"Robin, didn't you say before that your double fruit ability is about to awaken?"

Robin nodded, looked at Luo Lin standing by the window and replied, "Yes, I'm about to wake up."

"Let's go, I'll help you break through the last restriction! Help you break through to the awakened state as soon as possible."


Before Robin could react, he was dragged by Rollin to a desert.

"The system will place the holographic battle field here." Luo Lin gave an order to the system.

As the voice in Luo Lin's mind fell, there was only a square virtual projection, centered on Luo Lin, spreading towards the surroundings, forming a closed space.

Luo Lin explained to Robin: "Don't panic, this is the latest technology developed by me. In this space, we can fight as much as we want without worrying about death, because when the other party dies, this space would shut down, and in reality, our bodies would remain intact."

Robin was already smart, and after Luo Lin explained it this way, she understood the usefulness of this venue, and at the same time felt more secure in her heart.

She doesn't regret the previous decision at all. Now she is Luo Lin's woman, and the treacherous tricks are far away from her. She only needs to complete the task that Luo Lin gave.

As for the [-]-year blank history, Rowling promised himself that night that he could complete it after this period of time had passed.

Luo Lin didn't know what was going on in Robin's mind, he just signaled to Robin, "Come on, Robin."

Seeing Robin standing in front of him casually, waiting for him to make a move, Robin didn't hesitate and directly attacked first!

Because she knows that she doesn't have many chances to attack!

With his hands on his chest, Superman uses the ability of Huahuaguo.

"Lixal Flower Anchor Flower!" As Robin's voice fell, the six arms that grew out of Luo Lin's body grabbed Luo Lin's neck, arms, and feet respectively, bending his body backwards, intending to break Luo Lin's body. Lin's jawbone.

But the ideal is very full, and the reality is very skinny.

Robin's prediction did not happen, and Luo Lin, who was covered with armed domineering colors, was simply not something Robin could break.

That being the case, "Eighty Round Flowers·Four Trees·Strike!" In this move, Robin combines 80 arms to form 4 huge hands like a big tree, and strikes towards Luo Lin!

Facing these four huge arms, Luo Lin directly opened the eight-door dungeon, and in a flash, he came behind Robin, and said at the same time: "It's not flexible at all, this skill will be useful when clearing small soldiers. Some, but in one-on-one combat, there is simply no way to make an effective attack."

Chapter four hundred and sixty-eight combat guidance

Chapter four hundred and sixty-ninth: colorful flowers are blooming undefeated!

Luo Lin was teaching Robin to fight, and said: "You can't just use the ability of the Superman-type Huahuaguo, and the ability of the nature-type Huahuaguo can also be used at the same time, understand?"

After saying this, Luo Lin stroked Gan Wuzhuo lightly, and a sword qi slashed out in an instant. The powerful sword qi directly enveloped Robin, and the holographic battlefield was suspended due to Robin's failure.

In the desert, Robin was gasping for breath. She touched her body. After realizing that she still felt that way, Robin breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, it would not cause any harm to her body in reality.

Although he believed in Luo Lin very much, but under Luo Lin's merciless slash just now, it really made Robin feel terrified!

But this horror completely dissipated when he was sure that he was completely fine.

After Robin summed up what Luo Lin said just now, he nodded to Luo Lin, and Luo Lin also reopened the holographic battle field, and they entered this immortal space again to engage in battle contact.

Robin took a deep breath, and took the lead in attacking, "Eighty rounds of flowers, four trees, and heavy strike!" After combining 80 arms to form 4 huge hands like a big tree, he moved towards Follow Rowling to attack.

Luo Lin's brows were slightly frowned, the eight-door dungeon opened again, golden-red gas radiated from his body, and the powerful sword energy circled in Luo Lin's body. With a flash of his figure, Luo Lin came to Robin again. Behind him, "Didn't I say..."

Before Luo Lin finished speaking, Luo Lin, who was still a little impatient, relaxed his brows instantly, and said to Robin: "Good job."

Behind Robin, there are two arms made of superhuman flowers and fruits. The two arms are pushed forward suddenly, and a large number of petals come out out of thin air, "Flower Sea Dancing!"

A large number of petals rushed towards Luo Lin domineeringly mixed with armed colors, and the whole space was filled with the fragrance of petals.

Facing this sudden attack, Luo Lin didn't panic. Gan Wuzhuo lay directly in front of him, and flicked Gan Wuzhuo's sword lightly at the same time.

A lot of cold air bloomed in an instant, and these cold air directly condensed into a shield in the air, blocking a large number of flowers from the shield.

"Insufficient attack power, just wrapping the domineering armed color is not much use, imagine the power of the moment when the flower blooms, and explode the power of the flower when it is most needed."

Luo Lin is one of the highest combat powers in this world, and he has all the vision he should have. Naturally, he can know Robin, even if Robin is a double-fruit capable person.

Robin didn't hesitate when he heard Luo Lin's advice, and immediately began to imagine the power of the moment when the flower bloomed.

Luo Lin was not in a hurry, the two of them just tried their tricks like this, you come and go, adding more fighting awareness to Robin.

With the escalation of the battle between Robin and Rollin, Robin's consciousness has also made great progress. This progress allows Robin to better understand the effects of the double fruit ability.

"A thousand purples and a thousand reds!"

Following Robin's murmur, a large number of arms appeared on the ground, holding a small flower in these arms, and the abilities of the two fruits were well combined at this moment, "Very colorful. The flowers are not blooming." defeat!"

As Robin's voice fell, the flowers in those palms suddenly bloomed, and at the same time rushed towards Luo Lin.

Chapter four hundred and sixty-nine The colorful flowers bloom undefeated!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the holographic battle field, Luo Lin held Gan Wuzhuo in his hand, and his slightly squinted eyes suddenly opened.

A gleam of light flashed in Luo Lin's eyes, "Good time!"

Robin's attack finally looked decent, which made Luo Lin feel very relieved, and the aura on his body also rose following Robin's attack, and the sword intent of the legendary swordsman lingered on Luo Lin's body.

"Polaris Rhapsody!"

Accompanied by Luo Lin's murmur, a large amount of sword energy poured into Gan Wuzhuo's sword.

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