Because according to the information provided by Taisuke Zeyong, Yagyu Xiaye should go to Radish to work part-time today, so Taisuke Zeyong asked Kuroda Hikaru to ask Gui Yanye out on this day.

As long as Yagyu Natsuya, who is like a villain to Taisuke Zeyong, does not exist, according to Taisuke Zeyong, his apology to Gui Yanye will be more sincere and natural.

However, Natsuya Yagyu, who shouldn't be there, appeared at this time, and Hikaru Kuroda wanted to call Taisuke Zeyong.But I immediately thought that after we separated yesterday, Hikaru Kuroda discovered that Taisuke Zeyong's cell phone had been left in her bag, so he couldn't contact Taisuke Zeyong at this time.

I hope Taisuke Zeyong will not come at this time, otherwise he will run into Yagyu Xiaye.

"It's as if I can't come here today. Could it be that you want to close the door and receive your friends alone?" Yagyu Xiaye said something that made Hikaru Kuroda a little nervous. When Hikaru Kuroda wanted to refute, he continued: " The boss doesn’t have a good impression of Taisuke Zeyong, it’s best not to bring him here.”

"Dad told you everything?"

Kuroda Hikaru couldn't believe that his father would tell Yagyu Xia Ye about her whereabouts yesterday.

After all, Kuroda Hikaru's father met Zeinaga Taisuke yesterday, and when Yagyu Natsuya came here yesterday, Kuroda Hikaru had already gone out with Zeinaga Taisuke, now that she knew about her and Zeinaga Taisuke, her father must have said it .

"Just chatting casually, it's nothing serious. The reason why I came here is mainly to see if my things are left here, but since you didn't mention it, it means it's not here, sorry for the trouble. "

After Liu Sheng Xia Ye finished speaking, he turned around and left, Kuroda Hikaru called Liu Sheng Xia Ye to stop.

"Yusheng Xiaye, is classmate Gui still at home?" When Liusheng Xiaye appeared here, Kuroda Hikaru was a little afraid that Gui Yanye would not come.

Yagyu Xiaye didn't look back, but still answered Kuroda Hikaru's question.

"I don't know, I was indeed at home when I went out, but it looked like I was going out. If I have nothing else to do, then I will bother you."

After Liu Sheng Xia Ye went out, Kuroda Hikaru's father poked his head out of the kitchen window and asked, "Guang, I seem to have heard Liu Sheng's voice, is it him?"

"Yes, Yagyu-san seems to have dropped something, but it didn't fall in our shop."

"Why didn't you keep him? You really helped me a lot yesterday. You should thank Liu Sheng."

"I've already left, but I've already told him, thank you next time." After Kuroda Hikaru finished speaking to her father, he walked towards the door of the store, wanting to see if Liu Shengxia Ye was right. really left.

He didn't see Liu Sheng Xia Ye, but found a person in the distance who looked very similar to Gui Yanye. When he got closer, he found that it was really Gui Yanye.

"Student Gui, are you really here?"

After confirming Gui Yanye, Kuroda Hikaru ran out of the store directly to greet Gui Yanye.

"Student Kuroda doesn't need to come out. He just doesn't like to be late so he comes early." Gui Yanye is still quite friendly to Kuroda Hikaru, an alumnus from the same school. cakes, giving their sisters more choices on their table.

Hearing Gui Yanye said that he didn't like being late, Hikaru Kuroda was secretly anxious, and at the same time complained about why Taisuke Ze Yong, the person who wanted to apologize, was late.But none of this showed on his face, but he said to Gui Yanye: "It's nothing, I just didn't expect you to come so early. Zeyong's mobile phone was dropped in the store yesterday, so I might be late, I hope Please do not mind that."

"Accidents always happen, don't they?"

"Yes, let's sit in the store first."



Liu Sheng Xia Ye left the bakery, but it didn't mean he left the bakery.

After seeing Gui Yanye enter the bakery, Liu Shengxia Ye turned and walked towards another building.As for Taisuke Zeyong, Yagyu Xiaye told Gui Yanye that as soon as he arrived, he would send him a text message and he would come back here.

Yagyu Xiaye's destination was a hotel not far from the bakery. Perhaps because it was too far away, there were no guests checking in or leaving at this time.

"Welcome, what's the matter..."

"Is the room on the far right on the third floor available? If it's available, let me book it." Liu Sheng Xia Ye interrupted the waiter and asked directly.

After making some inquiries, the waiter said to Liu Shengxia Ye: "Sorry, that room is already occupied. If you don't mind, you can stay in the room opposite it. The facilities inside are exactly the same. Do you think it's okay?"

"No need, since someone has already checked in, it means that he has already come." The reason why Liu Sheng Xiaye asked this was to confirm a problem, and then said to the waiter: "The person who checked in is my alumnus, see Lai has already moved in in front of me, I'll go say hello to him now."

After Liu Shengxia Ye finished speaking, he followed the stairs upstairs, but the waiter did not stop Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

Because of Liu Shengxia Ye's tone and previous inquiries, it can be fully confirmed that he and the guest on the third floor know each other, so there is no need to stop him.Just to say hello, there is no need to register.

It went smoothly to the rightmost room on the third floor. Liu Shengxia Ye didn't have a key in his hand, so he could only knock on the door.

After knocking several times in a row, a sound finally came from inside.

"Who, didn't I tell you that I need to rest?" Although his tone was a bit harsh, Liu Shengxiaye still knew that the person inside had come to open the door, after all, the person inside was also waiting for someone to knock on the door today.

During the waiting period, Yagyu Xia Ye did not stand in front of the door, but leaned against the wall on the right.

Because the door is opened from the right to the inside, the first thing people pay attention to after opening the door is the range that can be reached by the left side of the door, and they will turn to the right after they do not find the target.

The door was opened, and sure enough, he noticed the left side first, but there was no one, muttering and looking to the right side.

What greeted him was a fist, the fist of Yagyu Xia Ye.

When the person who opened the door didn't notice that it was him, Liu Sheng Xiaye took the lead, and it just landed on his right temple.

After being attacked, the person who opened the door fell backwards and held his head in his hands because it hurt so much.

The pain was severe, and he didn't open his glasses, so it was easy for Yagyu Xiaye to approach him.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Just coming out to open a door, the person who opened the door can't figure out how to encounter such an attack.

He didn't even know that Liu Shengxia Ye was squatting beside him, he just rolled over on the ground with his head in his arms, and when he turned over to expose the back of his neck, Liu Sheng Xia Ye knocked on the back of his neck unceremoniously go down.

Just like in many novels or TV dramas, Yagyu Xiaye's attack knocked the owner of the room unconscious.

Liu Shengxia Ye stood up and shook his hands, the moment just now was quite painful, looking at the owner of the room who was no longer struggling, Liu Sheng Xia Ye said: "Since you are here, I must let you enjoy it Yes, otherwise it wouldn't be fun."

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