Those bigwigs in the Pirate World were trampled to death before they could even react, and became ghosts at the feet of Prometheus.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Morgan couldn't help sighing: "Those people's strength is not very strong, but their status in the sea is quite high. It is estimated that so many people died this time, so they can just take this opportunity , make a good expansion wave!"

Morgan muttered to himself, at this time Stucey came to Morgan's side at some point, "Yeah, that's right. We can indeed take this opportunity to expand."

Stuci smiled softly, she just used her subordinates to finally find Prometheus's ship, and stuffed a letter into that ship, and now she expects more and more from Prometheus. Taller.

Morgan was taken aback, then turned to look, "Where did you go just now?"


Stussy covered his mouth and smiled, looking at Prometheus rushing into the sky in the distance, and Kaido and Big Mom who were also in the air. I don't know why Stussy only thinks that Prometheus can win this battle.

This is a woman's intuition!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

One foot down a deep pit appeared in front of everyone, the aunt's children were all shocked when they saw this scene.

Thinking of this, Katakuri quickly said: "Please retreat quickly!"

Things seemed to be happening to the extent that they could not have imagined.

The Red Emperor Zhu Rong, who was soaring straight into the sky, was able to forcibly resist the onslaught of the two sea emperors, which was really terrifying.

This overwhelming scene makes people feel hopeless!

Katakuri finally realized the reality. Even though he is an emperor's mate, he cannot defeat any of the sea god emperors.

Not to mention that he wanted to use combination skills to injure Prometheus before.

Sure enough, my mother's prediction from the beginning was very correct. It is absolutely impossible for me and others to hurt Prometheus. It can even be said that they are completely unworthy to stand in front of Prometheus.

The reality is so powerless.

But judging from the current situation, Prometheus seems to be completely suppressed by Big Mom and Kaido.

The two emperors of the sea have a perfect understanding!

Either Kaido used heat to restrain him, and Big Mom took the opportunity to sneak attack, or Big Mom summoned Rolling Thunder and hit Red Emperor Zhu Rong, and then Kaido hit Red Emperor with his armed and domineering tail.

Whether it's Big Mom or Kaido, every time they whip, they can draw a lot of flames from Chidi Zhu Rong.

The flames fell on the cake island, setting off an unparalleled fire disaster.

There are even quite a few places that have been burned through by the flames!

There is absolutely no exaggeration in this, especially the small, seemingly harmless flame, which is the most terrifying.

The moment it landed on the ground, it was burning downwards, which can be described as extremely terrifying.

Luo Lin felt the excessive consumption of energy in his Prometheus form, and the Chidi Zhurong form probably couldn't hold on for a long time.

Obviously this skill is what Prometheus wants to use as a trump card, but what he didn't expect was that it was held back by Kaido and Big Mom.

Although the peerless red-tasseled gun in his hand had caused them a lot of trouble, it was just trouble!

If you continue to consume it, you will lose incomparably.

It seems that only that thing can be used. Thinking of this, a card appeared in front of Prometheus in Chidi Zhurong.

"O strong man of another world, bloom in the frost, bloom in the sea of ​​blood, Estes! Appear in front of me!"

Along with Luo Lin's murmurs, the light of the card in his hand became bigger and bigger, as if the light could pass through the thick clouds, which also attracted the attention of Big Mom and Kaido.

"Is this what happened?"

The aunt carried Leiyun Zeus to the side of the blue dragon.

Kaido also turned into a human again, and said in a concentrated voice: "I have a bad feeling!"

As soon as the voice fell, the form of the Red Emperor Zhu Rong disappeared between the sky and the earth. This is a way Luo Lin intends to maintain his combat power.

At the same time, countless snowflakes began to fall from the sky. The snowflakes were very large and crystal clear under the illumination of Rollin's Prometheus form. They were so beautiful. They were dyed with an orange-red blush. It is to feel the warmth.

Suddenly, the blizzard seemed to have a consciousness of its own, gathering towards one place!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It's snowing!

The wrath of the wind!

A woman in a white military uniform walked out slowly from the center of the snowstorm, her blue hair was fluttering in the wind, and her rebellious eyes were aware of Prometheus, aunt and Kaido.

A cold voice echoed in the battlefield: "It seems that something very interesting has happened!"

When Rowling saw the scene of Esdeth walking out of the snowstorm, he was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously said, "It's so beautiful~"

But soon Luo Lin reflected, and said: "Don't gossip, help me kill the two people in front of me."

Following the sound, Estes looked at Prometheus floating in the air, his eyes were filled with a charm called danger.

After noticing Esdeth's dangerous gaze, Rowling only felt a headache. He knew that Esdeth could not simply obey him, so he took out the words he had prepared in his heart, "Ace Des, if..."

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