"I didn't expect Prometheus to be so important to Big Mom!"


Everyone chatted with each other in low voices, with a deep heart of gossip burning in their hearts.

At the same time, the number of fire clouds in the sky also increased. When the number reached a certain level, strands of flames emerged from these fire clouds. Countless flames condensed in the sky, which looked quite spectacular.

Even the news tycoon Morgan had already ordered people to place camera phone bugs in various places of the venue, so that they could conduct live broadcasts all over the world in all directions.

It is estimated that this will increase Morgan's net worth again!

The figure of Prometheus appeared in everyone's field of vision, and wherever they looked, they pointed directly at aunt!

In an instant, the atmosphere in the air seemed to freeze. This feeling made everyone present feel as if they were being watched by an ancient beast. There was only cold all over their bodies, and it was obviously still summer on Cake Island.

But they only feel that they are now in the midst of severe winter.

"Prometheus, long time no see."

The aunt looked at Prometheus with a calm voice, and at the same time, the three sweet generals behind her left quietly from behind the aunt.

Seeing this scene, Prometheus didn't say much, looked at the aunt, and said, "Yeah, it's been a long time since I saw you, and a year has passed in a blink of an eye, and even your tea party is in the second session." , but according to my speculation, there should be no third game!"

"There is no third game?" Big Mom's voice suddenly sank, and when she stepped out, there was a deafening sound, and the ground was already cracked.

"Let me tell you! Prometheus! This is impossible, not only three games, ten games, one hundred games, even after the establishment of the nations, they still have to go on!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Auntie's voice was like thunder in the venue.

Wan Guo is her dream, and this tea party is also the ladder for her to realize this dream, so she will always hold the tea party.

The words of Prometheus obviously stimulated the aunt, and immediately the aunt clapped her hands, and saw the seats in the venue, as if they had suddenly come to life, running towards the distance, and at the same time a high wall rose around them .

The high wall is about ten meters thick, dusty, and covered with dark patterns. It looks like it is made of high temperature resistant material, so it can be seen that the aunt has already prepared for it.

The people in the venue obviously knew what aunt's action meant, let alone the three dessert generals who had planned to launch a raid from just now!

At the moment when the venue changed, Katakuri jumped directly from the ground, a large amount of glutinous rice emerged from his body, and when Katakuri fell to the ground again, he carried countless waves of glutinous rice The portion was divided into two and turned into a circle, wrapping Prometheus.

The glutinous rice that covers the sky directly forms a round high wall - the high wall of glutinous rice!

Cracker was not idle either, the moment Katakuri made a move, he made a huge and indestructible biscuit, and pressed it down heavily from the air.

It was directly used as a roof and pressed down.

The stickiness of the glutinous rice also instantly fixes the biscuit, and in a short period of time, a small house is completed.

And in the middle of the roof of this small house, there is a circular hole.

Smoothie directly used the ability to squeeze the fruit, squeezed out countless water from the air, and flowed in from the circular hole.

And that biscuit will not soften at all because it is wrapped with Katakuri glutinous rice.

The glutinous rice and biscuits are covered with armed domineering colors, which can be said to be like an iron fortress!

"How, can you trap Prometheus?"

Katakuri said to the cracker beside him.

Cracker shook his head, "Not necessarily, but this is a combined skill practiced by the three of us, and it will definitely hurt Prometheus."

Smoothie nodded upon hearing this, "That's right, I've sealed Prometheus's movements with a lot of water!"

Hearing Smoothie's words, Cracker and Katakuri nodded and clapped their hands together.

I saw that the glutinous rice, which was originally soft and sticky, instantly produced countless black domineering thorns wrapped in armed colors!

And the hole in the center of the biscuit was also sealed to death under the control of the cracker!Not a single gap was left.

When the audience outside the high wall saw this scene, their eyes lit up and they applauded.

"As expected of the three generals under the aunt, they have such a good cooperation."

"Maybe this trick can hit Prometheus hard!"

"In this case, it will be easy for aunt to cook Prometheus any way she wants!"

"I bet Big Mom can win the final victory."


The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit!

They don't care at all that Big Mom is bullying the few with the more!

Above the stands, Stucey's heart sank when he saw this scene.

This time she originally wanted to join Prometheus' camp.

After all, now that Prometheus has just risen, capable people are definitely needed to join, and the sooner you join, the more you can gain the trust of Prometheus.

It is better to give charcoal in the snow than icing on the cake.

Just when Stussy was thinking in his heart, Morgan suddenly interrupted Stussy's thoughts!

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