Having lived in the Pirate World for a while, she can naturally recognize what this thing in the corner is.

"Heh, should I say that it's you who actually planted camera phone bugs in this kind of place?"

"If I find out that Brin has betrayed me, I don't mind showing this image to her brothers and sisters. I believe they will take good care of Brin."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the palace, following Brin's departure, there were only two people left, Rollin and Esdeth.

Estes sat aside, looked at Prometheus and said lazily, "When will the battle between us start?"

here we go again……

Hearing these words from Estes, Prometheus felt very speechless.

In the past few days, apart from exercising new abilities, this is what Estes said the most.

It made Luo Lin's ears sound like cocoons.

"I will definitely compete with you, but the premise is that you can develop the domineering aura, otherwise, it will be difficult for you to hit me. Even if you use that trick, at most it will seriously injure me, but soon I will It will come back again, so..."

Estes looked at Prometheus very displeased, she naturally knew what Prometheus said was correct, because during this time, Estes fought with Prometheus in order to stimulate Prometheus, But there were many sneak attacks, but without exception, they all ended in failure.

"Okay, when I realize the domineering look, I will see if you have any reason to postpone this battle."

Prometheus has no doubts about Esdeth's ability to cultivate domineering look and arrogance.

You know she is Estes!

If she can't cultivate domineering look and arrogance, who else can cultivate it?

That's because the world she lived in before was a bit different from the pirate world system, otherwise, Esdesh's domineering arrogance would have awakened along with her armed arrogance.

Armed domineering is the first power that Esdeth mastered in this world, because Esdeth has already reached the extreme in his physical training, even though the system is different, but his strong physical fitness also makes him stronger. Esdeath started directly, and crossed many levels, and the strength directly reached LV.4!

Now Luo Lin's armed color is only LV.6. Although one level difference is a huge gap, it can also explain Esdeath's powerful talent.

I believe that with the passage of time, Esdeth will become more and more compatible with the system of One Piece World, and she will naturally awaken the remaining knowledge-like domineering and domineering-looking domineering.

Yawning, Prometheus said to Estes: "Let's go, let's move to my base camp now."

"Base camp?"

Estes has never been to Cake Island before, and now hearing Prometheus say that he will take her to his base camp, he is inevitably a little excited.

"That's right, you haven't been out at sea yet, by the way, are you seasick, Estes?"

Estes' face flushed red!

"Seasickness? Are you so funny?!" Esdeath felt annoyed that Prometheus doubted his physical fitness.

"Sometimes it doesn't matter if you have strong physical fitness. The sense of need for the earth is something you can't imagine on a boat."

"Impossible, I was in the previous world, but I have also been on a boat."

Prometheus didn't take it seriously when he heard Esdeth's words. After all, in the world of the Crimson Eye, the land is much larger than the ocean, unlike the world of pirates, except for water, which is water. No, it's all islands!

"I hope you won't cut down the boat because you're bored." Prometheus joked.

Chapter four hundred and seventy-two return to the base camp

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

While Prometheus and Estes were heading towards the empty island, Luffy also left Alabasta and continued towards the next destination.

Fortunately, all the things to be collected were taken away when Luffy escaped, so there was no shortage of resources and everyone starved.

On the Merry, Sauron listened to their experience in Alabasta, his eyes widened, his expression a little dull.

"What are you talking about! Admiral Crow has also appeared in Alabasta!"

After a while, Sauron's voice resounded on the boat again, "What! Luffy knows Crow!"

After a while, "Sanji, you also know Crow!"

After a while, Zoro's voice sounded again: "What Luffy's grandfather is the naval hero Garp!"

Sauron felt that he seemed to be a bit behind the times. He never expected that the captain in front of him was actually a related party, and this relationship seemed to be very strong.

It's just that at this time, Lu Fei put on a straw hat and said to everyone: "We must not meet Luo Lin and Grandpa again, because they will do what they say, and they will never keep their hands! At least when we completely Before we become stronger, we cannot confront them head-on!"

At this time, Luffy was shining with a bright light, which made everyone feel that he was quite shining.

Everyone was silent when they heard Luffy's words. It is indeed the case. Although Luffy is a related family, but in the final analysis, Luffy's identity is a pirate. I want the naval hero Garp and the most powerful general Luo Lin to meet them. , as if you didn't see it, no matter how you think about it, it's impossible.

"Actually, I want to meet Black Crow again. There are some things that I want to ask him personally."

When Usopp heard this sentence, he was frightened and complained immediately: "Please, we managed to escape from the hands of the black crow."

After saying this, Usopp rolled his eyelids, and said to Luffy and the others, "Oh~ it's over, I seem to have a disease that kills me when I see a black crow~"

Usopp looked extremely painful, but no one took care of him.

Instead, Nami said to Sauron, "Sauron, why are you looking for Crow?"

Hearing Nami's words, Zoro pulled out the word "Hedao" from his waist, and said in a deep voice, "For a person who came back from the dead!"

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