A sword slashed down, and the sword was so powerful that it seemed that the sword energy that could split the world into pieces swept towards the sea of ​​flowers.

The golden-red sword energy collided with the pink flower sea, and the color changed instantly.

I saw the sword energy parting the sea of ​​flowers, countless flowers burst open, Luo Lin's figure jumped up, and when he flew up, another sword energy cut down, turning into countless raindrops towards Robin hit.

"Cut the water artistic conception song!"

The moment countless drops of water fell into the sea of ​​flowers, they suddenly erupted and turned into incomparable sword energy. The terrifying and violent force shattered the sea of ​​flowers, like raging waves, towards the place where Robin was. Position, rolling, sweeping.

Seen from the sky, the sword energy erupting from the water droplets is like a huge lion, a terrifying coercion, radiating in all directions from the sky.

Sensing the powerful power contained in the sword energy, Robin didn't hesitate, "Dazzling Hundred Blossoms. Phantom Wings!"

I saw countless arms growing from behind Robin, turning into a pair of wings, with an incomparably gorgeous appearance, flapping towards the ground, leading Robin's body away from the ground.

For about ten seconds, after gliding for a certain distance, Robin managed to dodge Rollin's attack.

Just these few back and forth, Robin felt that his physical strength was exhausted. Using the two kinds of fruits at the same time, the physical exertion brought about was absolutely astonishing.

"If you're tired like this, it's not okay."

Rollin didn't give Robin any time to rest, the blade shook and swung out gently, drawing a perfect arc in the air, "Waltz!"

In an instant, countless miniature sword auras filled Robin's surroundings, but the quality of these sword auras was very high, and each one contained a legendary sword aura.

Within three seconds, the holographic battlefield was once again temporarily closed due to Robin's failure.

But this time, at the moment of closing, a flash of light flashed in Robin's mind.

The perspective shifted to Prometheus, after joining hands with Estes to completely integrate the strength of Big Mom into his own banner.

Prometheus secretly summoned Charlotte Brin directly.

In the palace of Cake Island, this is the palace of the aunt Charlotte Lingling, but now it is directly used by Luo Lin.

"Master Prometheus, what do you want from me?"

An unknown light shone in Charlotte Brin's eyes, and she felt very uneasy now, especially when facing Prometheus.

Prometheus floated his body, floated down directly from the throne, came to Charlotte Brin, and said to Charlotte Brin, "Brin, are you willing?"


Charlotte Brin was a little confused, she had no idea what Prometheus meant.

A smile gradually appeared on the corner of Prometheus's mouth, "Are you willing to remain so ordinary? I heard that you have been ridiculed by Charlotte Lingling as a three-eyed monster before. Not only her, but yours Brothers and sisters, the ambiguity towards you is even greater, are you willing to be ridiculed by them all the time?"

Chapter four hundred and seventy are you willing?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Prometheus' words were like demons, constantly inducing Brin's heart.

Is she willing?

Of course not reconciled!

She always thought that she was ridiculed and suppressed by her brothers and sisters, and she even gave birth to a second personality.

This undoubtedly shows that Brin does not live under contempt all the time, and is unable to breathe under high pressure, but what does this sentence of Prometheus mean?

Brin didn't understand why Prometheus asked him to come here, and clenching his fists, Brin asked in a low voice: "Master Prometheus, my strength is very weak, even if I don't What's the use of being willing? In this sea, if you don't have strength, you can only let others slaughter you, and I have no way to help adults or anything."

How could Prometheus not be aware of Brin's humbleness, the sun-like body directly turned into strands of flames, surrounded Brin, leaned towards Brin's face and said: "Don't say that, your ability is as good as it is! It is much stronger than many combat-type ability users."

Hearing what Prometheus said, Brin reflected: "Master, do you want to use my ability to prevent them from planning something in private?"

Prometheus nodded, and said to Brin: "Yes, it's very simple, as long as you use your ability to check their actions during this period of time, and then you check their actions. It is absolutely impossible for them to find out if the memory is deleted, right?"

Prometheus said here in a step-by-step manner.

Brin's fist was clenched all the time, showing no signs of loosening at all, and his nails were a little purple.

"My lord, aren't you afraid that I will obey my yin and yang?"

Brin looked into Prometheus' eyes and said to him.

"Hahahahahaha, Yin Fengyang violates, do you think you can beat me? You must know that in the face of absolute strength, no matter whether it is conspiracy or conspiracy, it is scum!"

"I just don't want trouble. You have to know what you stronger ants are doing. It's very troublesome for me to clean up. In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, I think I need to take precautions." Yu Ran."

"Besides..." At this point, Prometheus stopped deliberately, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, observing Brin's expression, and said to Brin: "Besides, I trust you very much, and I believe you will be able to do a good job." of!"

"Trust me?!" Brin froze for a moment, she didn't realize what Rowling's words meant, but there seemed to be a voice in her heart shouting: "Promise him, promise him."

This was the first time that Brin was trusted so much, and he was a powerful figure like Prometheus, an existence that could kill even his mother.

Thinking of Charlotte Lingling, Brin's eyes were filled with disgust. She looked into Prometheus' eyes for a long time, and after thinking about it for a long time, she nodded slowly and said, "I will not let down the trust of adults in me." of."

Prometheus smiled, and at some point, he liked the feeling of playing with people's hearts even more.

Seeing Brin's back gradually going away, Esdeth drank the wine in the glass and said to Prometheus, "Are you so relieved?"

"Don't worry? Don't you know what that is?"

Saying that, two little fingers appeared on Prometheus' flaming body, pointing to a very hidden place.

Following Prometheus' prompt, Esdeath cast his gaze over it.

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