Luo Lin was like a child who got his favorite toy, holding Gan Wuzhuo in his hand, and kept trying his various abilities.

Withering is also cooperating with Luo Lin, one person and one spirit are honing their cooperation here.

On the island, sometimes monstrous flames flashed, illuminating the silent night sky, and sometimes a faint blue cold light flashed, shaking the clouds in the sky into ice and snow, sometimes the sea waves were rough, and sometimes the sword energy was overwhelming...

As Luo Lin unleashes his sword skills one by one, he only feels that his whole body is extremely unobstructed and extremely happy. The physical and mental strength that seems to never be exhausted has increased Luo Lin's combat power by more than half again. !

After Luo Lin completely vented on the small island, the size of the small island was only limited to the place where Luo Lin stood.

"Wither, let's get in touch with evil spirits."

As Luo Lin's voice fell, withering also dispelled her ability, and returned to Gan Wuzhuo.

Holding Gan Wuzhuo in his hand, Luo Lin felt a burst of relief in his heart.

Luo Lin beckoned to the Black Crow, and when the Black Crow came to Luo Lin, Luo Lin jumped onto the Black Crow and said, "The target is East China Sea, Cocosia Village."

"Okay, master."

The Black Raven responded, and then turned around.

In his cabin, Luo Lin took out the phone bug and called Zhan Guo.

Even though the curtain of night is drawn in the sky now, the Warring States Period did not sleep and rest. At this moment, relying on his strong body, he forcibly stayed up all night!

Since what happened with Zefa, Zhan Guo hasn't slept at all, his eyes are bloodshot, and he looks quite scary.

That is to say, it has strong strength itself, otherwise, it is estimated that it would have died suddenly.

"Blu blu blu~"

In the office, the phone rang. After seeing the characteristics of Luo Lin displayed on it, Zhan Guo quickly picked it up with a hoarse voice: "Luo Lin, how are you doing now?"

"Master Marshal, are you caring about me?"

Hearing Luo Lin's words, Zhan Guo was completely relieved. According to Zhan Guo's understanding of Luo Lin, as long as he speaks like this, generally speaking, there must be no problem.

"How is Weibull now?"

For this guy who cut off his best friend's arm, Zhan Guo wanted to kill him with his own hands, but he knew that compared with young generals like Luo Lin, his body was more or less weakened, and the only thing he could do Things, only the precious combat skills and combat experience.

"Weibull and Ba Jin have already been cut under the knife by me, and have become ghosts under the knife."

Luo Lin's voice came out from the phone bug, and the voice was very cold.

After hearing Luo Lin's words, the worried expression of the Warring States Period finally showed a trace of a smile.

"Shouldn't it be said that Black Crow is the most powerful admiral in the navy!"

"Hahahahaha, Marshal, don't flatter me. You must know which of the three generals has great power, but they just don't have the opportunity to display it."

Warring States naturally wouldn't believe Luo Lin's words, just smiled and didn't speak.

Chapter three hundred and eighty-seven to Cocosia Village

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Marshal, when I went to this island, I saw a lot of pirates doing evil. Although they were all killed, this also made me see the situation in the sea becoming more and more chaotic. As an admiral, I am I definitely won’t sit still, so I don’t want to go back to Marlin Vandor for the time being, let’s talk about it after the sea is calm.”

Sengoku nodded, Luo Lin's idea coincided with his own, "Luo Lin, if your idea is very special, I have already dispatched the red dog and the yellow monkey, and only Aokiji is left , guarded by Marin Fando, above this sea, justice needs to be maintained."

"Well, just leave it to us."

At the same time, Luo Lin also thought in his heart: It seems that the reason why Aokiji failed in the battle to win the commander is mainly because the dove faction protected him too well. For the dove faction, they look down on the little pirates, but the big pirate group Aokiji thinks It was too dangerous, and Aokiji was protected too well, which led to Aokiji Sora having the strength of a general, but in terms of experience, compared with other generals, it was more than a little bit worse.

Peach Rabbit was like this at the beginning, and I think this is a common problem of doves.

But Luo Lin didn't talk too much, hung up the phone bug, and then lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

In Rowling's opinion, sleeping is simply one of the happiest things in the world.

After hanging up the phone, Zhan Guo walked out of his office. He hadn't come out of this office for a long time, staring at a pair of bloodshot eyes, Zhan Guo came to the ward of the medical department.

As soon as he entered the ward, Zhan Guo saw Zefa lying on the bed, staring at the white ceiling with empty eyes, the spirit before departure was completely absent, and some were more of a heroic twilight.

For some reason, Sengoku seemed to see himself in Zefa.

Thinking of the many achievements of himself and Zefa in the past, and thinking of the hero's twilight, Sengoku sat next to Zefa with a long sigh.

"How do you feel? Are you feeling better?"

Sengoku handed Zefa the water cup on the side, and Zefa took the cup and drank the warm water in it.

"It's very bitter and painful. I didn't expect that this time when I went to sea, I would encounter a monster like Weibull. His power is really terrifying."

Zepha paused, "I'm sorry for those students, they trust me so much, they all have their own dreams, they want to make their names famous in the world, but they never imagined..."

Seeing the loneliness in Zefa's eyes, Zhan Guo said: "Don't think so much, the wicked will have their own evil, Weibull is dead!"

After hearing this sentence, Zefa's pupils shrank suddenly. He used his only remaining arm to prop himself up from the hospital bed, and said to Zhan Guo: "How is it possible? You must know that Weibull has white blood when he was young. The power of the beard!"

"But he's not Whitebeard after all, isn't he? He doesn't have the Zhenzhen Fruit, and he only has the same strength as Whitebeard when he was young."

"But even this is very scary, isn't it? Who killed him? With this kind of power, if you want to target the navy, it will definitely become a serious problem for the navy!"

Zefa's words caused Sengoku to be silent for a while, and then said: "It was Luo Lin, it was Luo Lin who killed Weibull."

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