"I will help you! But after the battle, I will fight you too!"

Before Luo Lin could finish speaking, Esdeth interrupted Luo Lin's words extremely domineeringly.

Hearing Esdeth's words, Rowling felt depressed for a while, but it was almost as he expected. After all, there are only two ways to completely control Esdeth.

One is stronger than her!

One is to make her fall in love with you!

Obviously, Rowling felt that fighting her was a more reliable and sure way.

"Hmph, although I don't know how you summoned outsiders to this island, do you think an unknown woman can defeat us? Don't be naive!"

The voice of the aunt echoed in the air, and immediately under the signal of the aunt, Leiyun Zeus swooped down from the air, and she wanted to kill Esdes quickly, and then kill Prometheus!

Otherwise, the battle situation may be getting more and more out of Big Mom's control.

Kaido obviously thought so too.

But when he was about to attack, the figure of Prometheus appeared in front of Kaido.

"Kaido, your opponent is me!"

Prometheus showed a very kind smile in front of Kaido, and that smile faintly made the audience shudder.

"The current state is normal~ One-on-one, isn't it!"

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the flames on Luo Lin's body were constantly boiling.

"Even if it's one-on-one, I can defeat you, because I am Kaido of Beasts!"

After the words fell, Kaido turned into a blue dragon again, roaring angrily, echoing in the air.

The sound was like thunder, resounding in all directions.

Even Stuss and Morgan, who had been away for a long time, could hear them clearly.

Morgan looked at the sky in the distance, and said, "I haven't seen Kaido like this for a long time."

Stussy stood aside, her beautiful eyes were dark, she didn't really care about Kaido, but she cared more about the woman who came out of the snowstorm.

This woman gave her an extremely cold feeling, and for some reason, Stucey always felt that this woman would hinder the implementation of her plan.

For the first time, Stussy hoped that her intuition was not so accurate, otherwise, all her thoughts might directly come to naught.

Chapter Four Hundred and Nineteen King vs. King

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Heavy snow fell, and the ground was covered with a layer of frost in a short period of time.

Estes looked at the aunt who swooped down towards him, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and like his right hand, the ice turned from the ground into an ice pick and pierced towards the aunt.

Aunt's face changed, Leiyun Zeus made a sharp turn in the air, narrowly avoiding Esdeth's attack this time.

"Isn't this the ability of Admiral Aokiji? How could you use this ability?"

Big Mom said to Estes in disbelief.

At the same time, Estes was also keenly aware of the information contained in Big Mom's words.

"You mean that in this world, there are still people with the same ability as me?"

Esdeth's desire to explore the world doubled in an instant, especially when she heard about Aokiji, she wanted to see whether it was her ability or Aokiji's ability that was stronger.

"This world?" There was a little cold sweat on the aunt's forehead, "You mean you are not from this world?"

"Who knows~"

Estes shrugged, but the movement of his hands did not fall at all. Countless icicles appeared from the ground and pierced towards the aunt in the air.

The aunt's eyes sank, she held the Napoleon in her hand and slashed down, "Weiguo!"

Accompanied by Big Mom's roar, a giant slash appeared in the air, and fell towards countless ice cones.

Esdeath didn't panic at all, and still kept a smile on her face. She could naturally feel the extent of Big Mom's strength. Immediately, Esdeath clasped his hands together, and all the ice picks began to entangle each other. Zuo Binglong rushed towards the sword energy.

For Esdeath, ice is like her toy, and no one can beat Esdesh in the field of ice.

It can be said that Estes understands ice far better than anyone else.


The sword energy blasted on the ice dragon, directly chopping the dragon's head, but it was of no use. The next second, the ice dragon's head appeared again, mixed with snowflakes, and blasted towards the aunt.

"Armed and domineering!"

Seeing this, the aunt wrapped the armed domineering domineering body around Napoleon, and placed it in front of her body to resist the ice dragon attack by Esdeth.

Big Mom's body is called a steel balloon by people in the sea!

Except for being burned by Prometheus a year ago and just now to expose the scars, he has never suffered even the slightest injury.

Seeing this scene, Estes felt very happy, "Sure enough, this is the only way to make me feel motivated to fight!"

Estes showed the iconic cruel smile, which faintly reveals madness. In her opinion, this world is really amazing. Compared with the tasteless world before, it is obvious that the Pirate World is more suitable for Ai Tastes of steders.

"Let me see how powerful the strong in this world are!"

Esdeth pulled out the western sword at his waist, and a shocking sword energy burst out from it.

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