve this goal, she has been working hard towards the position of general, because the general is very idle from a certain point of view!

Only by becoming a general can she be by Luo Lin's side all the time.

Luo Lin naturally knew Taotu's thoughts, and didn't blame her, "It doesn't matter, anyway, there will be opportunities in the future."

"Well, I'm sorry, Rollins~"

Although Luo Lin didn't care, Momotu couldn't pass his test, so he dragged Luo Lin back to the room, hoping that Luo Lin could teach her about combat.

In the twinkling of an eye, Luo Lin came to Pirate World for half a year, and all of this happened in the blink of an eye. Sometimes Luo Lin even wondered if this was a dream. If it was a dream, then just keep doing it. Awake.

"Ding, the host is currently in the pirate world, not dreaming!"

"I know, shut up, you garbage system!"

Hearing the system suddenly speak in his mind, Luo Lin went back angrily.

And this time during the half-year vacation, Luo Lin planned to do something. Luo Lin, who hadn't received a high-level shock reward for a long time, planned to let Prometheus make another move.

And for this battle, Luo Lin has his long-term plans.

"Long, I hope you can bear it after a while, but don't let your anger ruin your body."

Chapter three hundred and fifty one plan

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the past few days, Rollin often transferred his mental power to Prometheus, allowing Perona and others to drive the pirate ship to intercept the road that Rollin must pass.

In addition, Luo Lin also found out through his own channels that the veteran bird from the news agency would appear in that sea area on that day. He believed that as long as there was the existence of that veteran bird, he and Prometheus would It will be on the headlines again, after all, that old bird never thinks things are too big, on the contrary, for him, the bigger the trouble, the better.

Of course, this is just Rollin's first step, the most important thing is after the battle.

But before that, I can take my lovely apprentices and maids out to have fun together.

Luo Lin asked the girls to bring a change of clothes, and then took the girls and left Marin Fando.

The Black Raven is sailing on the sea, the sun shines from the sky on the sea, the sparkling sea seems to communicate with the sky, the water and the sky are the same color, very charming.

"Master, where are we going?"

"Walk around casually, Guina, is there any place you want to go?"

Kuina glanced at Luo Lin, thought for a while, but didn't say anything, shook her head, and was about to retreat.

But Rowling sensed Kuina's dodging gaze, and immediately hugged Kuina in his arms, and said to Kuina: "Tell me, don't bury anything in your heart, this kind of approach is very likely to hurt you Let the way of the sword stagnate."

Gu Yina responded, and then said: "Master, can we go to the world?"

"Sihai? Do you want to go back and have a look?"

Kuina shook her head again, and said, "No, it's me..."

Seeing Kuina's embarrassing look, Ain said to Luo Lin: "Master, it should be that Kuina heard that his former best friend appeared in the world, so she wants to go and see it?"

"Is that man Sauron?"

Kuina was taken aback for a moment, and looked at Luo Lin, a little in disbelief, as if she was asking why Luo Lin knew.

"Guina, I know you won't lie to me, can you tell me why you want to see Sauron?"

"Master, I have made an agreement with Sauron before. Now he should think that I am dead, but I don't want to do this. I want to stand in front of him and tell him that I am still alive. At the same time, I want to defeat him and let him die." He knows that only you, Master, can be called the strongest swordsman in this world. As his former best friend, I want him to recognize the reality."

Rowling knew what Kuina meant, and immediately stroked Kuina's hair as encouragement to Kuina.

From Kuina's words, Rowling understood that Kuina had put herself in the most important position, and at the same time, in Kuina's view, she would not allow anyone to challenge his majesty. So she wanted to kill Sauron in the cradle, shatter his dream, so that he would no longer dream of being the strongest swordsman, because it was impossible for Luo Lin to surpass.

It has to be said that Kuina's heart is good, but according to Rowling's understanding of Sauron, Sauron should know Kuina's situation and have a deeper understanding of the world, so she should be more understanding. Try Harder.

However, Rowling thinks it's okay to do things in front of Sauron. After all, this is a character in the original work, so maybe something good can come out!

What's more, according to the information obtained by Luo Lin, the route of the small island where Sauron appeared last happened to be one of the routes of the news agency veterans, and it is also possible to determine the battlefield there.

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Luo Lin came to Pirate World, he developed a very good habit, because he didn't like the feeling of being out of his control, so Luo Lin has been planting all kinds of dark chess all over the world, for What I want to do is to monitor some more important people who will bring about great changes in the world.

Coupled with Rowling's plans in the near future, he spent a lot of effort on the Straw Hat Pirates.

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates can say that they have been under the surveillance of Luo Lin early on, and Luo Lin seems to have turned into a big hand to control them, and they can always know what they are doing.

"Black Raven, let's go, go to the four seas!"

The speed of the Black Crow was very fast, and within a short time, it crossed the Reversing Mountain and came to the sea area of ​​the Four Seas.

Getting off the Black Raven, Luo Lin brought the girls to the island.

The girls came to the island in casual resort attire, stretched their waists, and showed their beautiful figures.

"Master, the weather here is fine."

Astia stood beside Luo Lin and said to Luo Lin.

Luo Lin looked at Astia, who had a more holy temperament, and nodded, "The weather in the four seas is indeed much more normal than that of the great route."

"Let's go, since you've come to this small island, let's take a good look at the local customs and customs. This is the meaning of travel, isn't it?"

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