But all of this will have to wait until Prometheus arrives. Now what Rowling is most looking forward to is the fine wine brewed by Makino.

You must know that the products produced by the system must be high-quality goods. This fine wine is rated as the most mellow fine wine by the system. In terms of taste, there is absolutely nothing to say.

Thinking of this, Luo Lin subconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Apart from being powerful, he is more like a gourmet who likes all kinds of food and drinks.

As long as someone who can cook very delicious food, Luo Lin will generally be very generous.

Except for touching Rowling's bottom line, Rowling generally wouldn't do anything out of the ordinary.

Walking in Windmill Island, Luo Lin's figure was recognized by many villagers soon.

After all, since Garp brought Rollin back the last time, Rollin's name has been known to all the villagers, so they will naturally pay more attention to Rollin.

Among them, Makino is naturally the one she knows best, but she has turned into Luo Lin's little fan girl in Yiran, and she worships Luo Lin infinitely, just like Wei Wei.

"My lord, good afternoon."

"Good afternoon."


The soldiers and civilians on Windmill Island were very simple, and they all greeted Luo Lin with a smile.

Compared with the mindless promise in Marin Vanduo, Luo Lin now looks more like a modest gentleman, very easy-going.

After a while, relying on Rowling's impression, Rowling came to Makino's banquet bar.

Before entering the bar, Luo Lin could smell the strong aroma of wine.

Gently pushing open the wooden door of the banquet bar, Luo Lin poked in quietly.

I was afraid that the voice I made would be heard by Nuo Qigao.

At this time, Nuo Qigao was on the bar, carefully studying something.

Even if Luo Lin's figure gradually approached Makino, Makino did not react.

Suddenly, Luo Lin squatted beside Makino and said to Makino, "Makino, what are you doing?"

"I'm mixing drinks here~"

Makino replied subconsciously, but in the next second, her originally calm cheeks suddenly turned extremely blushing, and she said to Luo Lin, "Rorin, why are you here?"

Luo Lin smiled, and said to Makino, "Why can't I come? Didn't you ask Garp to notify me?"


Makino nodded, she raised her head to look at Luo Lin, slowly stretched out her hand, and gently pinched Luo Lin's cheek, but after touching it, Makino quickly Withdrew his hand.

With a sigh of relief in my heart, I secretly said, "It's not an illusion."

The next second, Makino stood up directly, threw herself into Luo Lin's arms, leaned her head tightly against Luo Lin's arms, and smelled deeply the scent of Luo Lin's body.

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It's great! It's great! Luo Lin, you're finally here! I miss you so much, really, really, really, really, really miss you!"

Makino felt very excited now, her heart was beating faster and faster, even Luo Lin could easily hear Makino's heartbeat.

It can be seen how excited Makino was after seeing Luo Lin.

This feeling can only be felt, but cannot be expressed in words. Luo Lin put his arms around Makino gently, and said to Makino: "I'm coming, I'm coming."

Luo Lin hugged Makino tightly, as if this would give Makino more sense of security.

The two hugged in the banquet bar for a long time. After Makino gradually calmed down, Luo Lin said: "Makino, long time no see, you have lost weight."

Luo Lin's short sentence hit Makino's defense immediately, making Makino almost cry again.

Fortunately, Luo Lin's eyes were sharp and his tongue was quick, so he changed the subject.

"Magino, are you messing with the wine recipe I gave you?"

Makino nodded, "Well, Rowling, where did you get this recipe? It's really amazing. I've never seen such a full-bodied fine wine before. I'll never forget that kind of taste in my whole life." Can't forget."

"Oh~ is it?"

The corners of Luo Lin's mouth curled up slightly, and he just looked at Makino quietly. At this moment, Makino said: "Because that is the prescription you gave me, so in my opinion, this is the best formula in the world." A prescription for drinking."

After explaining on her own, Makino's cheeks became more rosy, it's okay not to explain, but now she explained, Makino felt even more shy.

"By the way, Luo Lin, I'll get you a wine glass right now. You must taste this wine carefully. It's really, really delicious."

Luo Lin smiled and didn't speak. Looking at Makino's busy figure in front of him, his heart was also filled with happiness.

When Rollin and Makino were happily chatting, a figure appeared on Windmill Island.

This figure was wearing a black robe, and his fingernails were black and very long.

At the same time, you can faintly see the coagulated blood on it. If you observe carefully, you will find that this so-called black robe is actually stained like this by blood.

How much blood is needed to turn a long robe into a black robe.

"Rolin! Finally let me catch you!"

Under the hood of the black robe, Koshiro showed a smile, but from the perspective of ordinary people, no matter how you look at it, you can't tell that he is an ordinary person, but more like a pervert.

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