Koshiro did not suppress his aura at all, so Luo Lin felt his presence the moment Koshiro stepped on the windmill island.

After all, this aura is like a lantern in the dark night, it is really too bright, even if Luo Lin wants to ignore him, it is difficult to do so.

"It seems to be aimed at me, but why does this momentum feel vaguely familiar?"

Luo Lin murmured, but he didn't think much about it. Turning to Makino who was busy not far away, Luo Lin said, "Makino, I'm going out for a walk and I'll be right back."

"Yeah, go to Rollin, I will definitely be ready before you come back."

Although Makino didn't know what Rollin was doing, she believed in him [-]%.

Chapter four hundred and ninety-two crazy Koshiro

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Luo Lin smiled and said nothing, stood up from his seat, and walked towards the door.

Holding his hands on top of Gan Wuzhuo, his eyes narrowed slightly. If he was familiar with Luo Lin, he would know that Luo Lin was already angry.

"It's hard to come back to see Makino once, and I want to taste the wine, food and beauties, but I didn't expect that there are people who came here specifically for me."

With a chuckle, the corners of Luo Lin's mouth turned up slightly, and Gan Wuzhuo pulled out the scabbard behind his back, and the sword chant echoed in the air.

Every time he took a step, the aura on Luo Lin's body increased, and with every step he took, the aura on Luo Lin's body became stronger and stronger.

Koshiro, who just stepped on the port, felt Luo Lin's aura, and laughed strangely: "Yes, that's it, that's it, let me kill you well, only in this way can I feel A trace of the meaning of living in this world!"

As Koshiro said, the blood energy in his body shot up into the sky, and it actually changed the aura of the sky faintly. The domineering aura spread around Koshiro along the center of Koshiro.

Wherever it passed, no matter whether it was animals or humans, they all fainted.

Luo Lin was slightly taken aback, and then realized: "I seem to know who you are!"

As Luo Lin's voice fell, Luo Lin's figure disappeared in place, and when his figure reappeared, he had already arrived at the port.

The four eyes met, the air seemed to be stagnant, the strong wind hit from the center, rolled up countless fallen leaves and dust, and scattered towards the surroundings.

"Admiral Raven Raven! It's been a long time!"

Koshiro's low voice resounded in the air, and a pair of blood-colored eyes stared at Luo Lin without any scruples. If eyes can kill people, Luo Lin is probably injured by now.

"I really didn't expect that the two of us would meet in such a situation."

Luo Lin sighed, with Gan Wuzhuo on his shoulders, he looked very careless, as if he didn't care about Koshiro at all.

"Ka-cha-cha-cha, yeah, I didn't think of that either, but you know what? I really, really am now!"

Koshiro twisted his own body, bent over, opened his mouth, saliva fell to the ground along the corner of his mouth, and his messy hair was scattered randomly, looking like a ferocious monster.

"It turns out that the appearance of a good old man before was all pretended? Is it your essence now?" Luo Lin's voice also did not contain any emotion, as if Koshiro became like this, there was no giving at all. Rollin brings any shock.

Koshiro stopped laughing, but his body was still trembling, and the strong wind blew Koshiro's hood off.

Koshiro's scarred face was revealed.

These scars were not smooth at all, and looked very rough. In addition, Luo Lin noticed the broken flesh in Koshiro's nails, which confirmed his guess.

These scars were scratched by Koshiro himself.

"It seems that you are going farther and farther on the path of perversion."

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka." A blunt laugh came from Koshiro's mouth, "Yeah, I'm crazy. If I'm not crazy, I can't survive. Only in this way can I get more powerful power, isn't it?"

Koshiro's words echoed in Luo Lin's ears, Luo Lin was very disdainful of this!

Chapter four hundred and ninety-three

Chapter 494 Denial

"If you are not crazy, you can't survive? Only in this way can you gain great power?"

Is Koshiro talking nonsense?

Luo Lin thought in his heart, for Koshiro's comprehension in kendo, Luo Lin would definitely not approve of it.

This desire for continuous liberation, in exchange for rapid progress in mental state, so that the realm of swordsmanship will be improved rapidly. If you do this, sooner or later, your heart will be completely swallowed by desire, which will cause your strength to lose control and become a walking dead.

Luo Lin felt that Koshiro was about to become like this.

Feeling the monstrous aura of Koshiro, Luo Lin smiled and said: "Why, are you planning to ask me for something? Or are you planning to ask about your daughter? Oh, by the way, she doesn't seem to be your daughter anymore. Because what flows in her body is my blood."

As Luo Lin, who has the full level of self-contained cannon function, sarcasm and sarcasm, it is almost like a one-stop service for Luo Lin, and everything is indispensable.

Koshiro stared at Luo Lin with disheveled hair, looked into Luo Lin's eyes, Koshiro's fists were clenched tightly, and his nails full of water chestnut pierced into his palm with ease, leaving bright red blood from his palm.

Koshiro didn't even frown as if he couldn't feel the pain, and he didn't know what he was thinking of, Koshiro's brows slowly spread away, and at the same time, the strange man said again, "Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka! "

The incomparably jerky laughter echoed on the beach, "Black Raven! What else can you say? Hurry up and say it, otherwise, I'm afraid you won't have a chance to say it in a while!"

While talking, Koshiro walked towards Luo Lin, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face, and his fingers moved slightly.

Luo Lin's expression remained unchanged, and he also stretched out his hand, covering his hand with armed domineering aura, crushing the two tiny sword auras.

When the sword energy touched Luo Lin's palm, not even a single mark appeared. From this, it can be seen that Luo Lin's armed color is domineering.

"Koshiro, what's the point of such a sneak attack? Could it be that you thought you could hurt me like this?"

Luo Lin was extremely disdainful of Koshiro's methods, and at the same time, this also made Luo Lin more vigilant about Koshiro's actions, because the actions just now are enough to show that Koshiro's heart is completely rotten now.

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