The whistling sounds in his ears became more and more frequent, Luo Lin lowered his eyes, and held onto the hilt of Gan Wuzhuo's sword, "I really don't understand, why do you dare to provoke my people with only this strength and cards? "

Before the words fell, Luo Lin's eyes could only flash an extremely dangerous light, as if it was an inanimate hell that could swallow everything up, freezing space and time in an instant.

The huge aura actually caused Weibull's body to subconsciously appear a momentary flaw.

It's now!

Luo Lin's right hand exploded violently, Gan Wuzhuo slid out of the scabbard, and slashed down from top to bottom. The surrounding air quickly rolled up, like a strand of transparent silk, blowing towards the sword , the moonlight in the sky wants to make the gurgling stream of water converge into light, following Luo Lin's golden-red sword aura, and entering Gan Wuzhuo's interior, the entire body of the sword glows with the ivory white of the moonlight, and the air fluctuates like breathing "Om-oom--" the sound of sword chant.

"The name of this sword is - Severing Shui Mood Song!"

This time, Luo Lin fully displayed his legendary swordsman realm, and saw the water droplets all over the sky condensed, as if they could gather into an ocean, and the waves were rough.


With a low murmur, Luo Lin slashed like a tsunami, wantonly destroying the small island. The first thing to bear the brunt was that Weibull's huge body was swallowed by countless sword qi.

These tiny sword qi directly entered Weibull's body, constantly destroying Weibull's body.

No matter how quickly Weibull's body recovers, it will be difficult to resist the destruction speed of the sword energy.

This kind of sword energy that destroys from the inside out is exactly what Luo Lin comprehended when he often slashed at the ocean.

Gan Wuzhuo slowly got into the sheath, Luo Lin stood upright, only to hear two thuds beside his ears, Weibull and Ba Jin in the distance fell to the ground at the same time.

"Ding, Weibull was shocked by the strength of the host. Evaluation: SSS, Reward: Teigu—Haunted by evil spirits! It was detected that the host's commonly used sword is one of the twelve swords of the supreme sword—Gan Wuzhuo! Therefore, the fusion was carried out. "

"May I ask if the host has merged?"

"If it is fused, will there be any harm to Wither?"

If it is harmful to Withering, or if it can be directly stripped and destroyed, then it is better not to, after all, people have feelings, and Withering has been with me for so long, and nothing unexpected happens, as long as I wait a while, Let Withering After the souls of Weibull and Ba Jin are devoured, the withering may turn into a real form.

Chapter three hundred and eighty five

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ding, please rest assured, the host, Teigu—Evil Ghost Haunting, if you want to fuse with Gan Wuzhuo, then when using Evil Ghost Haunting, you can release it directly from Gan Wuzhuo, and after the fusion, the strength of withering represents Tei has the strength to be haunted by evil spirits."

The words of the system kept Luo Lin silent for a while, and said: "That is to say, if I want to use the evil spirit haunting, it means that withering turns into Teigu, that is to say, I wear withering on my body?"

"Ding, yes the host."

Luo Lin told Bieling about this matter. Luo Lin thought that Bieling would be very reluctant, but what he never expected was that Bieling agreed very much.

Especially after hearing Luo Lin say that he can...

She couldn't wait any longer.

"Don't think too much, wither, understand?"

Luo Lin was a little speechless, but since he got the confirmation from Withering, he didn't have any problem, "If that's the case, then let's start to merge!"

"Ding, good host!"

As soon as the words fell, Luo Lin saw a brilliant light flashing in front of Luo Lin's face. The faint blue light was quite bright in the dark night.

That is to say, there is not even one person here, otherwise, at this big night, some people will definitely think that it is a ghost fire, the blue light and Gan Wuzhuo gradually merged.

I saw that Gan Wuzhuo's posture had changed. Although the body of the sword did not grow, it looked more slender, especially on the blade, there were many inexplicable dark lines, and these dark lines seemed to reveal a huge blood. , Presumably this is the effect caused by Tegu's haunting evil spirits.

"Let me see how powerful the legendary Teigu is, wither!"

"I know the master."

The moment Luo Lin said these words, Gan Wuzhuo let out a dazzling light, a large amount of light covered Luo Lin's body, and pieces of armor like dragon scales appeared on Luo Lin's body, and the chest area was even brighter. It has a huge bright and deep round red gemstone, which faintly reveals a kind of frightening evil.

This feeling is like an evil beast, extremely terrifying.

Especially on the shoulders on both sides, there is a cloak. The cloak is black, and it is completely different from the navy justice cloak that Luo Lin usually wears.

Luo Lin stretched out his hand, looked at his body again, and couldn't help but sigh: "It seems to be somewhat different from the evil spirit haunting in my impression."

At this time, a withering voice rang in Luo Lin's ear, "Master, I changed this without authorization. If you don't like it, I can..."

Luo Lin shook his head and said: "Very good, I like it very much, it should be said that it is indeed withered, the aesthetics are exactly the same as mine."

"Hee hee, because I follow the master~"

The withered laughter echoed in Luo Lin's ears, and there was a faint light shining from the eyes of Luo Lin's head wearing a helmet.

Moving his body casually, Luo Lin only felt that there was a steady stream of countless power coming from him, and after wearing the evil spirit haunting costume, he seemed to have gained a lot of skills, for example.

"Soul Devour."

Accompanied by Luo Lin's murmur, a great suction force appeared in his palm, and that suction force did not cause any damage to the nature. Instead, the two corpses lying on the ground not far away raised blue flames.

This is not the first time Luo Lin has seen this kind of flame, he knows it is the flame of the soul.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On an island full of ruins, a man in heavy armor stretched out a hand. This hand seemed to have magical powers, absorbing the souls of the two corpses not far away.

After Luo Lin absorbed the purest energy of these two souls, Luo Lin could easily notice that Wither's strength had increased a lot, and even the ability to haunt evil spirits seemed to have increased a lot.

I have to say, this feeling is really amazing.

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