"Ice Age!"

Accompanied by Aokiji's murmur, all the air-conditioning on Aokiji's body spread out, turning into icicles and condensing towards the island. When the icicles landed on the island, a large amount of ice was visible to the naked eye. The speed spreads towards the surroundings.

Originally, Aokiji planned to sneak into the center of the island from the west of Gaya Island, but now it seems that it can only freeze more than half of Gaya Island, and wipe out these two women by the way.

Perona and Reiju sensed the bone-chilling chill, and the alarm bells rang in their hearts. They were already planning to fight hard when they planned to ambush Aokiji.

But now the bitter battle didn't happen, and Aokiji didn't suffer even a little injury. On the contrary, the two of them felt the horror of the Ice Age, and they retreated quickly.

But the speed of the cold spread was obviously faster than their movement speed, just in the nick of time!

Rowling's figure shines on the stage!

Dressed in evil spirits, a large amount of golden-red gas spread from his body, holding a body-long knife in his hand, Luo Lin's figure attracted Aokiji's attention as soon as he appeared.

I saw Luo Lin slashing at random, the sun's true fire sword intent directly melted the cold air, and Gaya Island returned to its previous appearance.

Seeing this familiar blow, Aokiji's body retreated violently and distanced himself from Luo Lin.

"Rowling? Is that you?"

The muscles on Aokiji's body were tense. Judging from the threat he felt, it was definitely Luo Lin who came!

This is said to be the most powerful admiral in the history of the navy - Raven Rollin!

But why did Luo Lin appear here, and why did he stand in front of those two women, and at the same time, the two women didn't seem surprised at all.

"Lord Luo Lin, why are you here so early?"

Reiju's tone was full of surprise.

At this moment, Perona threw herself on Luo Lin regardless, "Rolin, I miss you so much!"

Gently rubbing Perona's small head, Rowling released the state of haunted by evil spirits, revealing his true face.

Qingzhi looked at Luo Lin's face, and felt a rush of blood.

"Rowling, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Luo Lin buttoned his ears, showing a very disdainful expression, and at the same time raised Gan Wuzhuo, and said to Qingzhi: "I just want you to sleep."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Lin's figure disappeared in front of Aokiji.

Qingzhi felt as if he was being targeted by a ferocious beast, and when he was about to defend himself, Luo Lin, who had opened the eight-door armor, directly hit Qingzhi on the neck with the hilt of Gan Wuzhuo's sword.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Aokiji was directly smashed to the ground and fell into a coma.

"Ding, because of the identity of the host and the surprise, Aokiji fainted and was shocked. Evaluation: SSS, obtained: [-]% forgotten sleep stick. You can customize the forgotten time and make it think that you are just sleeping It's just a sleep."

Hearing the system's explanation, Luo Lin wanted to give the system a thumbs up.

He has exploded this kind of thing before, but the evaluation is only B. It is just a chance to forget the stick. Very suitable for the current use scene!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Immediately, Luo Lin used a [-]% forgettable sleep stick on Qingzhi, causing Qingzhi to fall into a coma. At the same time, Luo Lin swung Gan Wuzhuo in his hand, and easily beheaded the two lieutenant generals beside him.

Take it as a supplementary knife, and completely solve the future troubles.

Leaning down, Luo Lin picked up the green pheasant and came to the general-level warship, which also had sailors on board, but Luo Lin couldn't be found.

Luo Lin also used the [-]% Forgotten Sleep Stick on them, making them fall asleep.

Afterwards, Luo Lin entered the navigation room, settled for a random position, and watched the general-level warship gradually move away, disappearing from Luo Lin's field of vision.

After finishing all this work, Luo Lin stretched and lay down on a sandy beach.

Under the moonlight, the beach is silvery.

Perona and Reiju also came to Luo Lin's side at this time, one on the left and one on the right, lying in Luo Lin's arms, and said affectionately to Luo Lin: "It's been hard recently."

"Yeah, it's really hard."

Luo Lin naturally knew what the two women were talking about, and naturally they were talking about Cake Island.

On Cake Island, Prometheus, Estes, Big Mom, and Kaido fought for another two days.

Finally, when the aunt couldn't bear the hunger, she ran away!

She suffered from food cravings, but even Kaido was within the attack range.

"Big Mom! You're crazy! I'm Kaido!"

Kaido, who turned into a blue dragon, cursed angrily. As time went by these days, he felt more and more that something was wrong with Big Mom, and he reminded him many times in the middle, but Big Mom was fine.

Unexpectedly, what Kaido didn't want to see the last thing happened.

The aunt's eyes were red, and Thunder Cloud Zeus under her was carrying her. A lot of saliva dripped from her mouth, and she muttered to herself, "Cake! Cake! Dessert! Dessert!"

Repeating these sentences constantly made the aunt even more irritable.

Prometheus and Estes looked at each other, knowing that the opportunity they had been waiting for for a long time had finally come.

"Just wait until you run away, aunt!"

Seeing this, Prometheus immediately transformed into the form of the Red Emperor Zhurong, but it was not of that huge size, it was of normal size.

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