Chapter Four Hundred and Six

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Everyone's attention was attracted by the combo skills displayed by the three generals in the center of the venue. Except for Stussy, no one noticed Morgan's shocked expression at all.

"Morgan, what's going on?"

Stucey said to Morgan.

With one hand on his temple, Morgan was communicating with the newspaper birds, which was his ability.

It's not surprising that Stucie saw this.

"This time the tea party, I am afraid that not only the people in front of me will come."

"What do you mean?"

"Kaido, known as the strongest creature above the sea, has arrived in the waters near Cake Island. It seems that he came straight to the tea party."

"You mean Kaido came uninvited?"

After Stucey heard the news, he began to consider in his heart whether he should leave now. After all, Kaido is a great uncertain factor.

Morgan shook his head, "According to the information I got, it shouldn't be that simple. Maybe there is some ulterior relationship between Big Mom and Kaido, and! If there is no accident, Kaido's arrival this time was invited by Big Mom .”

Hearing this sentence, even Stucey, who had seen countless storms and waves, parted his lips slightly in surprise.

"Is the arrival of the two emperors just to defeat the new emperor?"

Stussy's beautiful eyes flickered. She was more optimistic about Prometheus before, but now, the original [-]-[-] winning rate has suddenly become almost zero.

You must know that the meanings represented by one Sea God Emperor and two Sea God Emperors are completely different!

Maybe she has to find a backer again. As for the lackey of the Tianlongren, she has long since wanted to be a lackey. All she does now is to escape from the hands of the Tianlongren. If the Tianlongren use herself as a gift to Luo Lin , is a life she absolutely does not want.

Morgan didn't know that Stucey had thought so much in just a short moment.

At this moment, an astonishing sound suddenly erupted in the center of the venue, smoke was everywhere, and the crumbs of glutinous rice and biscuits were blown up all over the sky, and a large amount of water vapor scattered from the center of the venue.

The figure of Prometheus reappeared in everyone's field of vision.

"It's really weak. You can't hurt me just by relying on your armed dominance! Don't you know?" Prometheus's voice echoed in the venue, and at the same time, Prometheus Si looked at Katakuri again, and said to him: "Oh~ By the way, you still seem to use the overlord-colored arrogance, but your overlord-colored arrogance is really too weak compared to Big Mom's, there is no You guys are too naive to find a way to hit me!"

Prometheus's laughter was gone, his face gradually became serious, and he said in a low tone: "You guys really let me down!"

Before the words were finished, Prometheus' body burst into shocking flames, and the flames shot straight into the sky, evaporating all the water vapor.

The flame relentlessly scorched all the moisture in the air, and the familiar feeling of burning and suffocating once again reminded everyone of the tea party a year ago.

"Ding, because the host easily destroyed it"

"Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan!"

I saw the overwhelming flames burning under the feet of Prometheus. Seeing this scene, the figure of the aunt appeared in front of Prometheus in an instant, and said to the three generals on the side: "Sure enough, you are not hurt at all. No more than Prometheus! Get back quickly and protect the people in the venue!"

After saying this, the aunt glared at Prometheus angrily, covered her hands with armed domineering, and said to Prometheus: "Prometheus, this time I won't be here because of that incident." And out of control, you are absolutely impossible to defeat me!"

Chapter Four Hundred and Seven

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Thinking of this, the corners of Prometheus's mouth slightly raised, "I hope you will be able to laugh again soon, aunt!"

"Golden Emperor Fen Tianyan!"

As the voice fell, I saw that Prometheus's feet were burning with overwhelming flames, and the flames scattered in all directions. As they got farther and farther away from Prometheus' body, these flames became more and more rampant!

Seeing this scene, the figure of the aunt appeared in front of Prometheus in an instant, her hands were covered with thick armed domineering, and she punched directly on the ground, the ground cracked, and a huge stone was lifted up, directly hitting the ground. Fire out!

Then he said to the three generals on the side: "Sure enough, you can't hurt Prometheus at all! Get back quickly and protect the people in the venue!"

After saying this, the aunt glared at Prometheus angrily, and said to Prometheus: "Prometheus, this time I won't lose control because of that incident, you are absolutely impossible Beat mine!"

Luo Lin didn't care at all, what the aunt said, the purpose of his coming here this time is very simple, that is, through this tea party held by the aunt, he wantonly harvested a wave of shocking rewards, and at the same time, he removed the aunt from the Emperor of the Sea. Position, pull down!

After all, the five emperors, Prometheus, and so on, are really inferior!

Be the strongest if you want to do it, not only an aunt, but also a redhead!White beard!These people are all Luo Lin's targets, pulling them down from their thrones one by one.

On this sea, the only one who can be called the emperor is enough!

The situation is changing, the wind is endless, and the war is about to break out!

Everyone sat in their seats, looking forward to it, and looked at the center of the venue with their eagerly awaited eyes.

They risked their lives to come to the aunt's tea party this time, didn't they just want to see this top-notch visual feast!

Not only these spectators, the navy also sent a lot of undercover agents, or lurkers here to watch, wanting to see if there is a chance to take advantage of the fire when the two of them are hurting each other, no, it is a fisherman's power!

In this way, the two emperors who endangered the sea were directly imprisoned and executed.

I believe that when the time comes, the sea will definitely be calm, and then in one go, the old white beard and red hair will be arrested, and a real peace will be ushered in.

But when the battle happened, the Warring States who got the news knew how naive and ridiculous their thoughts were!

In the venue, the figure of the aunt disappeared instantly, and then appeared behind Prometheus, and the domineering wrapped in armed colors smashed down heavily. The strange power of the aunt appeared, and the ground burst instantly, and countless stones shot around, causing Splash damage.

That is to say, there was a solid high wall erected around it, so that the audience in the stands was not harmed. Otherwise, the marks left on the high wall alone were enough to explain the lethality of the splashed stones!

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