The girls nodded, lingered around Luo Lin, and walked towards the center of the island.

There were not too few people on the island, but they were not many. When they saw the women beside Luo Lin, they felt envious and jealous, and wished they could replace them.

Facing everyone's extremely jealous eyes, Luo Lin accepted it with peace of mind.

The streets of the small town were quite lively, and there were endless hawkers along the street. A figure stood there in a daze, looking at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

"Gu, Kuina?"

"Is that Guina?"

Next to a weapon shop, Sauron was stunned when he saw Guina.

Kuina also noticed Zoro's gaze.

The eyes of the two people met in the air, and a smile appeared on the corner of Kuina's mouth.

"Master, I found him."

"Then you go to solve your business, I will take them to continue shopping here, after all, there are not many such peaceful and peaceful towns in the world of pirates."

Kuina nodded, knowing that Luo Lin and the others had disappeared into the crowd, and Kuina's eyes returned to Sauron.

"Zoro, long time no see!"

"Guina? Are you really Kuina?"

Sauron looked at the sky, it was still daytime, did he see a ghost?

Otherwise, how could Kuina stand in front of her? Didn't she already...

"Are you surprised? Sauron?" Kuina said with a smile on her face, "Let's go, let's go to a quiet place."

Sauron didn't doubt that he was there, and followed Kuina towards the outside of the town, but he still felt very surprised in his heart.

Just when Kuina just arrived outside the town, the sword force on Kuina's body erupted violently. The black knife in her hand was mixed with the coldness, and she slashed at Sauron from top to bottom. cut open.

Faced with Kuina's sword, Sauron subconsciously pulled out his own sword, with veins entangled in his body, he blocked Kuina's blow with the drawn sword.

With a sound of "Zeng!", sparks bloomed in the air, and a gust of wind erupted centered on the two of them, sweeping around and falling to the ground.

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Kuina's hair fluttered with the wind, and the death sword intent on her body continued to erupt, and the place where it intersected with Sauron's sword was pressed down suddenly, and the sound of the blade's shattering resounded through the space.

Sauron's gaze changed, and he retreated quickly, distanced himself from Kuina. He only felt that his jaw was numb, and the muscles in his right arm trembled violently.

"Guina, why are you..."

"Sauron, you have too many questions. The reason I came to you this time is because of this. I want to break the bond between the two of us. By the way, don't try to become the strongest swordsman in the world. Because it is absolutely impossible for you!"

All this happened so fast that Sauron didn't even have time to react.

"Guina, haven't you already...why...and..."

"I've said too much about you, Sauron! If you want to ask anything, just beat me! Now you are just a swordsman."

Sauron lowered his body, looked at the only remaining sword hilt in his right hand, and the aura on his body exploded, but compared to Guina's aura, it was still much worse.

"Guina, although I don't know why you suddenly appeared in front of me and said these words suddenly, but I will never give up on the path of swordsmanship, Kuina, let me see your strength ! Just use this sword in my hand."

Saying that, Sauron held the pure white hilt and slowly pulled it out of the scabbard.

Sauron now has only this sword that can be used all over his body. One of the other two swords was chopped into pieces by Guina, and the other was broken due to the fact that it could not withstand his own strength due to its service life. .

Seeing the sword in Sauron's hand, a flash of nostalgia flashed in Kuina's eyes. It was her own sword, the sword she cherished most.

It's just that it was all in the past, and now what I care most about is my master, the Black Sword Qiushui in my hand, if there is a choice between Hedao Yiwen and Black Sword Qiushui, Gu Yina can choose Luo Lin without hesitation The Black Sword Qiushui presented to her.

"As you wish." Heidao Qiushui's sword trembled slightly, and the sword intent in Kuina's eyes!

War is imminent!

A touch of black draws a perfect arc in the air, devouring the light, and the pure sword energy is transmitted on the blade and blooms on the tip of the sword.

The black Bana flowers bloomed in the air, and the sword energy was wanton, mixed with a strong death sword intent, sweeping towards Sauron.

The muscles of Sauron's hands were tense, and he was holding the words of Hedao in his hands. Facing Kuina's sword with a strong death sword intent, Sauron didn't have any thoughts in his heart. thrust out.


Sauron pierced his face and shattered the sword energy, but the black torrent still hurt Sauron.

Several wounds about one centimeter deep occupied Sauron's body, and blood flowed from them. In a blink of an eye, Sauron seemed to have turned into a blood man, looking quite terrifying.

For these wounds on his body, Sauron seemed not to see or feel them. He took off the scarf tied around his arms and tied it around his head.

"The gap between the two of us is like a gap, and it is absolutely impossible for you to cross!"

The current situation is very bad for Sauron. He is a swordsman with three swords. Now he only has one sword, but he is not as aggressive as three swords. "Guina, although I don't know you are How did you come back to life and why did you become like this? I also understand what you said just now, but what I want to say is that I will continue to practice my swordsmanship, and the title of the strongest swordsman in the world will definitely belong to mine!"

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Kuina was angry because she knew Sauron's idea, so she wanted to stop him and let him give up this idea, because in Kuina's view, people like Sauron can't even beat herself. But wanting to challenge the title of the world's strongest swordsman is an insult to his master!

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