The peerless red-tasseled gun in his hand was burning with various flames, and they burned the space, as if they contained a terrifying aura.

With a single shot, the flames exploded, like a delicate and beautiful flower, but this flower is full of blood!

The gun head transformed by Di Yan easily broke through the aunt's defense and reached the aunt's heart.

Although Big Mom is going berserk, her instincts still exist.

When she felt the danger, she still subconsciously used the armed domineering to defend, but at this moment.

Estes murmured: "Moko Potmo!"

As Esdes's voice fell, the entire space and time were condensed, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Esdess, holding a western sword, came to the back of the aunt in an instant, and stabbed at the aunt's neck with a sword. go.

Although Esdeth's cultivation in the way of swordsmanship is the middle level of the supreme swordsman, she can only break through a little bit of defense without being armed and domineering, but even this little bit of defense is enough!

Chapter four hundred and twenty eight

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With the failure of Mokobotama, a strong sense of pain rushed directly to Big Mom's brain.

Interrupting her chance to unleash her weaponry, taking advantage of this opportunity, the peerless red-tasseled spear in Luo Lin's hand bloomed directly on Big Mom's chest!

Straight to the heart!

But the blood didn't rush out, because it was directly evaporated!


The heavy heart injury directly interrupted the aunt's cravings. Her red eyes were gone, but instead, her brows were deeply frowned.

Feeling the injury on her heart, the aunt knew that at least half of her heart had disappeared!

Kaido didn't realize what happened at all, he seemed to be disconnected just now.

Thinking of this, Kaido looked at Estes in the distance, and thought to himself: Could this be the real ability of that woman?

Thinking of this, Kaido canceled the dragon form in an instant, his figure flashed, and he retreated violently, and came to Big Mom's side.

Armed color domineering covered his hands, both fists were launched at the same time, and the strong wind and waves blasted directly towards Luo Lin!

It interrupted Prometheus's idea of ​​pursuing the victory.

"how do you feel?"

Kaido asked next to Big Mom, but those eyes kept staring at Prometheus and Estes, not even leaving for a second.

Big Mom covered her heart with her hands, and said to Kaido: "It's very bad, withdraw."

"Can you escape?"

Kaido asked Big Mom.

Mama nodded.

"I see." Even Kaido himself did not expect that this battle would end under such circumstances.

But now it is obviously impossible to continue fighting, because Big Mom is seriously injured. If the battle is forced to drag on, Big Mom will only be dragged to death, and Prometheus and Estes will attack Kaido at the same time , Facing the attacks of two people of the Sea God Emperor level, even if Kaido maintains a strong body and is almost immortal, but in the final analysis, that is not immortal!

But when a sea emperor wants to escape, in this world, no one can stop him.

Thinking of this, Kaido stopped talking, and immediately turned around and fled in the opposite direction.

And the aunt didn't hesitate, and yelled directly at the cake island, "Charlotte Bray!"

Auntie's physical fitness is strong, even if her heart is destroyed, she can still shout such a loud voice, which makes Luo Lin and Estes refresh their views on the monsters in the pirate world once again!

"Don't try to escape!" Prometheus naturally knew what Big Mom wanted to do.

Among the aunt's children, there is a person who has the ability of the mirror mirror fruit, who can lead others to hide in the mirror and cultivate slowly in the mirror world. This is the way aunt escapes!

Aunt thought that it would be impossible for her to use this method in her life, but she didn't expect it.

Thinking of this, the aunt looked down at her chest, the blood was still dripping out, the intense pain made the aunt clench her teeth.

As long as you persist in the mirror world, you can cultivate yourself slowly, as long as you persist a little longer.

Sensing that Prometheus and Estes were chasing after her, the aunt only hoped that her children would be stronger at this time.

On Cake Island, after hearing her mother's voice, Charlotte Bree quickly signaled to the people around her, only to see a huge mirror appear on the ground.

Most of them fled to the mirror world on the fourth day under Katakuri's gesture.

Things turned out exactly as Katakuri expected, Big Mom's cravings broke out, and Prometheus seized this opportunity and directly hit Big Mom hard!

Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty Nine

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Charlotte Bree is very flustered now, she is looking at the distance of aunt, her forehead is already full of cold sweat.

It's now!

Charlotte Bray put her hands together, "The world in the mirror!"

With the words of Charlotte Bray, the mirror seemed to become more pure.

The aunt was overjoyed, she knew that she was saved, so overjoyed, she rushed directly into the mirror world.

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