It was only at this time that Sauron realized that the eyes on the bridge of Koshiro's nose no longer existed, and even the gentle smile he remembered was not the same as before.

It was a smile with countless insanity, a smile that Sauron couldn't see through, this kind of smile made Sauron couldn't help but tense and said a word.

"My feeling is indeed correct. Behind all this, there is a black hand manipulating us. He is playing with us, playing with us! We must kill him! We must kill him! Yahahahaha!"

As Koshiro spoke, he laughed again. After laughing, Koshiro turned to Sauron and said, "Thank you, Sauron, for bringing me such important news, so I decided to let you go." , I won’t kill you today, the whole village has been killed anyway, so it doesn’t really matter whether you are killed or not.”

Hearing Koshiro's business, Zoro retreated abruptly, and at the same time his body was tense, his hands were attached to the words of Hedou, and he looked at Koshiro cautiously.

Koshiro didn't pay attention to Sauron's movements. He stretched out his hand, and the black armor color covered his nails in a blink of an eye. The nails were like a demon, and they stroked lightly in the air. Kuina's The tombstone turned into powder, and even half of the island was cut open by Koshiro.

Sauron had no idea what happened, but the instinct of his body made him leave the island in a hurry.

Koshiro was the only one left on the island.

"Without a sword blade, he can still send out such a powerful slash. Could it be that he has entered the peak realm of the supreme swordsman?"

Zoro originally thought that his strength was quite high, but during this period of time, people kept hitting him, first Kuina, then Koshiro.

There is even a complicated and confusing truth hidden in it, and if you want to find out the truth of all this, you can only raise your own strength!

At this moment, Sauron's dream of becoming the most powerful swordsman in the world became stronger.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Really, since I agreed to join, then I will have someone contact Morgan, I believe he is willing to serve me, and I will trouble the King to cooperate with you when the time comes."

The king of Zuo Na Duo Lun Kingdom paled, nodded in a daze, and said in a stumbling manner: "I, we will definitely work hard to cooperate."

"Don't be so nervous, I won't eat you." Prometheus narrowed his eyes slightly.

He is challenging the revolutionary army. If the revolutionary army abandons the country, then he will continue to occupy it according to the power map. If they don't care, then forget it, but as soon as they appear, Prometheus will immediately kill them His whereabouts were revealed to Zhan Guo, who asked Zhan Guo to bring people over to encircle and suppress.

At that time, I will lose at most one kingdom, but for the dragon, I will definitely lose a lot. As long as the revolutionary army is cold, then when my goal is achieved, I don't have to waste time on the revolutionary army.

It didn't take long for Prometheus to contact Morgan. Soon, under Morgan's personal supervision, newspaper after newspaper swept the world again.

"Shocked! The five emperors, Prometheus, started to take over the territory!"

"Prometheus' resolution! He is challenging the other sea emperors!"

"Can Prometheus have sparks with the Four Emperors~"


There were countless headlines in the newspapers, but some left Prometheus speechless.

That fellow Morgan is purely afraid that there will be no hot spots, so he writes some messy headlines and writes messy content all day long. One day Rollin will definitely roast Morgan!

Although some titles have weird names, they still have a lot of effect.

It really established the status of the fifth sea emperor.

In the Kingdom of Zuo Naduron, Perona sits on the supreme throne, and Prometheus is in Perona's arms, condescendingly looking down at the king who surrendered at his feet in the hall, as well as the ministers, Prometheus Hughes didn't care at all.

Anyway, it was just a pathfinding stone, even if the kingdom was destroyed, Luo Lin would not feel the slightest bit of distress.

"Master Prometheus, I heard that aunt is sending people to look for you. With the effect of the newspapers, they have arrived in the sea near the Kingdom of Zuo Na Duo Lun."

"Really? But what's the point? Do you understand the issue of making offerings that I told you before?"

The Kingdom of Zuo Naduron heard the strong threat in Prometheus's words. Why didn't they know what Prometheus meant, so they could only hate in their hearts, but they said with a smile on their faces: "No problem." Every year, the Kingdom of Zuo Naduron will donate [-] million Baileys, [-] tons of common materials, [-] tons of precious materials, and a box of high-end accessories to Lord Prometheus..."

Hearing that the king of the Zuo Na Duo Lun Kingdom had agreed to his request, Luo Lin nodded and said, "In that case, leave the aunt's subordinates to me."

The king of Zuo Na Duo Lun Kingdom slandered in his heart, "If it weren't for you being here, how could they come here!"

The king of Zuo Na Duo Lun Kingdom was actually very helpless in his heart. After he notified the revolutionary army, the revolutionary army directly excluded himself.

In other words, the Revolutionary Army has already abandoned the Zuo Na Duo Lun Kingdom!

This is why the Zuo Naduron Kingdom will completely surrender to Prometheus.

Chapter three hundred and seventy-one

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Now Luo Lin divides his mental power in half, half of which is in Luo Lin's own body, and brings the girls to a small island for training, while the other half, together with the main consciousness, lives in Prometheus body.

After about a week, Prometheus and others finally came to the Kingdom of Zona Doron.

During this period of time, the news of the battle between Rowling and Prometheus continued to ferment, because the relationship between the two, whether it was joining the navy or joining the pirates, was multiplied.

The atmosphere on the sea became more and more frenzied.

I imagine that when the extremely evil generation comes, the entire sea will become even more frenzied and irritable.

At that time, it is your own opportunity!

It is an opportunity to realize your goals and ideals!

"Rolin, the Zuo Na Duo Lun Kingdom is ahead, do we need to land directly?"

"Of course! Now our identity is the Five Emperors! Do they dare to stop us?"

As Rowling said, the current Prometheus is known as the Five Emperors in the sea!

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