The king of Zuo Naduron Kingdom came to the port early, waiting for the arrival of Prometheus.

Although they are backed by the revolutionary army, the main force of the revolutionary army is not here. How could the king choose to resist Prometheus at this time?

The king didn't want to let himself die early because he provoked Prometheus, he didn't live enough.

Prometheus's pirate ship came to the port under the gaze of all eyes.

The king of the Zuo Na Duo Lun Kingdom immediately came up to welcome him, and said respectfully: "Master Prometheus is here, and I am really waiting for the Zuo Na Duo Lun Kingdom to flourish!"

Hearing these old-fashioned words, Prometheus floated out of Reiju's arms, "Is that so, did you say that to those fellows from the Revolutionary Army?"

The king of Zuo Naduron Kingdom was shocked, and the expression on his face instantly became extremely dignified. From his lips, it could be seen that he was trembling: "Master Prometheus, you are joking, we are just one person on the great waterway. It’s just an ordinary kingdom, how could it possibly have an affair with the revolutionary army?”

"Ding, because of the oppression of the host's words and identity, the king of Zuo Na Duo Lun Kingdom was shocked, evaluation: A, reward: one billion Baileys."

Rollin intuitively ignored the system's voice. To Rollin, there is no difference between a billion Baileys and [-] billion Baileys, they are all the same.

Instead, Luo Lin came to the king of Zuo Na Duo Lun Kingdom, and said to the king, "Does that mean you deny it?"

"As the king of Zuo Naduron Kingdom, I guarantee that I will never deceive you, Lord Prometheus."

"Oh~ If that's the case, are you willing to accept my protection? Hang up my pirate flag!"

The king of Zuo Naduron was stunned. He never expected that Prometheus would say such a thing.

This put the king of the Zuo Na Duo Lun Kingdom in a dilemma. If he and others joined Prometheus, then the Revolutionary Army would definitely not let him go, and if he refused, the Zuo Na Duo Lun Kingdom The king can already imagine what his kingdom will look like in the next second.

In the situation of dying sooner or later, the King of Zuo Naduron Kingdom made a decisive decision and immediately said: "It is our honor to be able to join the camp of Lord Prometheus!"

Chapter three hundred and seventy-two our honor

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the waters near the Kingdom of Doron, Smoothie's pirate fleet is wandering nearby, and she is reporting to Big Mom about Prometheus.

"Mom, we have now found the trace of Prometheus. As the newspaper said, he is now in the Kingdom of Zuo Naduron, and depending on the situation, he should not be able to leave for a while."

"Really, since that's the case, I'll rush over now. If he wants to leave, he must be held back, otherwise." The aunt's threat can be heard by anyone, let alone the three generals. What about the smoothie, one of the stars?

"I said aunt, she is your daughter, isn't it kind of bad to treat her like this!"

Suddenly, a fiery cloud appeared above the sea, and Luo Lin descended in front of Smoothie in the form of Prometheus.

The expression on the phone bug changed suddenly, apparently the aunt also heard Luo Lin's voice.

"Prometheus, are you by my side now?"

"Of course, aunt, long time no see."

Luo Lin smiled and greeted the aunt's phone bug. Judging from the appearance, there was no blood feud between the two of them at all.

"Prometheus, everyone above the sea says that you are the Five Emperors, but if others admit it, I will never admit it. If you have the guts, wait for me in Zuo Naduron Kingdom, and I will go find it now. You, if I don't smash you into thousands of pieces, I can't get rid of the hatred in my heart!"

"Hahahaha, aunt, I'm afraid you are not stupid eating dessert, why should I wait for you here? It's not good for me to waste so much time. You really think I'm as stupid as you ?"

Smoothie froze, everyone else on board froze.

"Ding, the smoothie was shocked by the host's words, evaluation: A, reward: god-level juicer. The juice squeezed out by this juicer is very delicious."

"Ding, because of the host's words, the dragon set A was shocked, evaluation: A, reward: a ton of kiwi fruit."

"Ding, because of the host's words, the dragon suit B was shocked, evaluation: A, reward: a ton of dragon fruit."


Luo Lin looked helplessly at the crowd in front of him. Is this going to give him a full set of juice?Save myself from working hard for materials in the future?

He didn't care what these people created for him, Luo Lin directly took advantage of the fact that Smoothie was not paying attention, and directly snatched the phone bug in her hand, talked directly to the aunt, and said: "Auntie, you just ask Smoothie to retreat. Well, you should know that Smoothie and the others can't hurt me except for practicing my hands, and you, stay on your cake island, and remember to send me an invitation for the tea party half a year later , I don’t need you to find me, I’ll come to you directly!”

Luo Lin's arrogant words echoed in Auntie's ears through the phone bug, and Auntie's brows were tightly frowned, and her already huge face looked even more disgusting.

The saliva from the corner of the mouth flowed down uncontrollably, corroding the floor, turning into gas from the floor, a disgusting gas.

"Prometheus, do you think I will agree to your request?"

Aunt's voice came from the phone bug, and it sounded quite terrifying.

But Luo Lin didn't hesitate at all, "You will definitely agree, after all, you have nothing to do with me."

"Prometheus, see you at the next tea party."

Chapter three hundred and seventy-three

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Prometheus watched the aunt directly hang up the phone bug, and felt very funny in his heart.

Throwing the phone bug to Smoothie casually, Luo Lin leaned in front of Smoothie and said, "Smooches, do you want to follow me? With your strength, you don't need to rely on Big Mom. You have to know Big Mom's character. But it's really erratic, who knows if she will suddenly have a brain twitch, kill you, or completely strip your life span, I believe you are also very disgusted with this feeling."

Smoothie frowned slightly, but it didn't affect her heroism at all. She said to Prometheus, "I will never betray my mother!"

"Oh~ yeah, but if you don't betray, maybe other people are already plotting, such as that guy Katakuri."

Prometheus kept tempting Smoothie with words, wanting Smoothie to join his team.

But now Smoothie doesn't have this idea at all, making it impossible for Luo Lin to start. He cherishes his talent very much, and he is not helpless.

Looking at Prometheus's smile, Smoothie felt the chill attacking her body, which made her feel terrified, and she immediately ordered to leave immediately.

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