"Those people have already gathered on Gaya Island?"

Akainu frowned, stood above the sky, and looked into the distance, that direction was the direction of Gaya Island.

"Yes, I just got the news, so my suggestion is that we retreat now."

The yellow monkey pointed at the red dog and suggested.

But Akainu stated that he did not accept Kizaru's suggestion.

"Even if Prometheus knew about it, so what? He should have just set off from Cake Island now. So what if he rushed over by boat with all his strength? It's just some rabble, don't you think we can't beat them ?"

Akaken questioned the yellow monkey, and said: "Instead of thinking about these retreat problems, it is better to think about how to solve these lead bombs."

After the explosion just now, Akainu understood that the most troublesome thing about this explosive is the small explosive inside. As soon as the large lead bomb explosive explodes, many small explosives will explode inside. The explosion of the big explosive caused a chain reaction, and this kind of explosive made Akainu feel very headache.

Huang Yuan clutched his forehead, he had always been a salted fish, and now he planned to take it a little seriously.

"Akainu, you are the commander-in-chief. I will listen to you this time, but it is conceivable that this time there will be a heavy loss, as long as you can explain it to the marshal when you go back."

Speaking of this, Huang Yuan said again: "Leave it to me this time."

Akaken looked at Kizaru and nodded, then returned to the deck from the sky, and at the same time ordered: "Advance at full speed, don't waste a little time, and at the same time, while advancing, bomb Gaya Island!"

Four hundred and eighty nine chapters bombing

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Following Akainu's order, all the cannons on the warship were aimed in the direction of Gaya Island, adjusted the best angle, and fired!

"Bang bang bang!"

The continuous bombardment resounded through the sky.

Above the sky, the yellow ape seemed to have turned into a yellow light, eliminating a large amount of explosives falling from the sky at a terrifying speed.

The photons condensed in his hand, forming a sword of light. The yellow ape used the weapon condensed from the fruit to cut through the explosives one by one, letting them explode in the air.

The deafening sound spread far away, and Perona also received a message from the Weiba intelligence team, and immediately ordered: "Sky Island stop attacking, captains, it's time to show your strength, let the group of marines see our strength Bar!"

As Perona's voice fell, the pirate ships docked beside Gaya Island set sail. Their opponents were the navy and the king's army.

The joy on their faces can be imagined, they just feel that their achievement has long been unbearable.

The wind presses down from the sky, pressing on everyone's face, and especially on everyone's heart.

Especially the king's army, in this short period of time, they have already changed from arrogance to terror!

"How is it possible?! It was just a wave of attacks that actually damaged nearly one-third of our excellent soldiers?!"

When the generals of the king's army received the news, they were all shocked!

They even thought that they had made a mistake, rubbed their eyes, and looked again, but the result was still the same.

This shows how much the attack just now cost them.

"Where is the general? What about the group of generals? What are they doing for food? Why didn't they intercept them just now?"

The generals of the king's army cursed angrily on their own ships, completely forgetting how arrogant they were just now, even the red dogs were immobile.

Just as this group of king's army was sailing fast on the sea, pirate ships suddenly appeared in their field of vision.

"Good job, Zuo Xia Xifeng, your low-key fruit ability is really useful."

"Yeah, this group of people didn't realize that we were so close to them at all."

"Come on, little brothers, let us cut our own path in this sea!"


The pirates became very imposing and rushed towards the king's army one after another.

"My lord, do we need support now?"

A lieutenant general appeared next to the red dog and said to the red dog.

Akainu didn't even look at the king's army, and said: "Don't worry about them, even if their strength is rubbish, with their numbers, they will definitely win the final victory. What we need to do now is to go to Gaya Island , completely destroy the things on Gaya Island, and at the same time!"

Akainu looked at the top of his head and said secretly in his heart: "At the same time, if possible, we must go to the empty island and completely kill the people on the empty island."

Everything is for the justice in my heart!

Akainu yelled in his heart, then picked up his phone bug, and ordered: "Lieutenant generals, the attack begins!"

As Akaken's voice fell, all the lieutenant generals drew their weapons and led the soldiers on their ships to attack Gaya Island.

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When Akainu was trying to take down Gaya Island, Rollin had already arrived at Windmill Island.

I have to say that Bamen Dunjia is really fast on the road.

The speed is more than twice the speed of the top warships in the navy. It can be said that only the afterimage left by Rollin can be seen on the sea.

After getting rid of the evil ghosts and the Bamen Dunjia, Luo Lin revealed his handsome face.

Under his induction, his other form, Prometheus, is about to arrive at Gaya Island, and something very interesting will definitely happen then.

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